Undergraduate Studies

Information in the catalog is current as of May 2023. The next catalog will be published in May 2024. In the interim, new courses will be announced in myZou, MU's online student information system. Courses are usually available in October for the spring semester and in March for the summer and fall semesters. Midyear changes to current courses (titles, descriptions and credit hours) are not reflected here and can only be viewed in myZou.
Undergraduate Study
MU grants 25 percent of the bachelor’s degrees from Missouri public universities. Mizzou provides an intellectually diverse environment with 360-degree learning for students from every state in the nation and more than 120 countries.
Offering more than 300 degree programs and emphasis areas, nearly 100 minors, and 24 certificates, MU is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities. Dedicated to interdisciplinary education, MU faculty and students from different schools and colleges often collaborate. For example, some courses in the sciences are taught in conjunction with MU's medical school, and humanities classes include areas such as music composition and creative writing.
MU is also dedicated to the Missouri Method, a philosophy of hands-on learning that includes operating a floral shop (Tiger Garden), preparing income taxes for families, studying abroad, volunteering for credit, providing health care, working at the country’s only university-owned TV network affiliate (KOMU), performing at Carnegie Hall and co-authoring articles in leading scientific journals. Mizzou students also hold patents and create startup companies.
For more information about undergraduate study, contact the MU Office of Admissions.