Graduate Certificate in Recreation and Sport Administration

The complexity, globalization, and impacts of the sport and recreation industries on society create the demand and need for precise preparation. Sport and recreation employers often require advanced degrees or certificates from accredited institutions as part of job requirements and/or for promotion. The principal target student population for the recreation and sport administration graduate certificate are working professionals who have received their undergraduate degree and are pursuing career advancement or changing fields. The certificate will emphasize the unique business, management, marketing and ethical principles and practices necessary to succeed in these industries. Ultimately, the program will prepare professionals who are critical thinkers, interdisciplinary in their approach, and capable of effectively managing and marketing sport and recreation enterprises in vastly different markets.


Section A: Choose 2 Courses (6 credit hours)
PRST 8100Sport and Recreation Marketing 3
PRST 8436Visitor Behavior and Policy3
PRST 8460Finance of Sport, Tourism, and Leisure Services3
NAT_R 8024Program Development and Evaluation in Informal Settings3
Section B: Choose 1 Course (3 credit hours)
PRST 7100Ethics and Diversity 3
PRST 7150Contemporary Issues in Sport 3
PRST 7208Administration and Organizational Behavior3
PRST 7250Parks, Health and Wellness3
PRST 7260Sustainable Tourism3
PRST 7310Fundraising and Grants Proposal Writing3
PRST 7385Legal Aspects of Sport3
Section C: Choose 1 Course (3 credit hours)
AG_ED_LD 7240Leading Organizational and Community Change 3
AG_ED_LD 8250Leadership Theory and Application3
AG_ED_LD 8430Evaluation of Educational Programs3
HSP_MGMT 7100Hospitality Human Resources Management 3
PUB_AF 7210Ethics and Leadership3
PUB_AF 8160Organizational Dynamics and Leadership3
PUB_AF 8210Public Service and Democracy3