Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ED_LPA)

ED_LPA 1400: The College Student

This course focuses on the characteristics and needs of undergraduate college students. Throughout the course, students will explore how undergraduate enrollment varies by race, gender, class, international student status, ability status, religion, and other important identity characteristics. Students will be asked to reflect on their own precollege and college characteristics and to consider how those factors might influence their experiences in college. They will also learn more about the experiences and needs of students from backgrounds that are different than their own. Variation in the undergraduate population by institutional type will also be discussed. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 2001: Civil Rights and Advocacy in Education

We often hear in the larger education discourse that education is a civil right yet our schools continue to be separate and unequal. In this interdisciplinary course, we will examine the historical development of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century as it pertains to people of color, women, Native Americans, LGBTQI+, dis/ability, religion, and immigrants. Specifically, we will explore the movement's influence on two main fronts: (1) social justice movements domestically and worldwide, particularly as it relates to equal educational opportunity; and (2) how social justice movements across the globe helped shape approaches to social and educational change in the U.S. By looking at past civil rights efforts, we will be able to situate education (in)equality in the current sociopolitical context, which will then inform future possibilities around advocacy and practice as it pertains to education. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 2004: Broadening Participation in Science and Engineering Fields

Students in this class conduct a social science study to understand issues that impact underrepresented students in STEM majors. Based on the study, students provide recommendations to administrators on how to address those issues. Additionally, students get involved in a peer mentoring program and other student programming meant to enhance the experience of undergraduates on campus. Recommended: To be enrolled in any of these majors: pre-engineering, engineering, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and mathematics.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 2010: College Student Development

This course is designed to introduce students and future higher education professionals to a number of student development theories for both traditional and non-traditional college groups. Opportunities to learn about past and current college student development theories that help explain individual growth and development while attending a higher education institution and across multiple dimensions, including cognitive, personality, psychosocial, identity, intellectual, and moral are provided in the course. Knowledge of college student development theory can be used as a tool to understand individuals holistically, how theory informs practice for educational leaders in higher education environments, and offer opportunities to higher education professionals on how to develop and promote growth relevant to the college student's current circumstances. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 2020: Listening Skills for College Student Success

This course offers undergraduate students a basic awareness of, and opportunity to practice, listening and problem-solving skills that will enhance their own college experience and enable them to utilize reflective listening with their friends, peers, and others. Students will learn how to respond appropriately and effectively with peers experiencing distress, managing conflict, and learning how to navigate issues commonly facing undergraduate students, including knowing what campus and community resources are available to assist in these situations. Students will develop awareness of peer concerns, practice their listening skills, and consider approaches for effective support and referral. This course will provide opportunities for students to practice goal setting for themselves and to work with a peer to facilitate their goal setting. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 2030: College Student Success Theories

This course focuses on the theories related to student success, engagement, and retention and the application of these theories to current programs and practices within higher education. Throughout this course you will be asked to learn about different theories and then apply those theories to your own experiences. Discussions will also offer opportunities to consider how the application of theory to practice might look differently for different students and depending on the institutional setting. You will be asked to consider the ways in which your choices, values, experiences, and contexts may be facilitating and/or hindering your own success and likelihood of graduating and will create implications for practice that you can apply moving forward and that the institution might implement to further ensure your success. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 2150: Data and Decision Making for Education Leaders

With the emergence of standards-based reform and high stakes accountability, educational institutions must increasingly use data to inform decisions. Nationwide, educational leaders face the challenge of transforming vast amounts of data into useful information that can guide reform and improvement. This course provides an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and approaches necessary to engage with multiple forms of data and translate them into action plans for improvement. Students will explore how strategic use of data can identify and address achievement gaps and improve outcomes using evidence-based practices and promote institutional equity. Students will engage in tasks related to data analysis to understand its importance for effective decision making and to drive organizational change. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 3100: Foundations of Education

Focus on developing a theoretical and conceptual knowledge of leadership. In addition, skill building-exercises will take place through group case studies and role playing exercises allowing each student to identify and achieve methods for personal development.

Credit Hour: 1-3

ED_LPA 3110: Foundations of Peer Education

In this course, each student will become familiar with the principles of Peer Education. In the primary lecture, students will learn how to be a successful leader and peer educator by developing communication, programming, and presentation skills, exploring strategies for inclusivity, and increasing understanding of group development. The students will be taught through the NASPA Certified Peer Educator (CPE) model and will be prepared to complete and pass the CPE final examination by the end of their course. Each lab section will provide content relevant to the peer education group with which it is affiliated. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 3204: Social Justice for Educational Leaders

Education acts as a gateway to unequally distributed social rewards: things like income and wealth, social status, leisure time, health, relationship success, and control over one's environment. Some of the most important and perplexing questions in social and political philosophy concern who gets access to that gateway, at what cost, and what they experience while passing through. This course examines issues of social justice in compulsory primary and secondary education, as well as issues of justice in higher education. The course is designed to introduce students to social justice issues in education and assist them in discovering their ability to create positive change in their own world and will examine different methods aimed at educational equity like trauma-informed education, anti-racist education, multicultural education, culturally responsive pedagogy, and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 3450: Introduction to Research in Educational Settings

(same as IS_LT 3450). This course provides an introduction to quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, with an emphasis on how various forms of data collection and prior research can inform and improve practice. Students will: (1) develop skills in locating research relevant to their professional interests; (2) understand multiple forms of data collection strategies; and (3) identify ethical considerations associated with research. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4060: Inquiring into Schools, Community and Society II

(same as ED_LPA 7060). Required 3 hour course for students pursuing teacher certification. Designed to transition students into the teaching internship through study of teacher roles, school organizations and cultures, and community contexts.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: LTC 2040

ED_LPA 4100: ELPA Undergraduate Seminar

Seminar in ELPA on a special topic. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4115: Introduction to Learning Spaces

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7115). Learning takes place in a variety of settings beyond the classroom. This course highlights the teaching and learning at play within professional, community, educational, and organizational spaces. Students will explore the interaction between individuals and their learning environments to determine how the learning environments vary based upon how the organization transmits knowledge and the opportunities that individuals have within the environment for understanding. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4151: Leading Educational Organizations in Global Contexts

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7151). Through equity-focused, critical and comparative analyses, this course centers on developing locally relevant understandings of educational organizations in the global context. The course will cover theories of effective leadership; organizational theory, structure, and analysis; and leading reform and innovation in response to changes in culture, technology, and globalization in various national and regional contexts. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4152: Leadership for Student Learning in a Global Context

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7152). This course explores learning, curriculum, and assessment for globally-minded, multicultural, and equitable education. Topics include curriculum design and articulation, integration of state standards with international curricular frameworks, globally-minded instructional design, authentic assessment, and reporting student learning and progress to diverse students. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 4151

ED_LPA 4153: Leading Professional Development in Global Contexts

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7153). This course examines the role of professional development in the continuous improvement of educational organizations from a global perspective. Inquiry activities and readings will explore equitable practices for building collaborative learning communities; planning professional development; and developing leadership capacity, inclusive decision-making processes, and performance evaluations in globally-minded schools. Students will be asked to contribute locally relevant theories and best practices to enhance the scope of cross-cultural understanding. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 4151

ED_LPA 4154: Leadership for School-Community Partnerships in a Global Context

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7154). This course develops globally-minded leadership capacity by building knowledge in five interrelated domains: 1) school-home relationships; 2) locally relevant legal and political environments; 3) external relations and communications; 4) community participation; and 5) inter-institutional alliances. Authentic inquiry assignments will prepare students to build effective and equitable community partnerships based on reciprocity and mutual respect. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 4151

ED_LPA 4404: Introduction to Academic Advising

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7404). Examines the foundations of academic advising as essential components of student success and retention in higher education. Topics include developmental advising; research on academic advising; models and delivery systems; advising skills, including diverse populations; and evaluation, assessment, and reward systems for advisors and advising programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4408: Introduction to Ethics and PK-12 Policymaking

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7408). This course examines the interplay of ethics and Pk-12 policymaking. Educational leaders today are practicing in a policy environment that continues to grow in complexity. Within this environment, leaders make choices that have ethical implications for richly diverse school communities. Values drive both ethical choices and the setting of policy goals. The intentions behind a policy may be "good," or "right," but are policies and how they are implemented unequivocally ethical? Are ethics and ethical policy conflated? History is replete with examples of policy, laws, and programs that haven't necessarily been ethical (e.g. doctrine of "separate but equal") - and have had to be changed. Together, we will examine the intersections of ethics and policy. We will start at the beginning with a bit of philosophy for this introductory course, asking ourselves, "what is the purpose of education?" From there, we will move toward defining our own personal and professional ethical leadership approaches and put it in relation to understandings of policy, questioning the values steering modern-day education policy. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4428: Curriculum Leadership

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7428). This course is a study of research, theory, and skills necessary for curriculum leadership in educational organizations. This course includes generic curriculum management processes, design trends, controversial curriculum, issues, multimedia, innovative instructional techniques, and program evaluation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4458: Sociology of Education

(same as SOCIOL 4410; cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7458, SOCIOL 7410). Contexts, structures and processes of schooling; effects on class, race, ethnicity and gender; social change, educational policy, and organizational dynamics; higher education and the economy.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 4481: Undergraduate Administrative Internships

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 7481). These administrative internships are designed for students in the Bachelor's of Educational Studies (BES) degree program and those students who are a part of the Dean of Students Internship Program. It may also serve as an elective for any undergraduate student at the University of Missouri. The intent of this course is to integrate practice, theory, and ethical standards within a supervised education setting called an internship. Specific activities during the internship may vary greatly from one field placement to another in that different students may have different learning needs and desires, and different settings will offer different learning opportunities. In some circumstances and situations, an off-campus/off-site setting for an internship is also possible. The course may be repeated depending on student interests, internship site availability, and additional experiences needed by the student. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: departmental consent required

ED_LPA 4975: Educational Studies Senior Capstone

The senior capstone course is designed to allow a rigorous and in depth study area of inquiry within the field of education. The area of inquiry is cumulative and includes critical analysis and theoretical and/or pragmatic integration of scholarly materials. The course of study is individualized under the guidance of a faculty member. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Senior Standing, 90+ credit hours, Bachelor of Educational Studies major

ED_LPA 4975W: Educational Studies Senior Capstone- Writing Intensive

The senior capstone course is designed to allow a rigorous and in depth study area of inquiry within the field of education. The area of inquiry is cumulative and includes critical analysis and theoretical and/or pragmatic integration of scholarly materials. The course of study is individualized under the guidance of a faculty member. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Senior Standing, 90+ credit hours, Bachelor of Educational Studies major

ED_LPA 7060: Inquiring into Schools, Community and Society II

(same as ED_LPA 4060). Required 3 hours course for students pursuing teacher certification. Designed to transition students into the teaching internship through study of teacher roles, school organizations and cultures, and community contexts.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: LTC 2040 and LTC 7040

ED_LPA 7115: Introduction to Learning Spaces

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4115). Learning takes place in a variety of settings beyond the classroom. This course highlights the teaching and learning at play within professional, community, educational, and organizational spaces. Students will explore the interaction between individuals and their learning environments to determine how the learning environments vary based upon how the organization transmits knowledge and the opportunities that individuals have within the environment for understanding. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7151: Leading Educational Organizations in Global Contexts

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4151). Through equity-focused, critical and comparative analyses, this course centers on developing locally relevant understandings of educational organizations in the global context. The course will cover theories of effective leadership; organizational theory, structure, and analysis; and leading reform and innovation in response to changes in culture, technology, and globalization in various national and regional contexts. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7152: Leadership for Student Learning in a Global Context

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4152). This course explores learning, curriculum, and assessment for globally-minded, multicultural, and equitable education. Topics include curriculum design and articulation, integration of state standards with international curricular frameworks, globally-minded instructional design, authentic assessment, and reporting student learning and progress to diverse students. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 7151

ED_LPA 7153: Leading Professional Development in Global Contexts

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4153). This course examines the role of professional development in the continuous improvement of educational organizations from a global perspective. Inquiry activities and readings will explore equitable practices for building collaborative learning communities; planning professional development; and developing leadership capacity, inclusive decision-making processes, and performance evaluations in globally-minded schools. Students will be asked to contribute locally relevant theories and best practices to enhance the scope of cross-cultural understanding. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 7151

ED_LPA 7154: Leadership for School-Community Partnerships in a Global Context

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4154). This course develops globally-minded leadership capacity by building knowledge in five interrelated domains: 1) school-home relationships; 2) locally relevant legal and political environments; 3) external relations and communications; 4) community participation; and 5) inter-institutional alliances. Authentic inquiry assignments will prepare students to build effective and equitable community partnerships based on reciprocity and mutual respect. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 7151

ED_LPA 7404: Introduction to Academic Advising

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4404). Examines the foundations of academic advising as essential components of student success and retention in higher education. Topics include developmental advising; research on academic advising; models and delivery systems; advising skills, including diverse populations; and evaluation, assessment, and reward systems for advisors and advising programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7408: Introduction to Ethics and PK-12 Policymaking

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4408). This course examines the interplay of ethics and Pk-12 policymaking. Educational leaders today are practicing in a policy environment that continues to grow in complexity. Within this environment, leaders make choices that have ethical implications for richly diverse school communities. Values drive both ethical choices and the setting of policy goals. The intentions behind a policy may be "good," or "right," but are policies and how they are implemented unequivocally ethical? Are ethics and ethical policy conflated? History is replete with examples of policy, laws, and programs that haven't necessarily been ethical (e.g. doctrine of "separate but equal") - and have had to be changed. Together, we will examine the intersections of ethics and policy. We will start at the beginning with a bit of philosophy for this introductory course, asking ourselves, "what is the purpose of education?" From there, we will move toward defining our own personal and professional ethical leadership approaches and put it in relation to understandings of policy, questioning the values steering modern-day education policy. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7428: Curriculum Leadership

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4428). A study of research, theory, and skills necessary for curriculum leadership in educational organizations. Course includes generic curriculum management processes, design trends, controversial issues multi-media, innovative instructional techniques, and program evaluation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7439: Applying Higher Education Research to Practice

This course introduces quantitative, qualitative, and mixed within a student affairs context. Students will become familiar with, and able to critique research. Course graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7452: Overview of Higher Education

This course provides an overview of American Higher education. Emphasis is placed on how these institutions currently operate and what issues dominate current discussions of academe. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7458: Sociology of Education

(same as SOCIOL 7410; cross-leveled with SOCIOL 4410, ED_LPA 4458). Contexts, structures and processes of schooling; effects on class, race, ethnicity and gender; social change, educational policy, and organizational dynamics; higher education and the economy.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 7481: Graduate Administrative Internships

(cross-leveled with ED_LPA 4481). For students pursuing the MEd with a concentration in Student Affairs Leadership, the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education requires students to complete 300 hours of practical experience. To meet this requirement, students must take a 150-hour internship course and either work in a higher education position or have an assistantship. If students are not working in higher education during their academic program, they must complete a second 150-hour internship course. The base time commitment is one credit for 50 clock hours of internship experience. This course may also serve as an elective for graduate students from around the university, and particularly those in the Higher Education Administration graduate certificate and the MEd with a concentration in Higher Education Leadership. The intent of this course is to integrate professional practice, theory, and ethical standards within a supervised student affairs leadership setting called an internship. Specific activities during the internship may vary greatly from one field placement to another in that different students may have different learning needs and desires, and different settings will offer different learning opportunities. In some circumstances and situations, an off-campus/off-site setting for an internship is also possible. The course may be repeated depending on student interests, internship site availability, and additional experiences needed by the student. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: departmental consent

ED_LPA 8409: Learning, Curriculum and Assessment for School Leaders

Addresses assessment, learning and curriculum and the integration of the instructional and assessment processes. Topics include authentic assessment, curriculum alignment, cognition and learning, instructional approaches, and application of student learning theory to the curriculum.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8410: Learning Cultures

Integrates the themes of building a common purpose to enhance school culture, empowering teachers and students, and diversity. Topics include importance of shared mission and vision, the use of group processes and collaboration, the intricacies of school culture, and ethical and moral leadership.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8411: Professional Development for Learning

Focuses on the professional development and reflection on practice. Topics include organizational actions and personal responsibility, life-long learning, and public education in a democratic society.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8412: School Improvement

This course addresses the topics of organizational management and personal inquiry. It covers issues such as organizational effectiveness, organizing for an effective school environment, legal and fiscal decision-making and responsibilities of school leaders, creating an environment where stakeholders acquire and utilized data to inform decisions and practice, and where action research methods are utilized to evaluate and inform practice.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8416: Foundations of School Leadership

School leader knowledge of student learning theory and related instructional practices is the focus of this course. The problem-based learning format will include topics on school culture, leadership communication, technology, and conflict resolution. Issues concerning professional relationships are also addressed.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8417: Site-Level Organization and Leadership

Student will study state and national regulations that affect Missouri school policies. The student will develop a database on various legal issues. A study of middle level education will conclude with on-site evaluation of a local middle school.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8418: Supervision for Learning Environments

Students are prepared to articulate, recognize, and support classroom practices that reflect the most current principles of learning. Effective instructional strategies that link this knowledge to practice will be entered into a computer database.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8419: Superintendent: Structures and Processes for Effective Schools

A comprehensive view of district leadership will focus on organizational health and adult issues that impact school culture and require strong, caring leadership. A focus will be on how to efficiently lead and manage change, as this is a requirement for leaders of all organizations, including schools. Of particular interest will be the research and practices that are currently associated with the evaluation of program effectiveness. A continuation of the study of state and national legal and policy issues will focus on special education programs and services, Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program, District Student Behavioral Practices and Disparities, District Health Program, and Limited English Programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Masters Degree in Educational Administration

ED_LPA 8423: Advanced Leadership for Learning Environments

Students will demonstrate their understanding of instructional improvement for all teachers and students by designing and defending a comprehensive strategy for instructional changes in a simulated school. The ongoing study of learning principles and effective instructional practices will be concluded.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8424: Education Politics and Policymaking

This course examines the politics and policymaking process of education in the United States, paying particular attention to the influence of various institutions and actors at local, state, and federal levels. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8430: School Law and Finance for Principal Leadership

Designed to engage learners in examination of the legal (judicial and legislative)system, school law, and finance policies that govern public schools and their fiscal resources in the United States and the State of Missouri. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8431: Leadership for Data-Driven Change

This course instructs school leaders on how to use data for school improvement. Students will: identify reliable sources of data; develop, implement, and monitor strategic School Improvement Plans using data; analyze data using technology; and describe evidence-based strategies that respond to data analysis. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8653: Education Toward Bi/Multilingualism: Theory, Policy, and Practice

(same as LTC 8653). Overview of the theory, policy, and practice of using at least two languages in education to develop children's bi/multilingualism. Key topics include: (1) models of bilingual/multilingual education; (2) policy and politics of language education in the U.S. and international contexts; (3) psycholinguistic and sociocultural perspectives on bi/multilingual language development, as related to schooling; and (4) evaluation and assessment issues in bi/multilingual education.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 8951: Grounded Theory and Situated Inquiry

(same as LTC 8951). For qualitative researchers attempting to understand social processes, Grounded Theory (GT) offers a way of developing theory empirically, 'from the bottom up.' In fact, this is what most distinguishes GT from other methods. It is explicitly emergent. It does not test a hypothesis. It provides useful tools to learn about participants' understandings and experiences of a social issue, process, or phenomena and to discover and construct theory to account for the social processes being studied. In this course, we will consider the theoretical underpinnings and practices of classic and contemporary GT methodologies. Importantly, we will conduct research and a GT analysis of data. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ED_LPA 8957, LTC 8957, or ESC_PS 8957
Recommended: ED_LPA 9620, LTC 9620, or ESC_PS 9620

ED_LPA 8955: Discourse Analysis in Education

(same as LTC 8955). This course introduces the theories and methods of discourse analysis, including conversation, critical discourse, and multimodal. Students will analyze the role of context and ethics, as they transcribe and analyze discourse, especially from analytical settings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ESC_PS 8957 and ESC_PS 9620

ED_LPA 8957: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research I

(same as LTC 8957 and ESC_PS 8957). This course provides a practical introduction to qualitative research and its applications in education and social sciences. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9000: ELPA EdD Outgoing Visiting Student

This class is a placeholder for students in ther Statewide Cooperative EdD Program who take classes at their regional site during the fall and spring. There is 0 billing hours and it is not term finalized.

Credit Hours: 4

ED_LPA 9090: Research in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Graded on a S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: departmental consent

ED_LPA 9095: Problems in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

ED_LPA 9400: Social Theory in Education

Students will examine the relationship of society and education through a variety of theoretical perspectives and empirical studies. These theories deal with the relation of education to society as a whole, and the relation between education and the state. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9401: Educational Leadership

Critical examination of key leadership theories and their application to various educational contexts. Includes consideration of research methods and designs appropriate for the study of leadership and the spectrum of lenses through which educational leadership is studied.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9402: Educational Policy Analysis

Course centers on developing multiple understandings of the education policy making process. Theoretical constructs used to advance those understandings are eclectic in nature, drawing from the fields of political science, history, sociology and economics.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9403: Organizational Analysis

Analysis of organizational characteristics and principles in educational organizations. Topics include: Organizational theories and models, organizational culture, communication, innovation, planning, leadership, power and influence, and external environment influences.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9404: Inquiry into Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

A critical overview of theory development, research paradigms, and research ethics in the department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. Required for all ELPA Ph.D. students.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: for students who have completed at least 2 semesters of coursework

ED_LPA 9405: Seminar in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Seminar in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Credit Hour: 1-99

ED_LPA 9406: Seminar in Educational Administration

Seminar in Educational Administration

Credit Hour: 1-99

ED_LPA 9407: Seminar in Educational Policy

Seminar in Educational Policy

Credit Hour: 1-99

ED_LPA 9408: Seminar in Higher Education

Seminar in Higher Education

Credit Hour: 1-99

ED_LPA 9409: Introduction to Research Design

This course provides an introduction to quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, with an emphasis on the epistemological and ontological issues that inform our choice of research methods. This course is intended for first year doctoral students. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9410: Proseminar in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

The purpose of the proseminar course is twofold. First, students will gain an understanding of the systems, processes, and procedures associated with graduate studies, particularly the ELPA department's PhD program. Students will gain experience with critical writing and analysis, using library and electronic resources, and engaging faculty and peers in scholarly dialogues. Second, the course will allow students to engage in preliminary discussions around educational research, including literature, theories, and methodologies related to educational leadership and policy. Students will have the opportunity to begin working on their own research and sharpen their analytic skills through academic writing. We will also discuss educational topics, problems, and policies of current importance. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: This course is required and appropriate for all ELPA PhD students

ED_LPA 9416: Theories in District-Level Administration

This course is designed to provide an overview of the theories and best practice related to the job duties of superintendent of schools. Since all students will have a principal certification, this course will explore/examine the differences in building administration versus district-level administration. The course will also provide a framework for the cohort EdS program. Providing an overview of topics that will be explored in greater detail later in the program. Finally, the course will lay out the expectations and process for the capstone action research topic that will be due at the end of the central office internship course. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Masters Degree in Educational Administration

ED_LPA 9420: Superintendent: Fiscal Leadership and Management

This course focuses on a critical task for superintendents and school leaders: managing district revenues, expenditures, and facilities. This course covers the history of school finance, state funding formula, school district budgeting, development of facility plans, and the impact of financial decisions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9424: Superintendent: Instructional Leadership

Effective superintendents understand educational core knowledge of curriculum, instructional and assessment. They establish an exception for the use of best instructional practices for all students among both the educational and public communities. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9429: Superintendent: Communication, Team Leadership

Effective superintendents negotiate political and cultural challenges to lead diverse, socially-just school systems. Reflective practices that enhance competence in public board member, and district personnel relationships are essential skills. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9430: Superintendent: Fiscal, Legal Leadership

Effective superintendents efficiently manage finances and ensure that rules, regulations, and policies adhere to statutory/case law. Fiscal and legal practices ensure equity of educational experiences for all students. Open to all graduate students. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9435: Superintendent: Legal Leadership and Management

This course focuses on the necessary legal knowledge superintendents must have to guide their school districts in adherence to statutory and case law. This course examines the legal system, lawful and wise use and allocation of district resources, management and evaluation of personnel, and equity issues. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9436: School Personnel Administration

In this course, candidates will explore/examine: How to develop a school-wide system for effective staff evaluation and feedback; How to craft a vision for teacher development and growth and bring that vision to life within the structures required for Missouri Educator Evaluation System; How to effectively implement the Missouri Educator Evaluation System for teachers and administrators; How to engage in courageous conversations designed to enhance teaching practice and student outcomes; How to integrate all school staff, including those who do not report directly to the superintendent, into the process of staff supervision and feedback; Develop an understanding of effective leadership including building mission, vision and core values; Increase skills in communications in all scenarios; Demonstrate the ability to accurately rate principals and other leadership staff using appropriate district evaluation tools. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Masters Degree in Educational Administration

ED_LPA 9440: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Higher Education

(same as WGST 9440). Historical and current issues of race, gender, and ethnicity in colleges and universities in the U.S. Issues include: students, faculty, and staff experiences of diversity, access and equity, and salience of diversity in a higher education setting.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9442: Curriculum Philosophy and Development in Higher Education

A study of the philosophical foundations of postsecondary curricula, current trends and issues, and approaches to curriculum reforms and revisions.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9444: Program Planning in Higher Education

Analysis of program planning and evaluation in higher education. Topics include: conceptualizations of program planning, situational analysis, needs assessment, priority setting, marketing and promotion, and program evaluation.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9445: College Student Development

Emphasis on college student development theory and its application in student affairs work.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9446: Student Affairs Administration

History, philosophy, theory, and issues pertinent to student affairs work.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9447: College Student Culture and Environment

This course examines the characteristics and outcomes of American undergraduates, and the aspects of the college environment the differentially influence students. Topics include: theoretical models of students change, campus climate and cultures, learning communities, institutional differences, and conditions for success.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9448: College Teaching

Designed to introduce students to theories and practices central to teaching in a higher education setting. Teaching related to institutional contexts and disciplines will be considered. Teaching and learning theories will be introduced.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9449: History of Higher Education in the United States

A study of the transformation of the English college tradition to what higher education is currently in the United States. The emphasis is on how institutions of higher learning changed to meet the needs of the nation or failed to do so.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9450: Administration and Governance of Higher Education

Principles of administration, academic culture and environment, and structures of governance of higher education will be explored.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9451: Higher Education Finance

How students pay for college and how institutions finance their operations is explored through the lens of economics. Topics include: Theories of student access, tuition and financial aid policy, institutional costs and revenue patterns, and resource allocation models.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9454: Introduction to Post-Secondary Law

Examination of the legal structure within which higher education operates. Includes consideration of legal analysis of case law, institutional responsibilities under the law, and analysis of legal issues within postsecondary education.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9455: The Community College

An overview of the community college. Topics include historical roots and development of the community college, organization and governance, finance, students, faculty, administrators, curriculum, social role, and recurring and emerging issues.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9456: The Professoriate

Overview of faculty roles and work in U.S. colleges and universities. Explores institutional and disciplinary differences and seeks to prepare future faculty for academic life.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9457: Higher Education Policy

An overview of current higher education policy issues facing governmental bodies and institutions. An emphasis is placed on investigating both the policy-making and policy-evaluation processes through multiple theoretical lenses. Specific topics explored include access, equity, and accountability within the higher education setting.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9458: Helping Skills for Student Affairs

This course is designed to prepare student affairs professionals with the basic awareness, knowledge, and helping skills needed to respond appropriately and effectively with students experiencing distress. The course will introduce students to general helping skills that are appropriate for the types of relationships, interactions, and contexts that they will commonly encounter in their work. Thus, students in this course will learn how to identify students experiencing different types of distress, consider and respond to immediate needs, and make appropriate referrals. The course will provide opportunities for students to observe and practice individual helping skills. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9459: Comparative and International Education

Theories, methods and issues in the field of comparative and international education. Topics cover PK-16 education and include globalization, centralization and decentralization, equity and equity, teaching and student learning, and social context of education.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9461: Ethics in Education

Explores the ethical dimensions of work within and related to educational settings focusing on dilemmas that occur in professional practice, theories that inform thinking about ethical issues, and frameworks that guide ethical decision making.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9462: History of U.S. Education Policy

Provides overview of major US education issues (primary K-12), explores analytic tools for studying history of education and introduces multiple ways of constructing the history of a particular movement reform or era in education.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9463: Politics of Education

Focuses on politics of education in the United States, attending to the influence of various institutions and actors at local, state, and federal levels. Students will examine current reforms in PK-12 education and their impact on the future of education.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9465: Policy Analysis Using Large Data Bases

Intends to develop students' capacity to process national level large databases and to conduct policy-related research.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: an understanding of inferential statistics and experience with SPSS and SAS program

ED_LPA 9466: College Access

This course examines theories and research on issues related to college going behaviors and inequalities in college access. The course will address college access through different levels of analyses: individual levels (e.g. race, ethnicity, gender, status, ability, social class, and transnational), organizational levels (e.g., geography, K-12 schools, postsecondary institutions), and field levels (e.g., policy, media, admissions). Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9467: International Higher Education

The purpose of this class is to learn the major trends and issues facing postsecondary education around the world and critically engage in comparative analysis with emphasis on lessons for the U.S. higher education system. In particular, this course will cover global trends around governance, accountability, funding, and internationalization. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9468: Educational Policy Implementation

This course provides the theories and tools to understand and study the implementation of educational policies in K-12 schools and higher education. Drawing from various disciplinary perspectives, students will analyze and apply multiple approaches, including but not limited to technical-rational, street-level bureaucracy, sense-making, and policy enactment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ED_LPA 9402 or the equivalent (including prior courses or relevant experiences) is recommended as a prerequisite

ED_LPA 9469: Education Leadership Inquiry IV

Developing and writing research proposals and conducting pilot studies. Knowledge and skills in writing the research report and sharing research with others.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: ED_LPA 9471, ED_LPA 9472 and ED_LPA 9473. Open only to students in Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9470: Organizational Analysis for Educational Leadership

Schools of organizational theory, six frames to analyze organizations and their underlying concepts, organizational change and leadership for change, and rationale for reframing organizations.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Open only to students in Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9471: Inclusive Excellence for Educational Leaders

For educational leaders to understand the U.S. education system, they must know (a) how educational structures reinforce social, economic, and educational reproduction and (b) how these reproductions are raced, gendered, and classed. Formal education and modern institutions will be questioned as structures maintaining class, gender, and racial differences. This course intentionally centers scholars, writers, and practitioners of color as part of the exploration of these structures. Students will work to understand the issues of power and their role as educational leaders within the power structure. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Open only to students in EdD Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9472: Educational Leadership Inquiry II

MU Graduate School policies related to doctoral research, use of multiple search sources, human subjects review process, and research ethics.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Open only to students in Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9473: Educational Leadership Inquiry III

This advanced seminar assists scholarly practitioners in developing strategies for collecting, organizing, and outlining literature reviews. This course builds upon previous instruction in identifying problems of practice and the development of research questions. Course topics include selecting topics, searching databases, organizing resources, writing summaries, critiquing research, and crafting arguments. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Open only to students in EdD Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9474: Professional Seminar I

The intent of the course is to support students during the writing of their dissertation-in-practice. This course provides instruction in the writing and design research studies in educational settings. Topics covered will include defining a problem of practice, writing a literature review, formulation of research questions, qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, and research design. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Open only to students in EdD Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9475: Professional Seminar II

The intent of the course is to support students during the writing of their dissertation-in-practice. This advanced course builds upon previous coursework related to the writing of the dissertation-in-practice. Topics covered will include data analytic methods, data analysis, and the interpretation and discussion of research findings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Open only to students in EdD Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9476: Leadership Theory and Practice

An advanced study of leadership theories, concepts, and inquiry as applied to educational organizations. Explores power and authority in organizations, leader effectiveness, and organizational reform.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Open only to students in Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9477: Leadership Theory and Practice Application

Beginning with an understanding of scholarly practitioners, including the role of theory and practice, this course focuses on problems of practice and authentic data sources in educational settings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Open only to students in EdD Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9478: Policy Analysis for Educational Leadership

Analysis and investigation of educational policy utilizing various knowledge bases; organizational politics and culture's impact on policy processes; interpretation and application of policy-making activities.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Open only to students in Ed.D. Program in Ed. Leadership

ED_LPA 9479: Content and Context of Learning

Students develop the knowledge and skills for examining designing, and implementing organizational, classroom, and training conditions that support quality learning experiences for learners.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Open only to students in Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9480: Team Building and Group Dynamics

Stages of group development, team building and maintenance, team/group structures, team performance, problem-based learning as team process, and empowerment through development of self-managed teams.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Open only to students in Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9481: Internship in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Some sections may be graded on A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: departmental consent

ED_LPA 9482: Quantitative Tools for Applied Research in Educational Leadership

General introduction to quantitative methods of data analysis. Develop concepts of measurement, design, and analysis. The focus is on data driven decision marking and using various quantitative methods to investigate problems of educational leadership practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Only students in the Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership can enroll

ED_LPA 9483: Qualitative Tools for Applied Research in Educational Leadership

Students will learn about a number of qualitative research designs that leaders can use to critically examine research questions in their practice. They will also learn to analyze educational issues and execute processes to effectively explore those issues. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students in the Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership

ED_LPA 9484: Program Evaluation and Planning for Educational Leaders

Participants develop thorough knowledge of theoretical underpinnings of selected approaches to program planning and evaluation and their necessary integration. Affords participants the opportunity to plan, conduct and deliver the results of a program evaluation to actual client. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Only students in the Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership can enroll

ED_LPA 9485: Assessment in Higher Education

Accountability and accreditation on the local, state, and national levels make understanding how institutions work more important than ever. Higher education leaders need strong data to support decision making. Assessment and program planning live at the intersection of higher education policy and applied research design, analysis, and presentation. Assessment supports organizational effectiveness by providing timely and accurate information to both internal and external constituencies. This course is designed to help students understand the vital role of assessment, and planning and evaluation in the contemporary landscape of higher education by providing an introduction to the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of the work. The course is relevant for students across higher education functions, particularly those interested in pursuing careers in institutional research and assessment and evaluation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9486: Scholarly Writing

This course is for doctoral and master's degree students in Education who are interested in improving their own scholarly writing. Students beyond Education are invited to enroll and might want to supplement course content with additional feedback from within their own discipline for field specific advice about the publication process. The course is open to students interested in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. In this course, each week students will share their writing in small groups comprised of the instructor and peers. This process enhances students' ability to offer and receive feedback and utilize that information in their revisions. The course will offer students the opportunity to create a sustainable writing habit, learn more about the writing and publication process in academia, and create/revise one or more scholarly products. This course is particularly helpful for those hoping to submit a manuscript for publication or revise components of their dissertation or thesis, but students who are not quite at that stage yet but have original writing that they can revise (e.g., course paper) are also invited to enroll. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

ED_LPA 9620: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research II

(same as ESC_PS 9620 and LTC 9620). This course constructs a conceptual and methodological bridge between the understandings of qualitative research developed in Qualitative Methods I and more advanced study of theories, designs, and methods. The focus is on theory, approaches to data analysis, and interpretation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ESC_PS 8957