2024-25 Catalogs

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Certificate in Neuroscience

The Certificate in Neuroscience will provide students the opportunity to purse the many neuroscience related disciplines: brain imaging, molecular neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, bio-engineering, clinical neuroscience, developmental neuroscience, and neuropsychology. The certificate will prepare students to work in neuroscience related jobs and disciplines, both in research and industry. These areas would include but are not limited to medicine, neuro-rehabilitation, occupational therapy, clinical therapists, physical therapy, forensics, biotechnology industry, hospitals, science writing and science education.  


Twelve credit hours are required for completion of the certificate. At least 6 hours must be at the 3000-level or above. A maximum of 6 hours from a department may be applied to the 12 hour requirement. All grades must be "S" or "C-" or better.  Grades of "U" or "D+" or below will not be accepted. A maximum of 3 hours from problems/readings and/or internship sections may be applied and the student must demonstrate that the experiential learning was related to neuroscience. All certificate coursework must be completed at the University of Missouri-Columbia. 

A certificate consists of at least 12 credits; at least 12 credits must be taken in MU course work. Students must meet the minimum GPA requirements for a certificate, which in no case can be lower than 2.0. In addition, a student cannot receive a grade lower than a C- in any course applied towards a certificate in the College. For more information, please see Requirements for an Optional Certificate.

BME 2017World of Neuroscience1
Biological Sciences
BIO_SC 2017World of Neuroscience1
BIO_SC 2020How the Brain Works1
BIO_SC 3700Human Physiology5
BIO_SC 4500Neurobiology3
BIO_SC 4590Computational Neuroscience4
BIO_SC 4640Behavioral Biology3-4
Biomedical Engineering
BIOL_EN 4070Bioelectricity3
Computer Science
CMP_SC 2017World of Neuroscience1
CMP_SC 4540Neural Models and Machine Learning3
CMP_SC 4590Computational Neuroscience4
CMP_SC 4730Building Intelligent Robots4
Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE 2001Experimental Course1-99
ECE 2017World of Neuroscience1
ECE 4590Computational Neuroscience4
Electrical Engineering
BIOL_EN 4075Brain Signals and Brain Machine Interfaces (Electrical & Computer Engineering)3
BIOL_EN 2017World of Neuroscience1
Medical School
MPP 3202Elements of Physiology5
MPP 4202Medical Physiology4
MPP 4204Medical Pharmacology4
Psychological Sciences
PSYCH 2017World of Neuroscience1
PSYCH 2110Learning, Memory, and Cognition3
PSYCH 2210Mind, Brain, and Behavior3
PSYCH 2220Drugs and Behavior3
PSYCH 3140Cognitive Psychology3
PSYCH 3150Human Memory3
PSYCH 3160Perception and Thought3
PSYCH 3511Emotion Regulation and the Brain 3
PSYCH 3890Music and the Mind3
PSYCH 4110Perception3
PSYCH 4210Physiological Psychology3
PSYCH 4240Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSYCH 4561Psychosis and the Brain3
PSYCH 4564Psychobiology of Sex and Gender3
PSYCH 4570Pediatric Neuropsychology3
PSYCH 4973WHuman Cognition Capstone - Writing Intensive3
PSYCH 4974WPsychology of Art Capstone - Writing Intensive3
PSYCH 4986WPerception and Action Capstone - Writing Intensive3
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
SLHS 3890Music and the Mind3