PhD in Natural Resources with Emphasis in Forestry

The PhD in Natural Resources with an emphasis in forestry is designed to prepare students for academic careers in research and teaching or other advanced scientific or professional careers. Students entering the PhD program will often have a master’s degree, but this is not an absolute requirement.

Degree Requirements

For Ph.D. graduate students emphasizing forestry, Natural Resources Seminar (NAT_R 9087) is the only required course in the graduate student’s program of study. All Ph.D. graduate students are expected to enroll in the seminar class twice and attend graduate seminars regardless of whether they are enrolled in the seminar course. Natural Resources Ph.D. program with an emphasis on forestry expects students to take part in professional and educational activities by giving presentations at conferences and presenting seminars.

  • A minimum of 72 hrs beyond the Baccalaureate degree for the PhD.
  • The program must include a minimum of 15 hours of 8000 level course work, exclusive of problems, readings and research.
  • A minimum of two credit hours of graduate seminar must be included in each student’s graduate program.
  • PhD students are required publish their research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals
  • The PhD degree is conferred only upon those students who, after extensive study, have demonstrated a high level of achievement in their particular specialization in forestry and have completed significant independent research in their field.

Students without a Forestry Undergraduate Degree

Those without a baccalaureate degree in forestry may wish to further their education in forest science or to attain professional competence by completing course work in forestry. Work required of students without a forestry degree who want a professional forestry education includes courses in dendrology (FOREST 2151), utilization of forest resources (FOREST 2541), forest resource measurements (FOREST 4380 or FOREST 7380), forest inventory (FOREST 2542), forest ecology (FOREST 4320 or FOREST 7320), silviculture (FOREST 2544), watershed management, and (FOREST 7390). Some of these courses do not carry graduate credit.

Contact Information

Dr. Hong S. He
203 ABNR Bldg.
Columbia, MO 65211