MS in Civil Engineering

Degree Requirements

A student must complete  a minimum of 30 hours (transportation area) or 31 hours of graduate credit beyond the bachelor's degree (or its equivalent), of which, a total of 15 hours of the 30-hour minimum must be selected from courses at the 8000 or 9000 level and not more than 40 percent of the 30-hour credit requirement can be satisfied by a combination of special investigations, research (CV_ENG 8990), readings and/or problems courses. The student's GPA must be 3.0 or greater. Students should consult with their academic advisor to ensure all requirements are satisfied.

  • 8 or more courses (3 credit hours each) at the appropriate level
  • Up to 6 hours of research (CV_ENG 8990)
  • One or more 1-hour seminars associated with your specialty area (seminar is not required in all areas; see your academic advisor for details).

Thesis/Non-Thesis Requirements

All candidates for the Master of Science degree are required to complete a substantial independent effort reflecting some measure of creativity and/or originality and to produce evidence of such effort.  A final oral examination is required of all master’s candidates. Approximately two weeks before this examination, a candidate must submit to an examining committee a thesis, a formal report or a design of professional quality applying the knowledge gained in course work to the solution of an engineering problem. Students who receive research appointments or traineeships are required to submit a thesis. Formal or design report is at the discretion of the advisor.

Academic credit allowed for this portion of a student’s program of study shall be for 3 credit hours for a report and 6 credit hours for a thesis.


Priority admission and funding consideration are given to applications received by January 15th/October 1st. Applications submitted after January 15/October 1st will be considered, with preference going to those received by May 1/December 1. Prospective students applying after May 1/December 1 will be considered for fall/spring admission on a case by case basis.

Admission Criteria 

  • Minimum GPA: 3.0 in last 2 years of coursework. Note: Lower than 3.0 GPA requires special action and substantiation such as good test scores on the GRE or other recognized examinations.
  • BS in engineering. Applicants with BS degrees in related fields may be considered for admission. If admitted, non-engineers are required to complete remedial courses as determined by their advisor and advisory committee.
  • GRE test is optional. 
  • Minimum TOEFL and IELTS scores for international students: See language requirements set by the Graduate School.

Required Application Materials

Upload to the Graduate School:

  • All required Graduate Admissions documents
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation (at least two from faculty members who have taught or advised you)
  • GRE scores (optional)

  • Résumé
  • Statement of Purpose

Financial Aid from the Program

If you wish to be considered for financial aid, please complete the financial aid section of the departmental application.

Dr. Maria Fidalgo 
Director of Graduate Studies

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