
GPA of Record

The grade point average for any period is obtained by dividing the quality points earned by the total number of credits for which the student was enrolled during that period. Grades of S, U, H, W, NR, or I are not included in determining the grade point average.

The undergraduate CUM GPA is the University of Missouri GPA, which will include all grades, credits, and honor points attempted at any University of Missouri campus, including all grades and credits. In computing the undergraduate GPA the grade points assigned to students’ transfer work are the grade points that would have been assigned if the courses had been taken on the University of Missouri System campus, including any adjustments made under policies related to course repeats and/or Academic Renewal/Forgiveness.

GPA Calculator Web Site

To calculate a grade point average, go to the GPA Calculator Web Site at

Plus-Minus Grading System

The purpose of the grading system is to provide a framework in which the faculty can report evaluation of student performance and achievement. For undergraduates, all teachers are expected to use the grading scale approved by the faculty. This precludes any department or unit from opting to use a modification of the scale.

The A through F grading system is appropriate for those subjects and situations that allow discrimination in quality of achievement and performance. The S/U grading system is more appropriate for students wishing to take elective courses in a subject matter field in which they will be competing with majors, for mastery learning situations, and for courses graded primarily on the basis of attendance.

Grades carrying credit are: A+/-, B+/-, C+/-, D+/-, and S. Grades calculated in the grade point average are A+ (4.00), A (4.00), A- (3.7), B+ (3.3), B (3.00), B- (2.7), C+ (2.3), C (2.00), C- (1.7), D+ (1.3), D (1.00), D- (0.7), and F (0). The grades of S, U, NR, and W are not incorporated in the grade point average.

Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 to remain in good academic standing.

All regulations currently applicable on a course-by-course basis and currently tied to a specific letter grade would be interpreted to mean a specific letter grade range. Hence, if a student must achieve a C in one course in order to proceed to another course, under the plus-minus grading system, that student must achieve a grade in the “C range,” which would include the grade of C-.

All regulations currently tied to a specific grade average are interpreted to mean the numerical average currently associated with that specific grade. Hence, the required “C average or better” on all courses is a “2.00 average or better.”

The grade of S (on S/U basis) is defined as equivalent to the letter grade of C- or higher.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading System

Students may elect to take courses under the S/U (pass/fail) grading system in several MU colleges and schools. Before electing to take a course on a pass/fail basis, the student should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the S/U grading system. The S/U grading status is indicated in the appropriate column on the registration or add/drop form. Students may change to or from the S/U status only through the twenty fifth day of classes in a semester.

In general, the teacher of a course does not know which students, if any, are enrolled on the S/U system, and a grade of A-/+, B-/+, C-/+, D-/+ or F for each student is reported to the Office of the University Registrar. The Office of the University Registrar staff members ascertain which students are enrolled on the S/U system and assign a grade of U to those reported for grades of D-/+ or F, and a grade of S for those reported A-/+, B-/+ or C-/+. Grades of S and U are not included in the computing of grade point averages.

Enrollment in courses under the S/U system is subject to the following restrictions by the University faculty:

  • Students cannot change from one grading system to the other after the twenty fifth day of classes in the fall or spring semesters, or the equivalent thereof in a shorter session.
  • Students cannot elect to enroll in more than one course on an S/U basis in a given semester. This excludes courses taught only with the S/U grading system.
  • First-semester freshmen and students on scholastic probation are not eligible to enroll in courses on an S/U system. This excludes courses taught only with the S/U grading system.
  • A+/-, B+/-, and C+/- grades are recorded on the transcript as an S. S grades are not included in the semester or cumulative grade point average on the transcript. Full credit is earned for courses completed with a grade of S.
  • D+/- and F grades are recorded on the transcript as a U. U grades are not included in the semester or cumulative grade point average on the transcript and no academic credit is awarded for courses completed with a grade of U.
  • Courses completed with a grade of S may be accepted in an area of concentration only with the prior approval of the area advisor.

Courses completed with a grade of S may constitute no more than 20 percent of the total credits for the baccalaureate degree.

  • Taking S/U courses may affect eligibility for Latin or other graduation honors for undergraduate students. Contact the academic advising unit for information.
  • Some specified courses may not be taken on S/U basis to meet graduation or degree program requirements. Contact the academic advising unit for S/U approval.

Selecting Grading Options (S/U vs. A through F)

Students must choose to change their grading option no later than the twenty fifth day of classes in regular session or the equivalent thereof in a shorter session. Students’ academic advising unit must approve and change their grading option in myZou for the change to become official. See the University Registrar’s website at for deadlines for each term.

How Dropping/Withdrawing from a Class Affects the GPA

Students may drop a course through the end of the business day of the fifth week or the 25th class day of the semester. It will have no effect on the grade point average.  After the last day to drop, students are withdrawing from a course if they choose to leave the course. At this point a grade of W for withdraw is recorded.  W grade does not affect the grade point average. The grade generally will not appear until all grades for the course are submitted at the end of the semester.

Grades for Students Who Officially Withdraw from the University

No grade will be assigned to a student who officially drops prior to the 26th day of the fall or spring semester or an equivalent period in a summer session (other non-standard classes are also adjusted accordingly).

Dropping or withdrawing from all classes for a term is considered withdrawing from the University. If done after the first day of standard classes the student remains eligible to pre-register for the following term. If a term elapses (other than summer) between enrollments, the student must apply for readmission. NOTE: Refund dates are different from withdrawal dates. (See Withdrawal from the University section on the University Registrar’s website:

Grade Appeal

Guidelines for grade changes are as follows:

  • Students who believe that they have been graded unfairly or incorrectly should see the course instructor.
  • If still dissatisfied, the student may appeal to the chair of the department. (If the course has a large number of sections, it may have a course director. If so, the student should see the director before appealing the grade to the department chair.)
  • The chair of the department will conduct an investigation. The chair cannot substitute his or her judgment for that of the instructor concerning the quality of the student’s work.
  • If the instructor of the course also is the department chair, the dean of the school or college will handle grade appeals.
  • No one may substitute personal judgment for that of the instructor concerning the quality of the student’s work. However, mathematical or mechanical errors in scoring examinations may be corrected.
  • No grade shall be otherwise changed unless there is clear, convincing and unequivocal evidence that it was a direct result of arbitrary and capricious conduct by the instructor.


Incomplete Grades (Grade of I)

Whenever students cannot be assigned a grade at the end of a course in which they have been enrolled because their work is for good reason incomplete, the instructor will postpone the grades, reporting I grades to the University Registrar.

Assignment of I Grade

  • If a student is unable to complete all work by the end of the course term, the student may request, or an instructor may recommend, a grade of “I” in those instances in which all three of the following conditions apply:
    • The unfinished portion of the student’s work is small.
    • The completed portion of the student’s work is satisfactory quality (C- or above).
    • There is such evidence of hardship as to make it unreasonable to hold the student to established course or semester deadline. Hardship may include unexpected illness or hospitalization; a death in the family; military service; or other emergencies or crisis situations beyond the student’s control.
  • Completion of outstanding work cannot require the student attend the course again from the beginning or a substantial portion of it.
  • Completion of outstanding work cannot depend on the instructor to provide significant additional individual instructional support.
  • An incomplete can only be assigned at the end of the term and instructors are strongly encouraged not to offer an Incomplete ahead of that time. In the case where a student’s ability to complete coursework is negatively impacted in the early part of the term, the student should talk to the instructor and their advisor about the likelihood of academic success and positive learning outcomes if they choose to remain in the course.
  • Instructors will submit a final course grade upon completion of outstanding coursework, or once the completion date specified in the contract has passed; this includes a final grade in the event that some or all outstanding coursework has not been submitted.
  • Any incomplete grade that has not been resolved by the end of the completion semester will automatically default to the alternative final grade submitted with the original or revised extension contract.

Purpose of Incomplete Grade Contract

  • If the student’s situation meets all three criteria for an incomplete (See Assignment of I grade), the instructor and student will discuss and agree to the terms by which the remaining work will be completed, including timeline and any modifications to outstanding assignments.
  • Instructor will fill out the Incomplete Grade completion contract in myZou through the grade roster.
  • Incomplete Grade contract explicitly sets the requirements for successful completion of remaining coursework.
  • Incomplete Grade Contract serves as a record of outstanding work and grade to be assigned in the event the instructor leaves the university and the program offering the course must resolve the final grade.

Completion of Incomplete Grade Contract

  • Instructor will be required to provide the following information in the contract:
    • A brief statement documenting the circumstances for which the incomplete is being granted.
    • The grade for work completed at the time the incomplete is assigned and the percentage of the total grade it represents.
    • An itemized list of outstanding assignments (quizzes, papers, projects etc.) and the weight of each in the final course grade.
    • A completion date no later than the deadline for submission of final course grades for the subsequent full semester term (referred to below as ‘the incomplete period”); however, the instructor may assign an earlier deadline.
      • Incomplete's assigned in the fall term will expire at the end of the following spring term, while incomplete's assigned in the spring or summer term will expire at the end of the following fall semester.
    • A final course grade based on work completed at the time the “I” grade was originally submitted, in the event that the incomplete work is not submitted, or not submitted by the contract deadline (F or higher).
  • Once the instructor has filled out the incomplete grade information in myZou and submitted it with the final course grade roster, the next time the student logs into their myZou student account, they will be automatically prompted to consent to the terms for the incomplete and the default grade based on work to date.
  • If the student does not consent to the terms for the incomplete, or to the default grade based on work to date, the student may address with the instructor directly, through the grade appeal process (see Faculty Handbook, IV. Credits and Grades, 10. Review of student grades), or through the Revision of Records process.

Incomplete Grade Extension

Can the deadline for an incomplete be extended?
  • Extension of incomplete deadlines within the initial incomplete period.
  • If a deadline is assigned earlier than the end of the initial incomplete period, the instructor may assign the final grade based on all submitted work once that deadline has passed.
  • Any extension of the original deadline within the initial incomplete period must have instructor’s consent but does not require revision of original contract.
  • There is no “automatic” extension of deadline beyond the one specified in the original contract to the end of the initial incomplete period.
Extension of incomplete beyond the initial incomplete period

The instructor may request an extension of one additional semester beyond the original incomplete period, provided that the circumstances warrant it (i.e., significant ongoing hardship beyond the student’s control).

  • To do this, the instructor must submit a revised completion contract with any necessary changes regarding grade for completed portion, remaining assignments, and new completion deadline.
  • As with the original contract, student must indicate consent to the new conditions.
  • The extension of the initial incomplete period to a second semester must be approved by the academic dean of the student’s school or college, who will review the student’s larger record to ensure that the extension does not negatively impact the student’s overall academic success.
  • If the extension period expires without completion of the incomplete, the instructor will assign a final grade based on all submitted work at that time. There will be no additional extensions granted beyond this semester. Students may then wish to consider the Revision of Records process or the MU course repeat policy.


Exceptions to an unresolved incomplete grade changing to an F are:

  • courses taken for graduate level credit
  • courses taken prior to fall 2003
  • undergraduate research, honors research or problems courses
    that are approved for multiple terms of continuous research


A grade of I is not figured into the grade point average.

Unassigned or Erroneous Grades

To correct a grade erroneously reported, proper notification is sent from instructors and their department chairs to the Office of the University Registrar on a form provided for that purpose.

Note: Grade corrections must be processed within one year of the original reporting date.

In situations when there is a failure to record a grade on the official grade sheet, the University Registrar will record a NR (not reported) and send a written notification of this action to the faculty member and relevant department chair. The faculty member is responsible for submitting a corrected entry. After 12 months NR will change to an F.

For graduate and professional students, the NR grade will remain on the transcript until a letter grade is submitted. If a letter grade is not submitted, an NR can remain on the student's record indefinitely and will not convert to an F. 

No student may be re-examined for the purpose of changing a grade after a final grade has been reported to the University Registrar. For further information see the Faculty Handbook, Academic Regulations. Questions may be directed to the Office of the University Registrar, (573) 882-4249.