Health Sciences (HLTH_SCI)

HLTH_SCI 1000: Introduction to the Health Professions

Overview of clinical/non-clinical health careers; aptitudes/abilities needed for each; the history, current and future state of health care in the U.S: introduction to diverse populations and patient/family issues; Assists with career planning/selection of appropriate majors. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 1000H: Introduction to the Health Professions - Honors

Overview of clinical/non-clinical health careers; aptitudes/abilities needed for each; the history, current and future state of health care in the U.S: introduction to diverse populations and patient/family issues; Assists with career planning/selection of appropriate majors. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors Eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 1100: Introduction to Health Administration

This course will explore management and leadership as applied in health care, including definitions, descriptions, roles, functions, characteristics, skills, and "styles" of, as well as the relationship between, the two concepts. Unique aspects of management and leadership in health care will be discussed and presented, including the partnership between administrators and patient care providers in achieving high-quality, high-value patient care. Functions and departments managed, as well as the governing role of boards of directors of health care organizations, will be covered. Stakeholders and challenges of the US health system will be presented and discussed, along with the administrator's role with identified stakeholders and in addressing identified challenges. Management and leadership opportunities and roles across the continuum of care will be covered. Non-managerial opportunities for those trained in health administration will also be covered, as will opportunities outside of health care delivery organizations. Emerging and future trends in health care will be presented and discussed, including what they mean to the field of health administration. Lectures and discussions will be supplemented by readings and by presentations by health administrators. Assignments and grading will include discussion posts, quizzes, and class participation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1

HLTH_SCI 2001: Topics in Health Sciences-General

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects will vary from semester to semester. Entry level appropriate. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during preregistration

HLTH_SCI 2200: Nuclear Weapons: Environmental, Health and Social Effects

(same as SOCIOL 2281 and PEA_ST 2200). Environmental consequences of the nuclear arms race, "regional" nuclear war, and weapons testing for human health, agriculture, and society. Examining "a world without nuclear weapons"; political dialogue on proliferation; Iran, North Korea, and nuclear weapons conventions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 2200W: Nuclear Weapons: Environmental, Health and Social Effects - Writing Intensive

(same as SOCIOL 2281 and PEA_ST 2200). Environmental consequences of the nuclear arms race, "regional" nuclear war, and weapons testing for human health, agriculture, and society. Examining "a world without nuclear weapons"; political dialogue on proliferation; Iran, North Korea, and nuclear weapons conventions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 2400: Contemporary Health Issues

This course focuses on the prevalence, distribution, and preventative measures of disease acquisition and other factors relating to health. Topics include but are not limited to: physical activity; obesity; nutrition; chronic disease; communicable diseases; and how the environment influences human health and disease. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Some sections may also be restricted to Health Sciences and/or Fitness Program Management majors during pre-registration

HLTH_SCI 2400H: Contemporary Health Issues - Honors

This course focuses on the prevalence, distribution, and preventative measures of disease acquisition and other factors relating to health. Topics include but are not limited to: physical activity; obesity; nutrition; chronic disease; communicable diseases; and how the environment influences human health and disease. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 2400W: Contemporary Health Issues - Writing Intensive

This course focuses on the prevalence, distribution, and preventative measures of disease acquisition and other factors relating to health. Topics include but are not limited to: physical activity; obesity; nutrition; chronic disease; communicable diseases; and how the environment influences human health and disease. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during pre-registration

HLTH_SCI 2500: Introduction to Rehabilitation Science

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to health care rehabilitation. Topics explored will provide foundational knowledge for future rehabilitation professionals and will facilitate the development of skills necessary for success in rehabilitation science graduate and professional degree programs. These topics include the development of the field of rehabilitation, models of disablement/enablement, interprofessional collaboration among rehabilitation providers, and development and growth of critical thinking skills in the rehabilitation sciences. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 2600: Principles of Rehabilitation for the Preprofessional

This course introduces students to the principles of musculoskeletal injury and rehabilitation. Topics explored will provide foundational knowledge for future health care professionals and will facilitate the development of skills necessary for success in an integrative healthcare setting. These topics include the disablement/enablement model, phases of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and goals of a rehabilitation program. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 2800: Social Justice in Health

This course introduces the social justice framework and the building of inclusive classrooms and clinics. It includes weekly topics on inclusion, social identities, implicit bias, socioeconomic status, allyship and intrusion. Tools examined include: good personal communication, understanding an inclusive culture, how to be an ally, strategies to recognize and mitigate bias in health situations. Experiential activities and dialogue are the main avenues of learning in this course. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during preregistration

HLTH_SCI 2850: Inclusion and Equity in Health Care

The course provides an introduction on how to strive for inclusion and equity in health care settings in the United States. We examine the concepts of bias, prejudice, and discrimination from multiple disciplinary perspectives, including evidence from sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, and health sciences. Examining these materials will help students better understand the impact of bias, prejudice, and discrimination on access to health care, and on the overall health of people and populations. With the completion of this course, students will be better equipped to provide quality person-centered care and be able to think critically about how to begin the process of ending harmful discriminatory practices and implementing equitable and inclusive processes for diverse population of patients. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Some sections may be restricted to Health Sciences and/or Fitness Program Management majors during pre-registration

HLTH_SCI 2850H: Inclusion and Equity in Health Care - Honors

The course provides an introduction on how to strive for inclusion and equity in health care settings in the United States. We examine the concepts of bias, prejudice, and discrimination from multiple disciplines, including evidence from sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, and health sciences. Examining these materials will help students better understand the impact of bias, prejudice, and discrimination on access to health care, and on the overall health of people and populations. With the completion of this course, students will be better equipped to provide quality person-centered care and be able to think critically about how to begin the process of ending harmful discriminatory practices and implementing equitable and inclusive processes for diverse population of patients. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors. Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 2900: Health Care In Missouri

This course focuses primarily on application of general health concepts and tools specifically from the perspective of the State of Missouri. It is known for its mixture of large urban areas with rural regions and an extensive farming culture. Missouri has a population of six million people. The state's capitol is in Jefferson City and the most populated cities are: Kansas City-459,787; St. Louis-319,294; Springfield-159,498; Independence-116,830 and Columbia-108,500. Thirty-seven percent of Missouri's population is rural (MO Health Assessment). This course will assist the 69% of Department of Health Science majors, who stay in Missouri after graduation, to better understand the unique issues facing their future patients and clientele. Students will be exposed to specific challenges and successes in Missouri as they relate to health care and public health from a variety of perspectives. This course will examine the health of all Missourians; however, the course will highlight the challenges facing vulnerable populations within the state (minorities, women, LGBT and rural/urban community members) in order to increase cultural competence. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 2900H: Health Care In Missouri - Honors

This course focuses primarily on application of general health concepts and tools specifically from the perspective of the State of Missouri. It is known for its mixture of large urban areas with rural regions and an extensive farming culture. Missouri has a population of six million people. The state's capitol is in Jefferson City and the most populated cities are: Kansas City-459,787; St. Louis-319,294; Springfield-159,498; Independence-116,830 and Columbia-108,500. Thirty-seven percent of Missouri's population is rural (MO Health Assessment). This course will assist the 69% of Department of Health Science majors, who stay in Missouri after graduation, to better understand the unique issues facing their future patients and clientele. Students will be exposed to specific challenges and successes in Missouri as they relate to health care and public health from a variety of perspectives. This course will examine the health of all Missourians; however, the course will highlight the challenges facing vulnerable populations within the state (minorities, women, LGBT and rural/urban community members) in order to increase cultural competence. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 3000: Health Sciences Seminar

Professional Development course for Health Science Majors. Topics include resume development/ revision , interviewing skills, applying to graduate/professional programs and/or jobs, professional communication, etc. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: sophomore standing required; restricted to Health Science majors only

HLTH_SCI 3400: Global Health Care Systems

An introduction to health in a global context, with an emphasis on understanding how disparities in socioeconomic status, differences in political and national health care systems and the work of international organizations impact health in communities around the world. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science majors only, in junior or senior status

HLTH_SCI 3400H: Global Health Care Systems - Honors

An introduction to health in a global context, with an emphasis on understanding how disparities in socioeconomic status, differences in political and national health care systems and the work of international organizations impact health in communities around the world. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science majors only, in junior or senior status; Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 3450: Introduction to Epidemiology

(same as P_HLTH 3450). Epidemiology is the basic science of Public Health, focusing on the study of distribution and determinants of health-related states and events. The purpose of this course is to gain a basic understand of Epidemiology principles and methods and how to use these as a framework in assessing and addressing population health issues. Employing a mix of lecture, discussion, and assignments, students will explore the epidemiological investigation process, the etiology of disease, disability, and death, how to identify population subgroups with increased risk of disease, disability, and death and how to contribute to the development and evaluation of public health programs and services that improve the health of subgroups at risk and the general population. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Public Health Undergraduate Program or by Department Consent

HLTH_SCI 3500: Mental Health

This course provides a look at mental health problems with regard to influences, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Students learn theories of mental health, diagnostic criteria, treatment modalities, and community issues concerning the mental health system. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: HLTH_SCI 2100 or HLTH_SCI 3000

HLTH_SCI 3600: Health Promotion Programs I: Assessment and Planning

(same as P_HLTH 3600). Health promotion planning is the development and implementation of a well-researched and tailored intervention to increase the health status of an individual and population. This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to health promotion planning and assessment by integrating a solid theoretical foundation of the discipline with hands-on experience in assessing needs, assets and capacity for health education, health education and project planning, funding, intervention development, implementation of health education projects, and evaluation. Special attention placed on implementing health education and promotion programs that are tailored to the particular population in need as well as specialized for the appropriate setting be it school, work, health care clinic, or the community. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science majors
Corequisites: HLTH_SCI 3610

HLTH_SCI 3610: Health Promotion Programs II: Implementation, Evaluation, and Communication

(same as P_HLTH 3610). This course builds on topics covered in Health Promotion Programs I: Assessment and Planning. It will provide a comprehensive introduction to the implementation, evaluation and communication required for successful health promotion programs by integrating a solid theoretical foundation of the discipline with hands-on experience in the implementation of health promotion program, developing an evaluation and communication strategies for successful health education and health promotion programs in a variety of community-based settings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Public Health Majors during early registration
Corequisites: HLTH_SCI 3600

HLTH_SCI 3680: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Public Health

(same as P_HLTH 3860). This class is designed to help students think critically about the identification and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the United States. Students will explore current research and debates surrounding the definition, prevention and treatment of ASD in the United States. In addition to learning about the presentation and treatment of ASD, they will also be introduced to concepts in public health, psychology, psychiatry, and health services research. We will also discuss the history of our beliefs about ASD and how these beliefs have influenced policy, systems, services and treatment over the last century. Students may complete either P_HLTH 3860 OR HLTH_SCI 3680 for their degree credit and not both. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science Majors during preregistration

HLTH_SCI 3700: Health Care in the United States

Overview of financing, structure, and outcomes in the U.S. health care system. Contemporary health care issues, policy, and politics will be addressed. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing; Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during pre-registration

HLTH_SCI 3700H: Health Care in the United States - Honors

Overview of financing, structure, and outcomes in the U.S. health care system. Contemporary health care issues, policy, and politics will be addressed. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 3800: Holistic Health Systems for the Health Professions

This course will explore the various aspects of the holistic health movement and how they interact with American health care. Topics will include complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal remedies, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, midwifery, New Age healing, and others. Students will learn about the underlying philosophical principles of these practices, cultures of origin, treatments offered, and what consumers of health care as well as members of the health care workforce need to know about them. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students in junior or senior status. Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during pre-registration
Recommended: The most successful students will have taken other Health Sciences courses, particularly P_HLTH 3300 Public Health, prior to enrolling in this course

HLTH_SCI 3965: Strategies for Effective Peer Education in Health Sciences

(same as WGST 3960, P_HLTH 3965). Course designed to promote effective presentation skills on a variety of health topics, specifically sexual health. Students will engage in experiential practice and skill building surrounding cultural competency, difficult discourses, discussion facilitation and behavior management. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent

HLTH_SCI 4001: Topics in Health Science

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects will vary from semester to semester. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during preregistration. Restricted to Juniors and Seniors

HLTH_SCI 4002: Health Sciences Study Abroad - not for capstone

This course gives students the opportunity to apply critical thinking and analysis to various health issues through the global lens of a study abroad experience. Health issues are affected and complicated by cultural, educational, political, and environmental systems. This program is designed to allow students to gain firsthand knowledge in disease prevention and disability, compliance, health education, and the specific health issues in a local community. Course work will vary based on the study abroad location. This section is not eligible for Health Sciences major's internship/capstone credit. Graded A-F only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing Required

HLTH_SCI 4002H: Health Sciences Study Abroad - Honors- not for capstone

This course gives students the opportunity to apply critical thinking and analysis to various health issues through the global lens of a study abroad experience. Health issues are affected and complicated by cultural, educational, political, and environmental systems. This program is designed to allow students to gain firsthand knowledge in disease prevention and disability, compliance, health education, and the specific health issues in a local community. Course work will vary based on the study abroad location. This section is not eligible for Health Sciences major's internship/capstone credit. Graded A-F only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing Required; honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 4085: Problems in Health Sciences

Students will individually examine a specific health related problem, conduct research, and pose solutions to the problem as related to a health science course or a health field. Course work and content will vary based on the subject and may supplement regular course enrollment. Communication with instructor on topic, progress, and feedback should be timely for successful completion of course. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: Instructor consent

HLTH_SCI 4100: Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

This course is designed to explore the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the health care industry. This course will develop an understanding of AI technologies and their integration across health care domains for students pursuing clinical or non-clinical careers in health care. Students will explore the foundational principles of AI and machine learning and explore the application of AI technologies currently being utilized by health care professionals across multiple health care domains. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: HLTH_SCI 3700

HLTH_SCI 4200: Introduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base

This course provides an introduction to the basic quantitative and qualitative research techniques used in public health, health education and promotion, and the health professions. Conducting research, making medical decisions based on research findings, and using and interpreting research and evidence in practice settings all represent potential outcomes for students selecting a career in public health or the health professions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors with junior or senior standing

HLTH_SCI 4200H: Introduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base - Honors

(same as P_HLTH 4200H). This course provides an introduction to the basic quantitative and qualitative research techniques used in public health, health education and promotion, and the health professions. Conducting research, making medical decisions based on research findings, and using and interpreting research and evidence in practice settings all represent potential outcomes for students selecting a career in public health or the health professions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors with junior or senior standing. Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 4200HW: Introduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base - Honors/Writing Intensive

(same as P_HLTH 4200HW). This course provides an introduction to the basic quantitative and qualitative research techniques used in public health, health education and promotion, and the health professions. Conducting research, making medical decisions based on research findings, and using and interpreting research and evidence in practice settings all represent potential outcomes for students selecting a career in public health or the health professions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors with junior or senior standing. Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 4200W: Introduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base - Writing Intensive

(same as P_HLTH 4200W). This course provides an introduction to the basic quantitative and qualitative research techniques used in public health, health education and promotion, and the health professions. Conducting research, making medical decisions based on research findings, and using and interpreting research and evidence in practice settings all represent potential outcomes for students selecting a career in public health or the health professions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors with junior or senior standing

HLTH_SCI 4400: Culture and Health Literacy for the Health Professions

This course will explore differences and attitudes towards the health care industry across various social, cultural and ability groups. This exploration will result in more culturally competent health professionals by promoting self-awareness and challenging the existing assumptions and biases of the health care system. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing or instructor's consent. Restricted to Health Sciences Majors

HLTH_SCI 4400H: Culture and Health Literacy for the Health Professions - Honors

This course will explore differences and attitudes towards the health care industry across various social, cultural and ability groups. This exploration will result in more culturally competent health professionals by promoting self-awareness and challenging the existing assumptions and biases of the health care system. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing or instructor's consent. Restricted to Health Sciences Majors; Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 4410: Humanism and Health Literacy

This class will teach how the humanities can help students become better heath professionals. Topics include: spirituality and health; non-medical factors that impact health; representation of disability in art history; and literature and health. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during pre-registration

HLTH_SCI 4420: Health Literacy, Decision Making and Behavior Changes

Students will learn about the behavioral, psychological, and cognitive factors that impact health literacy and the ability to make decisions and change behaviors that support health and well-being.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Sciences Majors during pre-registration

HLTH_SCI 4430: Health Care Across the Lifespan

This course will explore health issues for individuals at different stages of life, from birth to old age. Health issues and health promotion practices common to each population are identified and discussed. Examination of health history, medications, culture, ages, lifestyles, predisposed health conditions, injury/physical challenges, and other health care topics as they occur at different ages of development during the lifespan. This course will also explore underlying causes of, and cultural, social, and personal influences on these health care issues. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: HLTH_SCI 3700

HLTH_SCI 4450: Health and Community Development

This is a community engagement-learning focused course that integrates the goals of academic learning with a community experience to produce a learning experience that serves the needs of local residents and organizations. Community engagement-learning will provide students with practical learning experiences that allow them to apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom. Each community engagement assignment will involve "learning in field" activities that will prepare students to work with real-life health and well-being situations. Students will participate in team community projects with diverse community organizations depending on their learning goals and the needs of the community. This community experience will enrich the student's classroom knowledge as well by providing concrete activities that demonstrate the value (or weakness) of the conceptual material discussed in class. In this course, students will explore links between the practices of health promotion and community development through the voices and opinions of leaders in academia, field and policy. The course will actively engage students in the acquisition of information about historical and contemporary theories, concepts, issues and experiences associated with health and community development. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

HLTH_SCI 4480: Clinical Ethics

(same as CDS 4480). Exploration of bioethics issues in health care with emphasis on issues related to patient choice and provider responsibility. Topics include philosophical theories, principles and models for ethical and lawful decision making in healthcare.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing; Restricted to Health Science majors only

HLTH_SCI 4480H: Clinical Ethics - Honors

(same as CDS 4480). Exploration of bioethics issues in health care with emphasis on issues related to patient choice and provider responsibility. Topics include philosophical theories, principles and models for ethical and lawful decision making in healthcare.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing; Restricted to Health Science majors only; Honors eligibility required

HLTH_SCI 4480W: Clinical Ethics - Writing Intensive

(same as CDS 4480W). Exploration of bioethics issues in health care with emphasis on issues related to patient choice and provider responsibility. Topics include philosophical theories, principles and models for ethical and lawful decision making in healthcare.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior or senior standing; Restricted to Health Science majors only

HLTH_SCI 4500: Health Care Management

(same as P_HLTH 4500). Examines various management concepts as they relate to the unique environment of health care. Concepts include planning, decision making, budgeting, staffing, organizing, and motivating for working with individuals or teams. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science majors only with junior or senior status

HLTH_SCI 4510: Essential Tools for the Health Care Leader: A Problem-Based Approach

This course is designed to increase students' ability to evaluate, synthesize, and perform tasks in the areas of business intelligence, business analysis, performance and process improvement, data management and mining, information security and privacy, and project management. Graded A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science majors only in junior or senior status
Recommended: Access to and experience using Microsoft Excel 2010

HLTH_SCI 4520: Health Care Project Management

Examines various project management concepts, both universal and as they relate to the unique environment of health care. Concepts include project, program and portfolio management, initiating projects, planning projects, executing projects, monitoring and controlling projects, closing projects, and using industry best practices and tools. This course will enable you to work with other project management professionals across various industries and in the changing health care setting. You will learn how good project, program, and portfolio management can help you achieve organizational and individual success. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Health Science majors only in junior or senior status

HLTH_SCI 4900: Seminar in Health Education

(same as P_HLTH 4900; cross-leveled with P_HLTH 7900). This course provides students pursuing careers in health education/promotion and public health with the opportunity to synthesize their relevant coursework and prepare for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) examination. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Instructor consent required
Recommended: Intended as preparation for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Exam

HLTH_SCI 4975: Internship in Health Sciences

Focuses on knowledge, skills and attitudes that enhance personal effectiveness and professional success. Opportunities to research selected career paths and related topics in health sciences and participate in directed service learning projects or internships in selected emphasis area. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: HLTH_SCI 2100 or HLTH_SCI 3000

HLTH_SCI 4985: Healthcare Organization and Leadership

In this course, students will explore leadership principles as they relate to the student's focus area, combining previous expertise in the field with an interdisciplinary perspective within the healthcare community. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: HLTH_SCI 2100 or HLTH_SCI 3000; senior standing required

HLTH_SCI 4985H: Healthcare Organization and Leadership - Honors

In this course, students will explore leadership principles as they relate to the student's focus area, combining previous expertise in the field with an interdisciplinary perspective within the healthcare community. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: HLTH_SCI 2100 or HLTH_SCI 3000; senior standing required; Honors eligibility required