Finance (FINANC)

FINANC 1000: Principles of Finance

Financing business, consumer, and government activity; stocks, bonds, real estate, and financial markets; risk; insurance; inflation; cash and income management; capital accumulation and appreciation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Students admitted to COB upper level degree program cannot enroll

FINANC 2000: Survey of Business Finance

An overview of the global financial system, financial markets, financial institutions, and principles of financial management.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Students admitted to COB upper level degree program cannot enroll

FINANC 3000: Corporate Finance

Financial decision-making in a corporate environment. Time value of money, capital budgeting, cost of capital, working capital management and financial instruments issued by the firm.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Completed 45 semester hours; STAT 2500 (or STAT 2200 and STAT 1200 or STAT 1300 or STAT 1400); ECONOM 1014 ; ECONOM 1015 or ECONOM 1051H
Corequisites: ACCTCY 2027 or ACCTCY 2037 or ACCTCY 2137H

FINANC 4010: Financial Management

(cross-leveled with FINANC 7010). Techniques and concepts of financial management decision-making to optimize firm value, including capital budgeting, capital structure, corporate payout policy, firm valuation, mergers and acquisitions, etc. These concepts are taught using problem sets and cases.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or Finance and Banking emphasis students and/or Real Estate emphasis students and/or International Business - Finance emphasis students and/or students who have declared the Corporate Finance Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4020: Investments

(cross-leveled with FINANC 7020). Security valuation and analysis, formulation of personal and professional investment programs.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or Finance and Banking emphasis students and/or Real Estate emphasis students and/or International Business - Finance emphasis students and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4030: Financial Intermediaries and Markets

Functions of intermediaries in the aggregation and allocation of funds, creation and transfer of assets, and distribution of risks. Regulation of financial institutions; financial institutions as instruments of public policy.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4110: Financial Management Policy

Application of the concepts and tools of finance to cases in working capital management, capital budgeting analysis and capital structure decisions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4010. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Corporate Finance Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4120: Security Analysis

Classifies and analyzes securities, markets, industries. Formulation of investment policy for institutions, personal investors.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4020. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4130: Management of Financial Institutions

Operating principles of major financial intermediaries, including commercial banking, savings, insuring, lending and investing institutions. Analysis of cases; study of current problems. Some sections of the course may be graded on A-F or S/U graded basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4030. May be restricted during early registration to business students only

FINANC 4185: Problems in Finance

Independent study, reports on selected topics. Some sections of this course may be offered A-F only or S/U only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Instructor consent required

FINANC 4201: Topics in Finance

Selected topics in finance, insurance or real estate. Offered on an experimental basis. Some sections of this course may be offered A-F only or S/U only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: May be restricted during early registration to business students only

FINANC 4220: Portfolio Management

Development and application of the principles of modern portfolio theory to financial assets. Analysis of the concepts of diversification, portfolio construction, portfolio revision, and use of types of financial assets in effective portfolio management.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4020. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4310: Financial Modeling and Databases

Financial modeling and using online databases to retrieve data, data analysis, spreadsheet design, excel VBA programming, interpreting results. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Corporate Finance Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4320: Financial Futures and Options

A basic overview of financial futures and options markets. Topics include: theoretical pricing of financial futures contracts and stock options, institutional aspects of these markets, hedging, and speculative strategies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4020. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4450: Financial Ethics and Professional Standards

The course comprises an intensive study of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and Global Investment Performance Standards. It also includes a review of corporate governance issues.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Corporate Finance Certificate on their academic plan
Recommended: FINANC 4010

FINANC 4500: Principles of Real Estate

Principle factors influencing land use, practices in real estate business.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or Finance and Banking emphasis students and/or Real Estate emphasis students and/or International Business - Finance emphasis students

FINANC 4510: Real Estate Appraisal

Procedures for valuing industrial, commercial, residential realty by market, income, replacement cost approaches. Case method, field investigations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4500. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or Finance and Banking emphasis students and/or Real Estate emphasis students and/or International Business - Finance emphasis students

FINANC 4520: Real Estate Finance and Investment

Financing of residential, commercial, and industrial real estate and real estate development. Instruments, institutions, and markets; role of government agencies; investment qualities of real estate.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4500. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or Finance and Banking emphasis students and/or Real Estate emphasis students and/or International Business - Finance emphasis students

FINANC 4530: Real Estate Portfolio Analysis and REITs

Management of real estate portfolios and analysis of real estate investment trusts including financial statement analysis, cash flows, and valuation techniques.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or Finance and Banking emphasis students and/or Real Estate emphasis students and/or International Business - Finance emphasis students

FINANC 4620: Investment Strategy of Warren Buffett

(cross-leveled with FINANC 7620). Survey and application of the investment philosophy and valuation methods of Warren Buffett.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Investments Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Risk Management and Insurance Certificate on their academic plan
Corequisites: FINANC 4020

FINANC 4630: Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance

Basic principles of risk management and insurance focusing on operational risks faced by organizations. Covers terminology, sources, dimensions, characteristics, measurement, and assessment of risk along with design and implementation of techniques to mitigate and control risk.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: FINANC 2000 or FINANC 3000
Prerequisites: May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Risk Management and Insurance Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Sales and Customer Development Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4632: Principles of Commercial Property and Liability Insurance

The objective of this course is to examine the principles and key elements of commercial property and liability insurance. The primary emphasis will be on the property and liability loss exposures faced by organizations and the corresponding types of insurance for covering those loss exposures. This course qualifies students who make a "B" or better to receive credit for CPCU 552 Commercial Liability Risk Management and Insurance.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 2000 or FINANC 3000. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Risk Management and Insurance Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4640: Enterprise Risk Management

This course addresses the principles, concepts, key elements and applications of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to businesses and other organizations. The principal objective of this course is to prepare students to understand the principles of ERM and to be able to integrate sound risk management principles into their work.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 4630. May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Risk Management and Insurance Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Corporate Finance Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4710: Topics in International Finance

Available during study abroad session. Emphasis is on international corporate governance, foreign exchange risk management, international capital markets, balance of payments, international monetary system, and exchange rate determination. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

FINANC 4720: International Finance

Application of domestic corporate finance to the international arena. Emphasis on international capital budgeting, working capital management, foreign exchange risk management, international capital markets, balance of payments, international monetary system, and exchange rate determination. Some sections maybe graded on A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: May be restricted during early registration to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Business Certificate on their academic plan

FINANC 4820: Investment Fund Management

(cross-leveled with FINANC 7820). Analysis and management of securities and markets by participation in the management of a student-run portfolio of publicly traded stocks and bonds. May be repeated once for credit for a total of six credits.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000, FINANC 4120 or FINANC 4620, instructor's consent required each enrollment

FINANC 4830: Chartered Financial Analyst Exam Review Course

(cross-leveled with FINANC 7830). A review of the content and format of the chartered financial analyst (CFA) examination. Students need to be registered for the CFA exam to enroll in the class.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

FINANC 4840: Angel Capital Education Program

(cross-leveled with FINANC 7840). Hands-on experiential investing in start-up enterprises from sourcing, evaluating, and investing to monitoring those investments. Students will learn about angel and venture capital investment strategies, perform pre-screening duties, complete due diligence, structure investment contracts, and monitor portfolio holdings. Graded on A-F basis only. Repeat course is allowed, participating two semesters is preferred. Application to the program is required.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

FINANC 4940: Professional Finance Internship

Provides students experience with financial activities in business organizations (or, occasionally, in a governmental or not-for-profit setting). Students are required to prepare and execute a plan of study approved by the instructor and the complete written assignments detailed in the plan.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Internship Coordinator's consent required

FINANC 7010: Financial Management

(cross-leveled with FINANC 4010). Theory and techniques of financial management, study of firm valuation, dividend policy, capital budgeting and capital asset pricing.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000

FINANC 7020: Investments

(cross-leveled with FINANC 4020). Security valuation and analysis, formulation of personal and professional investment programs.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000

FINANC 7201: Special Topics in Finance

Selected topics in Finance, insurance, or real estate. Offered on an experimental basis.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

FINANC 7620: Investment Strategy of Warren Buffett

(cross-leveled with FINANC 4620). Survey and application of the investment philosophy and valuation methods of Warren Buffett.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 3000 or FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 7820: Investment Fund Management

(cross-leveled with FINANC 4820). Analysis and management of securities and markets by participation in the management of a student-run portfolio of publicly traded stocks and bonds. May be repeated 1 time for credit.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 7830: Chartered Financial Analyst Exam Review Course

(cross-leveled with FINANC 4830). A review of the content and format of the chartered financial analyst (CFA) examination. Students need to be registered for the CFA exam to enroll in the class.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

FINANC 7840: Angel Capital Education Program

(cross-leveled with FINANC 4840). Hands-on experiential investing in start-up enterprises from sourcing, evaluating, and investing to monitoring those investments. Students will learn about angel and venture capital investment strategies, perform pre-screening duties, complete due diligence, structure investment contracts, and monitor portfolio holdings. Graded on A-F basis only. Repeat course is allowed, participating two semesters is preferred. Application to the program is required.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

FINANC 8001: Topics in Finance

Selected topics in finance, insurance or real estate. Offered on experimental basis.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

FINANC 8010: Multicultural and Global Finance Study Abroad

International topical issues in finance including cultural difference, corporate governance, differential approaches to regulation across countries, and cross-risk. Includes a study abroad component with on-site visits to businesses and other organizations. May be repeated as venues change.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Consent required

FINANC 8012: International Financial Markets

International capital, foreign exchange, money markets, and financial institutions including exchange rates, instruments and securities, and multinational risk exposure. May include a study-abroad component with on-site visits to businesses and other organizations. May be repeated as venues change. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Consent required

FINANC 8085: Problems in Finance

For independent investigation and analysis, graduate students select topics suggested by the foregoing undergraduate courses.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FINANC 8090: Master's Thesis Research

Advanced research leading to thesis. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: Consent required

FINANC 8110: Managerial Finance I

Introduction to financial management including the time value of money capital budgeting techniques, risk measurement, and the valuation of financial securities.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FINANC 8120: Managerial Finance II

Continuation of the study of financial management with focus on the risk-return tradeoff, capital structure, corporate payout polices, long-term financing, elementary options pricing, and mergers and acquisitions.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8110

FINANC 8140: Managerial Finance

Analyzes financial information relative to acquisition, management of assets; costs of alternative financial contracts; effect of mix of outstanding securities on entity's cost of capital; interaction between funding/investment decisions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ACCTCY 8310 or departmental consent. Some sections may be restricted to execMBA only

FINANC 8210: Microeconomics for Business

Examination of how the behavior or consumers and the business decisions of firms affect supply, demand, and the resulting prices of goods and services in the market.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FINANC 8220: Economics for Managers

Applies the concepts and tools of economics to management issues and problems.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Some sections may be restricted to execMBA only

FINANC 8310: Financial Databases and Analysis

Financial modeling and using online databases to retrieve data, data analysis, spreadsheet design, excel VBA programming, interpreting results. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FINANC 8312: Financial Modeling

Financial modeling using Excel spreadsheet design and VBA programming. Includes alternative computational methods, simulation and the use of information retrieved from financial databases. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8310

FINANC 8320: Financial Markets

Operation and structure of money markets and capital markets, including markets for stocks, bonds and derivatives securities. Study of the securities that trade in those markets including characteristics, valuation and diversification.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FINANC 8330: Investment Policy and Portfolio Management

Study of investment policies and the effects of risk and diversification on investment management including measurement of risk, identification of investment policy, and construction and maintenance of investment portfolios.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8320

FINANC 8340: Derivative Financial Securities

Comprehensive overview of derivative securities including financial futures and options, swaps, and financial engineering. Major topics: institutional aspects of these markets, advanced pricing models, pricing relationships among derivative securities, and risk shifting.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FINANC 8350: Financial Statement Analysis I

An introduction to financial statement analysis with emphasis on interpretation and understanding of the balance sheet income statement, and statement of cash flows.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: ACCTCY 8310. Some sections may be restricted to execMBA only

FINANC 8352: Financial Statement Analysis II

Analysis of company financial statements and related accounting information with emphasis on investors' decisions to invest in the company.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8350

FINANC 8360: Equity Securities Analysis

Theory and application of models and methods for valuing common stocks.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Corequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8370: Fixed-Income Securities Analysis

Markets for fixed-income securities and theory and application of models for valuing bonds and other fixed-income securities.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8380: Investment Banking

Topics in investment banking including types of offerings and securities, analysis of comparable companies and transactions, valuation methods, and hedge funds and private equity. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8410: Advanced Financial Management

Examination of the modern theory of finance. Capital budgeting capital structure, dividend theory and valuation.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8430: Capital Budgeting

An investigation of long-term financial decisions. Topics include capital budgeting, leasing, long-term financing. Extensive use of cases.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8440: Financing Multinational Business

Study of foreign exchange markets, currency derivatives, global capital budgeting, and international financial decision strategy. Some sections of this course may be offered on an A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8450: Ethics and Standards of Financial Practice

Study of financial ethics with particular focus on standards of practice for investment performance standards.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140
Recommended: for students planning to take the CFA exam

FINANC 8460: Mergers and Acquisitions

Analysis of merger and acquisition transactions. Includes methods of financing, valuation and deal structure, hostile takeovers and restructuring.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8510: Management of Financial Institutions

Study and analysis of policies, goals, practices and organizational changes in the management of financial institutions and intermediaries.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8530: Real Estate Portfolio Analysis

Portfolio analysis applied to real estate investment including diversification, portfolio theory, and management of real estate portfolios including real estate investment trusts (REITs).

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8540: Real Estate Finance

Instruments and methods of financing real estate including fixed and variable rate mortgages, the mortgage loan underwriting process, financing investment property, and alternative financing methods. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8550: Real Estate Valuation I

Valuation and appraisal methods for real estate. Includes cost, comparable sales, and income capitalization approaches. Credit may not be earned for both FINANC 7510 and FINANC 8550. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8552: Real Estate Valuation II

A continuation of FINANC 8550. Focus is on advanced methods and the use of case analyses. Credit may not be earned for both FINANC 7510 and FINANC 8552. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8550

FINANC 8560: Real Estate Securities Analysis

Analysis of real estate securities including in-depth financial statement analysis and valuation of real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate operating companies (REOCs).

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8530 or instructor's consent

FINANC 8570: Real Estate Development

Developing real estate properties. Topics include organizational forms, land development, construction, and environmental issues. Includes issues specific to residential, office, industrial, and retail properties. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8620: Investment Strategy of Warren Buffett

This course is designed to familiarize students with the investment philosophy of Warren Buffett. Buffett's criteria for evaluating potential acquisitions and investments will be analyzed in detail.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140

FINANC 8630: Corporate Risk Management

Principles of identifying, analyzing, assessing, and managing operational risks faced by large organizations. Sources, dimensions, and qualities of risk as well as development and implementation of methods to avoid, control, or transfer risk.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: FINANC 8120 or FINANC 8140
Recommended: Undergraduate Business degree with major/emphasis/minor in Finance, Accounting or Economics

FINANC 8632: Corporate Insurance and Alternative Financing Mechanisms

Basis and techniques for insuring hazard and operational risks encountered by large organizations. Analysis of insurance policies, determination of optimal limits and retentions, and assessment of alternative risk financing methods.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FINANC 8630

FINANC 9080: Research Methods in Finance

Introduction to research methods in finance. Reading and critical evaluation of selected current finance research. May be repeated. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

FINANC 9090: Research in Finance

Thesis research for Ph.D. degree. Graded on a S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99

FINANC 9100: Corporate Finance I

Introduction to theory, empirical methods, and current academic research in corporate finance.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Ph.D. students only

FINANC 9200: Corporate Finance II

Continuation of FINANC 9100.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 9100

FINANC 9300: Asset Pricing I

Introduction to theory, empirical methods, and current academic research in asset pricing.

Credit Hours: 3

FINANC 9400: Asset Pricing II

Continuation of FINANC 9300.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FINANC 9300

FINANC 9500: Advanced Topics in Finance

Selected topics in theory, empirical methods, and current academic research in finance.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent