Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences (CDS)

CDS 2190: Medical Terminology

Medical terminology based on a word building system. This course is intended for students majoring in health professions, nursing and other helping professions, pre-med and biology.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing

CDS 2190H: Medical Terminology - Honors

Medical terminology based on a word building system. This course is intended for students majoring in health professions, nursing and other helping professions, pre-med and biology.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing; Honors eligibility required

CDS 3100: Introduction to Research

Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research concepts and processes informing the science of health care practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 3100W: Introduction to Research - Writing Intensive

Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research concepts and processes informing the science of health care practice.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Department permission, restricted to pre-CDS majors

CDS 3200: Essentials of Pathology

Provides basic foundation for understanding etiology of disease with emphasis on systemic pathology for non-medical students.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: general biology and one course in either physiology or anatomy

CDS 3460: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diagnostic Applications I

(same as RA_SCI 3460). Interdisciplinary small group, case-based study of common cardiovascular, pulmonary and other diseases. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment from the perspective of allied health professionals. Emphasis on critical thinking, teamwork skills.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Acceptance into Radiologic Sciences, Radiography Program

CDS 3460W: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diagnostic Applications I - Writing Intensive

(same as RA_SCI 3460). Interdisciplinary small group, case-based study of common cardiovascular, pulmonary and other diseases. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment from the perspective of allied health professionals. Emphasis on critical thinking, teamwork skills.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Acceptance into Radiologic Sciences, Radiography Program

CDS 4085: Problems in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

Supervised investigation in an aspect of Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences usually culminating in a written report.

Credit Hour: 1-5
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

CDS 4328: Radiation Safety and Biology

Regulations and procedures for safe uses of radiation to heighten student understanding of radiation physics, radiation biology, and radiation safety. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Junior standing
Recommended: One course in Biological Sciences and Physics/Chemistry

CDS 4440: Organization and Administration

(same as RA_SCI 4440 and RS_THR 4440). Examines design and operation of allied health service departments and educational programs, including facilities, personnel procedures, record systems, ethics, medical-legal aspects, interdepartmental relations and curriculum development.

Credit Hours: 2
Corequisites: Students must be enrolled in the Radiologic Science or Respiratory Therapy Program to take this class

CDS 4460: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diagnostic Applications II

Interdisciplinary study of cardiac dysrhythmias, MI, stroke. Application of current American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support (AHA ACLS) algorithms. Successful completion of this course fulfills AHA ACLS Provider requirements.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 4480: Clinical Ethics

(same as HLTH_SCI 4480; cross-leveled with CDS 7480). Exploration of bioethics issues in health care with emphasis on issues related to patient choice and provider responsibility. Topics include philosophical theories, principles and models for ethical and lawful decision making in healthcare.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 4480W: Clinical Ethics - Writing Intensive

(same as HLTH_SCI 4480W; cross-leveled with CDS 7480). Exploration of bioethics issues in health care with emphasis on issues related to patient choice and provider responsibility. Topics include philosophical theories, principles and models for ethical and lawful decision making in healthcare.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 4500: Emergency and Disaster Management in Healthcare

(cross-leveled with CDS 7500). This course will provide the student with an orientation the principles of disaster management in the community (both state and federal levels) and the acute care facility. Topics include biological agents, allocation of resources and ethical considerations. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Restricted to students in the Undergraduate Academic Program of Health Professions

CDS 4840: Asthma Education

This course will provide the student with a multi-faceted approach to caring for the patient with asthma. Topics include pathophysiology, pharmacology, patient/family education, patient assessment and management. Assists students to take the Asthma Educator Credentialing Exam. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

CDS 4955: Introduction to Research

An interdisciplinary course designed to promote undergraduate allied health research. Includes identifying and designing research problems through formulating relevant questions, learning to systematically search for answers, and methods for searching the literature.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 4985: Healthcare Organization and Leadership

In this course, students will explore leadership principles as they relate to the student's focus area, combining previous expertise in the field with an interdisciplinary perspective within the healthcare community. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Senior standing

CDS 4985W: Healthcare Organization and Leadership - Writing Intensive

In this course, students will explore leadership principles as they relate to the student's focus area, combining previous expertise in the field with an interdisciplinary perspective within the healthcare community. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Senior standing

CDS 7480: Clinical Ethics

(cross-leveled with CDS 4480). Exploration of bioethics issues in health care with emphasis on issues related to patient choice and provider responsibility. Topics include philosophical theories, principles and models for ethical and lawful decision making in health care. Expectations for graduate credit include additional requirements to apply bioethical theories, principles and models in authentic leadership contexts. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 7500: Emergency and Disaster Management in Healthcare

(cross-leveled with CDS 4500). This course will provide the student with an orientation to the principles of disaster management in the community (both state and federal levels) and the acute care facility. Topics include management of disasters and community health in various situations by using case studies. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3

CDS 7640: Clinician Educator

This course brings forward the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for expanding the practice of health professionals in a quickly changing healthcare environment. The role of the various disciplines, and understanding the readiness of patients, students, and staff to learn, is clearly outlined in theoretical and practical approaches. This course provides a thorough review of learning theories, teaching methods, and instructional tools. It provides a comprehensive understanding of different populations and their attendant challenges and disparities. Finally, the course reviews the emerging technology environment which brings greater opportunity to develop and execute team-based and personalized approaches to educating others. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Department permission

CDS 7840: Asthma Education

This course will provide the student with a multi-faceted approach to caring for the patient with asthma. Topics include pathophysiology, pharmacology, patient/family education, patient assessment and management. Assists students to take the Asthma Educator Credentialing Exam. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: instructor's consent required

CDS 8001: Topics in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

This course is designed to explore, through selected themes assigned by the instructor, advanced clinical and diagnostic sciences (CDS) topics in psychosocial, professional, educational, and technical areas. The organized study of a specific CDS topic will be conducted in a holistic manner. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3

CDS 8050: Research in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

This course is designed for the clinical and diagnostic sciences (CDS) programs' graduates and health science degree holders who wish to explore advanced opportunities in CDS through a research component and scientific investigations. It will allow the students to formulate appropriate reasons for pursuing a specific area of interest. The course will provide knowledge about research methodology in CDS, the operation of, and how to conduct a research in a CDS department and in a clinical setting. It will guide the student to develop appropriate research qualities associated with the CDS constituent programs. The course guides the students in developing independent study and scientific investigation skills. The course does not lead to a thesis or dissertation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Program and instructor's consent

CDS 8085: Problems in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences (CDS) field is still an emerging profession in the medical field. This course is designed to provide a broad overview of multiple "problems" faced by CDS in the health care context. Through a variety of themes exploring theoretical and clinical aspects of the constituent professions, the course will guide the student in developing critical thinking and problem solving strategies necessary in the analysis of the controversial aspects of a chosen subject. Issues will include, but not limited to the role and function of CDS in health care in general and clinical and diagnostic imaging in special, the relationship between theoretical and practical aspects of the imaging modality and clinical aspects (fast pace of advancing technology versus slow pace of clinical application, education, literature of specialty, etc.), ethical and legal issues in the CDS constituent professions, problems faced by a clinical and diagnostic educational program, CDS graduates' role in diagnosis, education, management, and CDS clinical applications. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Program and instructor's consent

CDS 8090: Research in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

This course is designed for the clinical and diagnostic sciences (CDS) constituents programs and health science graduates who wish to explore through the methods of scientific research any area of interest in CDS fields. It leads to a thesis or dissertation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Program and instructor's consent

CDS 8410: Clinical Analytics

Through this course, students will explore foundational philosophies of performance improvement and the types of data available to inform clinical decision-making. Students will also learn how to select and define indicators, to collect data, and to provide feedback on progress toward quality measurement. Finally, students will evaluate the application of tools and methods to assess clinical performance in a variety of health care settings, and address the challenges of implementing professional development and quality improvement plans. An analytics synthesis project will allow the student to delve deeply into the role of clinical analytics in their clinical profession and engage them in addressing a clinical problem of their own choosing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Course enrollment is restricted to students who have been admitted to the MHS CDS program

CDS 8420: Clinical Management

This course focuses on topics critical to being an effective clinical manager. Specifics include employee management and training emphasizing issues unique to patient care settings; understanding the revenue cycle specific to hospital and clinic operations; understanding, designing and implementing a strategic plan for a clinical operation; and reducing liability while maintaining accountability and compliance in a health care organization. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Course enrollment is restricted to students who have been admitted to the MHS CDS program

CDS 8430: Clinical Leadership

Leadership theory for practicing clinical and diagnostic health professionals. Exploration of theoretical foundations and models of leadership. Emphasis given to clinical practice trends, reflective self-assessment. Analysis of leadership cases in hospitals/clinics, industry, and entry-into-practice educational settings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Course enrollment is restricted to students who have been admitted to the MHS CDS program

CDS 8560: Product and Customer Support in Health Care Industry

Prepares health care practitioners to apply knowledge of their specialty to employment in medical device or pharmaceutical industry contexts. This course will focus on product and customer support for health care products and services. Upon completion of this course, students will increase their knowledge in customer and product support specific to healthcare/medical devices and create a clinical educational tool package to launch or support a product in their area of specialty. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

CDS 8570: Sales and Marketing in Health Care Industry

Develops critical thinking, solution-based management skills, content-driven sales and marketing approaches. Skills and concepts build on requisite knowledge and experience in clinical and diagnostic fields to expand a career into health care industry. Students will apply concepts using authentic business planning, product evaluation, product advertisement, value proposal, strategic selling approaches, and focus group projects. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Students should hold a health care credential and at least two years of clinical experience

CDS 8920: Applied Research Methodologies in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

Practical research application of clinical and diagnostic sciences (CDS) in a real time clinical environment: exploring the various methods of applied clinical research and how they relate to decision making, patient handling, technical applications, instrumentation and image processing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: BHS degree in CDS and or allied health professions, and Program and instructor's consent

CDS 8989: Clinical Capstone I

Exploration of a clinical problem selected by the student, with preparation of a capstone project proposal to address the clinical problem through applied research. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Program consent

CDS 8990: Clinical Capstone II

Exploration of a clinical problem selected by the student, with preparation of a capstone project proposal to address the clinical problem through applied research. Implementation of the capstone project proposal, data analysis, and presentation of capstone project. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 2-3
Prerequisites: Program consent