2024-25 Catalogs

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Graduate Minor in Musicology

The Graduate Minor in Musicology provides the opportunity for graduate music students to develop and/or strengthen their skills in this academic area. In addition, completing this minor can enhance the employability of individuals with degrees in performance, theory, or composition, by preparing them to teach courses in music appreciation and music history.


Requires 15 credit hours to earn the minor. 

MUS_H_LI 8313Introduction to Graduate Study3
MUS_H_LI 8340Focal Composers3
MUS_H_LI 7330Music of the PostModern Era (or any period course [Baroque, Classic, Romantic, Modern])3
MUS_H_LI 7311Historical Studies in Art Song (or any historical studies course, including Advanced Studies in American Music and Studies in World Music)3
MUS_GENL 8085Problems in Music (Capstone independent study project)3
MUS_H_LI 7342Contemporary Issues in Musicology (not a required course but may be substituted for Focal Composers, Period course, or Historical Studies)3

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