2024-25 Catalogs

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MA in Anthropology

Students are expected to gain advanced knowledge in the three subfields represented in our program (archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology). Anthropology faculty members work closely with graduate students to conduct collaborative research as an integral component of the graduate program. Opportunities for specialization are provided through research courses leading to a thesis. A program tailored to each student’s educational objectives is planned by the student and the advisory committee of at least three members, one of whom is a non-anthropology faculty member. 

Degree Requirements

MA graduate students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours beyond the Bachelor of Arts degree. At least 9 of the required hours must be 8000-level anthropology courses and seminars, and must include at least one content course (i.e., not a readings or research course). As part of the 8000-level requirement, all students must take the departmental core courses in cultural anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology. ANTHRO 7950, Introduction to Post-Graduate Anthropology is also required. Students lacking a basic course in statistics are required to take at least one course, preferably during the first year of graduate work. A maximum of 12 hours may be in non-thesis research (ANTHRO 7990/ANTHRO 8990) or reading courses (ANTHRO 7960).

Students must complete the MA thesis requirement, which may take the form of either a traditional thesis or a publishable paper with a substantive background of a length approved by the student’s committee. Successful completion of the thesis will be determined by the student’s advisory committee. The advisory committee for the thesis consists of at least 3 faculty members, including the advisor, another member of the anthropology department, and one member of the graduate faculty from another MU department and who generally holds a doctorate degree in another subject.

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Admission Criteria

(Track One, MA Applicants)

Students admitted to this track will be classified as MA seeking students with the Graduate School. These students will complete all requirements for the MA degree as currently outlined in the Anthropology Graduate Handbook, including taking classes in core areas and completing a thesis or primary-authored publication. Upon completion, the student can, if eligible, apply to the Anthropology program for acceptance as a PhD seeking student.

Fall deadline: January 10
Spring deadline: October 15 (no departmental financial support available this term)

  • Minimum TOEFL scores:
Internet-based test (iBT) Paper-based test (PBT)
80 Prior to July 1, 2015 must have score of (61) 550 Prior to July 1, 2015 must have score of (500)
  • Minimum GRE scores: 
When did you take the GRE? Verbal + Quantitative Analytical
Prior to August 1, 2011 1000 3.0
On or After August 1, 2011 300 3.0

Minimum GPA: 3.25 in last 60 hours and in all anthropology courses
Acceptance into the graduate program in anthropology is not limited to students with undergraduate degrees in anthropology.

Required Application Materials

To the Graduate School:

  • All required Graduate Admissions documents
  • 3 letters of recommendation (through online application)
  • GRE scores
  • Statement of purpose
  • Unofficial transcripts (Official transcripts need to be submitted to the Graduate School upon acceptance.)
  • Writing Sample