Preparing Adults for Work and Society (PAW_EDUC)

PAW_EDUC 1000: PAWS Freshman Seminar

This course serves as the introduction to the Preparing Adults for Work and Society (PAWS) program. Students enrolled in the PAWS program will take this course in the fall of their first year. This course will introduce students to life on campus including navigating courses, living on campus, setting goals, career exploration, and will introduce skills necessary to navigate campus life. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 0-3
Prerequisites: Instructor consent required

PAW_EDUC 1100: Personal Success

Preparing for Personal Success is a course designed to support student's ability to advocate for their own needs through discussion of the Disability Rights movement and their place within it, as well as practice in development of their own self-determination skillset. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 0-3
Prerequisites: Instructor consent required

PAW_EDUC 1200: Safe, Strong, and Healthy Relationships

This course is designed to support students in developing safe, strong, and meaningful relationships. Because many students with disabilities have been left out of traditional instruction about relationships and often find it difficult to meet new people, this course has been developed to deepen student's understanding to the nuance of making friends, developing social networks, romantic relationships, and changing dynamics with family members. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 0-3
Prerequisites: Instructor consent required

PAW_EDUC 1201: Safe, Strong, and Healthy Relationships II

This course, a continuation of PAW_EDUC 1200, is designed to expose students to a variety of topics to prepare them for building the types of relationships that interest them, while honoring their need to explore with dignity of risk, as is allowed to people without disabilities. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PAW_EDUC 1200

PAW_EDUC 1300: Introduction to Career Exploration

This course in the PAWS (Preparing Adults for Work and Society) program will introduce students to the concept of work and careers. Students will learn about various career clusters and will be able to express how their personal strengths, skills, and preferences will be an asset to them in employment.

Credit Hours: 3