2024-25 Catalogs

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Graduate Certificate in Organizational Change and Conflict Management

The Graduate Certificate in Organizational Change and Conflict Management is a collaboration between the Truman School of Government and Public Affairs within the College of Arts and Science and the Law School. The certificate will focus on organizational analysis and change, dispute resolution and conflict management. 


Students must complete 12 credit hours to receive the certificate. Students must select three courses from the required courses list and one elective in consultation with the certificate coordinator. 

Students do not need to be enrolled in a graduate degree program at MU to participate in the program. The graduate certificate in organizational change and conflict management can be completed 100% online.

Required Courses9
PUB_AF 8610Group Dynamics and Conflict Resolution3
or LAW 5450 Conflict and Conflict Management
PUB_AF 8150Collaborative Governance3
LAW 6935Dispute System Design3
Elective (chosen in consultation with certificate coordinator)3+
LAW 6945Non-Binding Methods of Dispute Resolution3-4
LAW 5485Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution1-3
LAW 5516Dispute Resolution in the Digital Age1-4
LAW 5765Mediation1-3
LAW 5810Negotiation1-3
PUB_AF 8160Organizational Dynamics and Leadership3
PUB_AF 8620Organizational Analysis and Change3
PUB_AF 8630Organizational Change in a Community and Global Context3
PUB_AF 8864Administrative Law3


Harry S Truman School of Government & Public Affairs
615 Locust Street

Email truman@missouri.edu