
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. A student who does not complete assigned academic work because of absence from class is responsible for making up that work in accordance with instructions provided by the faculty member consistent with any policy established by the faculty of the respective department, school or college. A school or college faculty, a department faculty, a course director or an individual instructor may establish attendance standards and will determine whether a student will be permitted to make up work missed as a result of absence(s). There is no dean’s excuse or official absence. (See Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Eligibility).

However, a student who is also a member of a national guard, Federal Emergency Management Agency or military reserve unit and is called to active duty while the University is in session, will be permitted to make up work missed as a result of such absences for up to two weeks of absences, provided that to do so does not require the instructor to engage in individualized tutorial work with the student. Recognizing that some students have contractual obligations to the University, while others are participating in intercollegiate events at the behest of their departments, faculty are encouraged to make accommodations for absences incurred because of these responsibilities. In enforcing their absence policy, it is recommended that faculty give due consideration to the important role that extracurricular activities play in the development of students, as well as to the benefits they provide to both our university and community.

Students must notify instructors of any scheduled absences within the first two weeks of the semester. In the case of later qualifying events, the instructor must be informed two weeks prior to those events. Instructors are encouraged to advise students of their absence policy at the beginning of the semester.

For full policy see the Faculty Handbook.