Digital Storytelling-Visual Studies (DST_VS)

DST_VS 1880: Introduction to Digital Media Production

(same as ENGLSH 1880, FILMS_VS 1880, COMMUN 1880, ART_VS 1920). Introduction to concepts and skills for Digital Storytelling, including media literacy and forms of narrative manifested historically and currently across a range of media. This course focuses on theories and concepts that support the critical analysis and creation of contemporary narrative in digital form with particular attention to audio, visual and written communication. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early registration

DST_VS 1880H: Introduction to Digital Media Production - Honors

(same as ENGLSH 1880, FILMS_VS 1880, COMMUN 1880, ART_VS 1920). Introduction to concepts and skills for Digital Storytelling, including media literacy and forms of narrative manifested historically and currently across a range of media. This course focuses on theories and concepts that support the critical analysis and creation of contemporary narrative in digital form with particular attention to audio, visual and written communication. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early registration; Honors eligibility required

DST_VS 2001: Topics in Digital Storytelling

Organized study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

DST_VS 2005: Topics in Digital Storytelling

Organized study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

DST_VS 2005H: Topics in Digital Storytelling - Honors

Organized study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

DST_VS 2240: Comics and Cartooning: Writing with Pictures

(same as ART_VS 2240). This course is designed to introduce students at every level of artistic ability to the work of creating comics. As such, students can expect a nuanced, hands-on investigation of the power and complexity of the comics form, including character design, page layout, panel construction, and the image/text relationship. Students will experiment with various techniques and genres, practicing memoir, journalism, poetry, and fiction in the comics form, in addition to developing a vocabulary for engaging comics critically.

Credit Hours: 3

DST_VS 2810: Story Development

(same as COMMUN 2810). In this course students will learn about storytelling across time and media, beginning with definitions and fundamentals of narrative and oral storytelling, theories of narrative and its cultural functions, and basic narrative analysis. The course then turns to the close study of structure, narration, character, plot, action, dialogue, and other narrative elements, with a wide variety of examples and prompts. Throughout the course, students practice the development of their own stories in multiple versions and formats, with attention to the ways that formal structures such as blogs, tweets, podcasts, and scripts affect their storytelling strategies. By the end of the course, students will produce a short shooting script or equivalent project ready for production. Thus, the course functions as preparation for audio-visual production courses in Film Studies, Media Studies, Film and Media Arts, and Digital Storytelling degree programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early registration

DST_VS 2820: Immersive Storytelling

(same as THEATR 2220). This class introduces the student to the basic principles of immersive theatre and immersive storytelling. Students learn about the history, practice, theory, and critical issues related to immersive theatre and immersive storytelling, including performance art, environmental theatre, happenings, interactive theatre, site specific performance, installation art, video art, projection art, multimedia, intermediality, mediatization, 3D video, 360 video, augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality. Projects provide opportunities for experiences in immersive theatre and immersive storytelling.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: DST_VS 1880

DST_VS 2830: Video Art I

Video as a fine art form intersecting with sculpture, experimental filmmaking, and Internet culture. Theoretical and historical knowledge is integrated with studio practice. Students create video works in Adobe Premiere Pro, demonstrating technical ability and aesthetic vision. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880, FILMS_VS 1880, ENGLSH 1880 or ART_VS 1920

DST_VS 2860: Film Themes and Genres

(same as ENGLSH 2860, FILMS_VS 2860). Topics (e.g. film noir, African-American filmmakers, food and film, the western) announced at time of registration.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1800 or FILMS_VS 1800
Recommended: ENGLSH 1000

DST_VS 2880: Digital Storytelling Production I

(same as ENGLSH 2880, COMMUN 2880). Digital Storytelling Production I teaches agility with digital video technology through applied experiences. Assignments in digital video production emphasize how video narratives are created and how images and audio enhance the structure, mood, and theme of the narrative. Instruction will focus on planning a video production and developing the tools and practices in lighting, sound recording, image capturing, and editing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early registration

DST_VS 2885: Digital Storytelling Animation Production I

(same as ENGLSH 2885). Introduction to all aspects of digital animation and elements of the 3D computer animation production pipeline, including story drafting and production planning, polygonal modeling and texturing, rigging, key framing, lighting, compositing rendered images, and editing into a short finished film. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 or instructor consent. Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early enrollment

DST_VS 3001: Topics in Digital Storytelling

Organized study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Sophomore standing

DST_VS 3005: Topics in Digital Storytelling

Organized study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Sophomore standing

DST_VS 3005W: Topics in Digital Storytelling

Organized study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Sophomore standing

DST_VS 3230: Beginning Illustration

(same as ART_VS 3230). An introduction to visual problem solving from initial concept through final execution. Emphasis in drawing and painting skills and exploration of mixed media techniques including drawing from the model. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ART_VS 1050 or ART_VS 1060

DST_VS 3805: Introduction to 3D Modeling

An introduction to 3D modeling software and the core principles and techniques of 3D content creation including modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, lighting, and rendering. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000 and DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 and DST_VS 2885 or ENGLSH 2885 and sophomore standing, or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to DST majors during early registration
Recommended: ART_VS 1050 or ART_VS 1060

DST_VS 3850: Video Games and Storytelling

Video Games and Storytelling explores the interplay between game and story in video game media. Students will play and analyze games, specifically those with strong narratives, and engage with broader theories in literary and visual studies. Texts include video games themselves, as well as a selection of films, fiction, and critical/theoretical resources. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: ENGLISH 1000

DST_VS 3855: Documentary Film

(same as ENGLSH 3855, FILMS_VS 3855). Surveys the history of documentary film including the development of subgenres, sound and voice over in documentary, re-enactment, ethical issues in documentary film production, and more. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000

DST_VS 3860: Special Themes in Digital Storytelling

Themes (e.g., Indigenous digital studies, folklore and the internet) announced at time of registration. No more than six hours may be taken in the Special Themes in Digital Storytelling. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000

DST_VS 3880: Writing and Theory for Digital Media

(same as ENGLSH 3880). Writing and Theory for Digital Media teaches the skills, methods and theoretical frameworks needed to write for new media. Students will study and practice writing for web-based and digital media platforms, including blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and the emerging possibilities of locative and interactive media. Assignments emphasize the professional and creative possibilities of new media production. In addition to the hands-on creation for audio, screen-based, networked, and hybrid forms of digital media, students will also read, discuss, and write about work by new media theorists. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 or instructor consent. Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early enrollment
Recommended: Sophomore standing or above; ENGLSH 1000

DST_VS 3880W: Writing and Theory for Digital Media - Writing Intensive

(same as ENGLSH 3880W). Writing and Theory for Digital Media teaches the skills, methods and theoretical frameworks needed to write for new media. Students will study and practice writing for web-based and digital media platforms, including blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and the emerging possibilities of locative and interactive media. Assignments emphasize the professional and creative possibilities of new media production. In addition to the hands-on creation for audio, screen-based, networked, and hybrid forms of digital media, students will also read, discuss, and write about work by new media theorists. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 or instructor consent. Enrollment limited to declared DST majors during early enrollment
Recommended: Sophomore standing or above; ENGLSH 1000

DST_VS 3884: 3D Character Design and Modeling

An introduction to the core principles and techniques of 3D content creation including modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, lighting, and rendering. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000 and DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 and DST_VS 2885 or ENGLSH 2885 and sophomore standing, or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to DST majors during early registration
Recommended: ART_VS 1050 and ART_VS 1030

DST_VS 3885: Audio Storytelling

Students in this course explore the skills, methods and theoretical frameworks needed to produce audio for new media and to understand the relationship between audio and digital culture. Students will study and practice writing and producing for web-based and digital media platforms. Assignments emphasize the professional and creative possibilities of new media production with an emphasis on audio. In addition to the hands-on creation of audio for radio, podcast, as well as screen-based, networked, and hybrid forms of digital media, students will also read, discuss, and write about work by producers and radio historians and theorists. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880/ENGLSH 1880/FILMS_VS 1880/ARTGE_VS 1920 or consent of instructor

DST_VS 3885W: Audio Storytelling - Writing Intensive

Students in this course explore the skills, methods and theoretical frameworks needed to produce audio for new media and to understand the relationship between audio and digital culture. Students will study and practice writing and producing for web-based and digital media platforms. Assignments emphasize the professional and creative possibilities of new media production with an emphasis on audio. In addition to the hands-on creation of audio for radio, podcast, as well as screen-based, networked, and hybrid forms of digital media, students will also read, discuss, and write about work by producers and radio historians and theorists. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880/ENGLSH 1880/FILMS_VS 1880/ART_VS 1920 or consent of instructor

DST_VS 4005: Topics in Digital Storytelling

Advanced study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Sophomore standing

DST_VS 4005W: Topics in Digital Storytelling - Humanities - Writing Intensive

Advanced study of selected topics in Digital Storytelling. Subject may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Sophomore standing

DST_VS 4810: Film Theory

(same as ENGLSH 4810, FILMS_VS 4810). This course explores contemporary trends in film theory. Topics may include: psychoanalysis, feminism, Marxism, cultural studies, queer theory, audience and star studies, post colonialism, among others.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000 and ENGLSH 1800 or FILMS_VS 1800; junior standing

DST_VS 4830: Video Art II

Video as a fine art form intersecting with sculpture, experimental filmmaking, and Internet culture. Theoretical and historical knowledge is integrated with studio practice. Students create more advanced video works in Adobe Premiere Pro, demonstrating technical ability and aesthetic vision. Projections and video installation works will be emphasized. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880, FILMS_VS 1880, ENGLSH 1880 or ART_VS 1920 and DST_VS 2830 or ARTGE_VS 4030

DST_VS 4840: Culture and Media

(same as ENGLSH 4840, FILMS_VS 4840; cross-leveled with ENGLSH 7840, FILMS_VS 7840). Topics (e.g. Cinema and Imperialism, Indigenous Media, Ethnographic Documentary) announced at time of registration.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000 and ENGLSH 1800 or FILMS_VS 1800; junior standing or instructor's consent required

DST_VS 4880: Digital Storytelling Production II

(same as ENGLSH 4880, COMMUN 4880). Digital Storytelling Production II introduces students to advanced techniques in digital storytelling production, while further developing skills in script writing, storyboarding, Adobe Premiere Pro, and video production with DSLR cameras. Assignments in digital video production emphasize how video narratives are created and how images and audio enhance the structure, mood, and theme of the narrative. Instruction will focus on planning a video production and developing the tools and practices in lighting, sound recording, image capturing, and editing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000 and DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 and DST_VS 2880 or ENGLSH 2880 and sophomore standing, or consent of instructor. Enrollment is limited to declared DST majors during early registration

DST_VS 4885: Digital Storytelling Animation Production II

Advanced instruction in various aspects of digital animation and elements of the 3D computer animation production pipeline, including story drafting and production planning, polygonal modeling and texturing, rigging, key framing, lighting, compositing rendered images, and editing into a short finished film. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000 and DST_VS 1880 or ENGLSH 1880 or FILMS_VS 1880 or ART_VS 1920 and DST_VS 2885 or ENGLSH 2885 and sophomore standing, or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to DST majors during early registration

DST_VS 4886: Creative Activity in Digital Storytelling

Creative activity in digital storytelling under mentorship of a faculty member. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

DST_VS 4930: Digital Storytelling Practicum

This course provides an opportunity for experiential learning in digital storytelling practice. Students will receive hands-on training through an intensive master class. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

DST_VS 4940: Digital Storytelling Internship

Students work in an agency or institution using their digital storytelling skills for one to three credit hours. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on an S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Program consent

DST_VS 4955: Independent Research in Digital Storytelling

Development of a carefully considered research project under close supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated with consent of instructor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Instructor consent required

DST_VS 4970: Digital Storytelling Capstone

For students in their senior year who have completed the core requirements for the Digital Storytelling program, this course focuses on advanced studies in the field and a major project involving the processes of selection, research, and production or writing leading to its completion. Course also includes a large professional development component. Enrollment limited to declared DST majors only, unless by instructor consent. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: DST_VS 1880, and DST_VS 2880 or DST_VS 2885 or DST_VS 2830, and DST_VS 4880 or DST_VS 4885 or DST_VS 4830

DST_VS 7960: Graduate New Media I

This course serves as a portfolio development course for students in the New Media MFA track. This course gives students the time and space to develop larger projects in either video art, installation, or animation within a cohesive, student directed, conceptual framework. Students should also develop language on how their projects are situated within contemporary art world, through the creation and revision of artist statements. Students produce conceptual projects and engage in critiques of student work. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3