Communication (COMMUN)

COMMUN 1200: Public Speaking

Principles, process of speech communication in small group and public speaking situations.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 1200H: Public Speaking - Honors

Principles, process of speech communication in small group and public speaking situations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

COMMUN 1880: Introduction to Digital Media Production

(same as DST_VS 1880, FILMS_VS 1880, ENGLSH 1880, ART_VS 1920). Introduction to concepts and skills for Digital Storytelling, including media literacy and forms of narrative manifested historically and currently across a range of media. This course focuses on theories and concepts that support the critical analysis and creation of contemporary narrative in digital form with particular attention to audio, visual and written communication. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

COMMUN 2100: Media Communication in Society

An introduction to the development and impact of media communications and its technologies on American society. Emphasis on contemporary industry developments, their historical antecedents, as well as contemporary issues related to the influence and impact of media communication on society.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 2100H: Media Communication in Society - Honors

An introduction to the development and impact of media communications and its technologies on American society. Emphasis on contemporary industry developments, their historical antecedents, as well as contemporary issues related to the influence and impact of media communication on society.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

COMMUN 2200: Video Workshop: Sports Broadcast Production

A hands-on workshop; students will learn live sports video production theory and techniques from Mizzou Athletics broadcast professionals. Students will participate in all phases of video production (camera operations, directing, graphics, video replay, and live audio production and digital editing) in a variety of live sports projects. The class will help produce games for SEC Network Plus. There is no requirement of previous production experience or course work. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Communication majors

COMMUN 2315: Basic Audio Production and Performance

Radio speaking in varied types of programs; console operations, tape editing, microphone techniques.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 2500: Introduction to Communication

Introduction to the principles, theories, and professions of communication. Students may receive credit for COMMUN 2500 or COMMUN 3050/COMMUN 3050W, but not both.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 2530: Screenwriting I

(same as FILMS_VS 2530). Analyze various script formats and apply different writing techniques and styles to create screenplays and teleplays. Work inside a creative critique environment to craft vivid storytelling and character elements while developing viable loglines and pitches for their stories. Screenwriting concepts include the three-act structure and the timing and placement of plot points. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission

COMMUN 2530H: Screenwriting I - Honors

(same as FILMS_VS 2530). Analyze various script formats and apply different writing techniques and styles to create screenplays and teleplays. Work inside a creative critique environment to craft vivid storytelling and character elements while developing viable loglines and pitches for their stories. Screenwriting concepts include the three-act structure and the timing and placement of plot points. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission. Honors eligibility required

COMMUN 2648H: Marginalization and the Media - Honors

Communication 2648 Honors presents an overview of how social identities of marginalized groups are constructed within the broader media landscape. In particular it focuses on how the media, in various manners, represents marginalized groups in society. Further, it gives an effective overview of the effects of stereotypical imagery on viewers. However it also provides an introduction to the prosocial representations and effects across a variety of media. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required
Recommended: COMMUN 2100H

COMMUN 2701: Topics in Communication - General

Topics in Communication - General.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 2701H: Topics in Communication - General - Honors

Topics in Communication - General.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration; Honors eligibility required

COMMUN 2703: Topics in Communication - Behavioral Science

Topics in Communication - Behavioral Science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 2703W: Topics in Communication - Behavioral Science - Writing Intensive

Topics in Communication - Behavioral Science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 2705: Topics in Communication - Humanities/Fine Arts

Topics in Communication - Humanities/Fine Arts.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 2810: Story Development

(same as DST_VS 2810). In this course students will learn about storytelling across time and media, beginning with definitions and fundamentals of narrative and oral storytelling, theories of narrative and its cultural functions, and basic narrative analysis. The course then turns to the close study of structure, narration, character, plot, action, dialogue, and other narrative elements, with a wide variety of examples and prompts. Throughout the course, students practice the development of their own stories in multiple versions and formats, with attention to the ways that formal structures such as blogs, tweets, podcasts, and scripts affect their storytelling strategies. By the end of the course, students will produce a short shooting script or equivalent project ready for production. Thus, the course functions as preparation for audio-visual production courses in Communication, Film Studies, Media Studies, Film and Media Arts, and Digital Storytelling degree programs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

COMMUN 2880: Digital Storytelling Production I

(same as ENGLSH 2880, DST_VS 2880). Digital Storytelling Production I teaches agility with digital video technology through applied experiences. Assignments in digital video production emphasize how video narratives are created and how images and audio enhance the structure, mood, and theme of the narrative. Instruction will focus on planning a video production and developing the tools and practices in lighting, sound recording, image capturing, and editing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 1880 and consent of instructor

COMMUN 3310: Message Design and Writing for the Media

This course introduces students to writing for the media in various contexts including television, film and new media (e.g., websites and social media).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 2100. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3390: Digital Production I

Focus on building familiarity with video cameras, microphones, lighting, editing as well as the fundamentals of visual composition, (framing, camera angles, story boards, and ways to visualize information) and processes and procedures for producing and directing.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3395: Digital Production II

Focus on advanced production work; more elaborate projects including digital shorts, music videos, and short documentaries; advanced editing, storyboards, and emphasis on developing narrative structure.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 3390 or instructor's consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3422: Communication Research Methods

Focuses on writing and administering surveys, conducting field research, and designing experimental studies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing and COMMUN 1200. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3422H: Communication Research Methods - Honors

Focuses on writing and administering surveys, conducting field research, and designing experimental studies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing and COMMUN 1200; Honors eligibility required. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3441: Nonverbal Communication

Analysis of form and content of nonverbal communication. Emphasis on role of nonverbal cues in interpersonal communication.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing and COMMUN 1200. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3460: Organizational Advocacy

Theory and analysis of communication to promote organizational culture and image.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors during early registration

COMMUN 3470: Culture as Communication

(same as ANTHRO 3470, LINGST 3470). Study of the influence of culture on communication processes. Examines topics such as the impact of values, worldviews, histories, and power in cultural identity development and intercultural interactions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3490: Mediated Communication

Survey of the topics, research, and theories in the study of media use, message processing, and effects. Additionally, various social group representation tendencies in the media landscape will be interrogated from a media literacy perspective. A socio-cultural lens will be applied to examine the history of media effects research, as well as contemporary trends, while highlighting social inequalities related to media use, effects, and representations. Students will learn to apply concepts, such as social identity, stereotyping, ethnocentrism, and hegemony to better understand motivations and biases related to message production.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 2100 or senior standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3525: Conflict and Communication

Theory and analysis of communication in conflict situations across a variety of contexts.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing required. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3561: Relational Communication

Analysis of communication influences on relational identities and development.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing and COMMUN 1200. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3570: Performance of Literature

(same as ENGLSH 3570 and THEATR 3200). Analysis and oral interpretation of literary works. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing

COMMUN 3571: Group Decision Making Processes

(same as PEA_ST 3521). Procedures and techniques for interpersonal communication and decision making in small groups.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3572: Argument and Advocacy

Critical analysis and production of argument emphasizing evidence, reasoning, and refutation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 1200. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3572H: Argument and Advocacy - Honors

Critical analysis and production of argument emphasizing evidence, reasoning, and refutation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 1200; Honors eligibility required. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3575: Business and Professional Communication

Principles and practice of speech communication in business and professional settings. Emphasis on interviews, group conferences and personal presentations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3575W: Business and Professional Communication - Writing Intensive

Principles and practice of speech communication in business and professional settings. Emphasis on interviews, group conferences and personal presentations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3580: Crisis Communication

The theory and practice of corporate and political communication responses to crisis situations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3701: Topics in Communication-General

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent required for repetition.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 1200 and COMMUN 2100. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3701W: Topics in Communication - General - Writing Intensive

Topics in Communication - General.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: may be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3703: Topics in Communication-Behavioral Sciences

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent required for repetition.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: junior standing and instructor's consent, May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 3705: Topics in Communication-Humanities

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent required for repetition.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: junior standing and instructor's consent. May be restricted to Communications majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4395: Professional Seminar in Television Production

Application of principles to advanced television production, direction.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 3390 and instructor's consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4412: Gender, Language, and Communication

(same as LINGST 4412, ANTHRO 4412; cross-leveled with COMMUN 7412, LINGST 7412, ANTHRO 7412). Relationship among gender, language, nonverbal communication, and culture.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing or departmental consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4420: Communicating Research and Scholarship

Course is for undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to enhance communicating their research and scholarship to a variety of audiences and in multiple modes of communication. Students will use their own research, scholarly interests, and creative projects to create several communication pieces that may include abstracts/artist statements, press releases, elevator talks, manuscripts, presentations, posters, and short videos. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing. Permission of instructor

COMMUN 4420H: Communicating Research and Scholarship - Honors

Course is for undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to enhance communicating their research and scholarship to a variety of audiences and in multiple modes of communication. Students will use their own research, scholarly interests, and creative projects to create several communication pieces that may include abstracts/artist statements, press releases, elevator talks, manuscripts, presentations, posters, and short videos. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing; honors eligibility required. Permission of instructor

COMMUN 4420HW: Communicating Research and Scholarship - Honors/Writing Intensive

Course is for undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to enhance communicating their research and scholarship to a variety of audiences and in multiple modes of communication. Students will use their own research, scholarly interests, and creative projects to create several communication pieces that may include abstracts/artist statements, press releases, elevator talks, manuscripts, presentations, posters, and short videos. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing; honors eligibility required. Permission of instructor

COMMUN 4420W: Communicating Research and Scholarship - Writing Intensive

Course is for undergraduate researchers, scholars, and artists to enhance communicating their research and scholarship to a variety of audiences and in multiple modes of communication. Students will use their own research, scholarly interests, and creative projects to create several communication pieces that may include abstracts/artist statements, press releases, elevator talks, manuscripts, presentations, posters, and short videos. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing. Permission of instructor

COMMUN 4440: Ethical Issues in Communication

(same as PEA_ST 4440; cross-leveled with COMMUN 7440). Exploration and analysis of ethical dimensions intrinsic to human communication.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing or departmental consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4473: Political Communication

(cross-leveled with COMMUN 7473). Study of role and impact of communication in political campaigns; historical and contemporary study of influence by communication; case studies and practicum.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing or departmental consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4474: Theory and Research in Persuasion

(cross-leveled with COMMUN 7474). Studies the persuasive process, attitude formation, modification.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing and COMMUN 1200. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4476: Organizational Communication

(cross-leveled with COMMUN 7476). Theories of communication systems and processes in organizational structures; study of communication behavior in formal and informal organizational settings.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing and COMMUN 1200. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4478: Communication Competencies for a Diverse Workplace

Review of communication skills that can help students provide leadership around diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace, work more effective in diverse work environments, and make workplaces more welcoming and inclusive for everyone. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior standing. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4491: Political Public Address

Course focuses on the rhetorical criticism of public address; which involves analyzing the use of symbolic communication - primarily persuasive argument - in public settings on issues of political, social and cultural significance. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 1200
Recommended: COMMUN 3572

COMMUN 4510: Children's Communication

Course focuses on the nature of children's communication. Students will examine the communicative abilities, practices, and behaviors of children ranging across preschool and school age years. Graded of A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior standing or departmental consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4520: Family Communication

(same as H_D_FS 4680; cross-leveled with COMMUN 7520, H_D_FS 7680). Analysis of the functions and processes of communication within families.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing or departmental consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4530: Health Communication

(cross-leveled with COMMUN 7530). A general overview of the impact of communication on health, including doctor/patient communication and health campaigns. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 4628: Children, Adolescents and the Media

Focus on social scientific research concerning the mass media and social media in the lives of children and adolescents. The course centers on media effects literature and controversies relevant to child and adolescent media users. Course involves readings, lectures, discussions of theories, concepts, methods, and findings. We will also consider social implication and personal choices in media use. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required

COMMUN 4638: New Technologies and Communication

(cross-leveled with COMMUN 7638). Explores the social implications of new technologies designed for communication. Assumes basic computer knowledge.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing or instructor's consent. May be restricted to Communication Majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4648: Race, Ethnicity, and the Media

Presents an overview of how social identities of race and ethnicity are constructed within the media landscape. Provides an overview of the effects of stereotypical imagery and prosocial representations on users across a variety of media. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: COMMUN 2100

COMMUN 4648H: Race, Ethnicity, and the Media - Honors

Presents an overview of how social identities of race and ethnicity are constructed within the media landscape. Provides an overview of the effects of stereotypical imagery and prosocial representations on users across a variety of media. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required
Recommended: COMMUN 2100

COMMUN 4701: Topics in Communication-General

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent required for repetition.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: junior standing and instructor's consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4705: Topics in Communication-Humanities

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent for repetition.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: junior standing and instructor's consent. May be restricted to Communication majors only during early registration

COMMUN 4880: Digital Storytelling Production II

(same as ENGLSH 4880, DST_VS 4880). Digital Storytelling Production II introduces students to advanced techniques in digital storytelling production, while further developing skills in script writing, storyboarding, Adobe Premiere Pro, and video production with DSLR cameras. Assignments in digital video production emphasize how video narratives are created and how images and audio enhance the structure, mood, and theme of the narrative. Instruction will focus on planning a video production and developing the tools and practices in lighting, sound recording, image capturing, and editing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Recommended: COMMUN 1880 and COMMUN 2880

COMMUN 4940: Internship

Directed professional experience within and outside the University in communication-related fields or organizations. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-6
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent. Restricted to Communication majors

COMMUN 4950: Research Project

Student contributes to a research project with approved goals and a final written report. As part of the project, student will read articles in the communication research literature. Project can be independent or in conjunction with a faculty research project. Course may be repeated once for credit. Graded on A-F basis only

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 3050; junior standing and instructor's consent. Approval by a faculty member who will serve as project supervisor

COMMUN 4960: Directed Reading

Independent reading, reports.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: junior standing or instructor's consent

COMMUN 4970: Communication Practicum

Special applied instruction in an advanced area of communication or media. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 1200, COMMUN 3050, Communication major with junior standing and GPA of 2.5

COMMUN 4974: Senior Project

Integration and adaptation of communication theories to an applied communication problem. Required for all majors.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: admission to department, senior standing, and departmental consent

COMMUN 7412: Gender, Language, and Communication

(same as LINGST 7412, ANTHRO 7412; cross-leveled with COMMUN 4412, LINGST 4412, ANTHRO 4412). Relationship among gender, language, nonverbal communication, and culture.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 7473: Political Communication

(cross-leveled with COMMUN 4473). Study of role and impact of communication in political campaigns; historical and contemporary study of influence by communication; case studies and practicum.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: graduate standing or departmental consent

COMMUN 7530: Health Communication

A general overview of the impact of communication on health, including doctor/patient communication and health campaigns. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 7638: New Technologies and Communication

Explores the social implications of new technologies designed for communication. Assumes basic computer knowledge.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8000: Pro-Seminar in Communication

Obtaining a graduate degree requires that students become excellent researchers, teachers, and colleagues. To support learning toward these proficiencies, the Pro-Seminar course supplements classroom learning and faculty mentoring through formal departmental offerings. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1

COMMUN 8001: Topics in Communication-General

Study of selected topics in communication. Topic and credit may vary semester to semester. Repeatable upon consent of department.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

COMMUN 8085: Problems

Individual study not leading to thesis or dissertation.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

COMMUN 8090: Master's Thesis Research in Communication

Research leading to thesis. Graded on a S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

COMMUN 8110: Introduction to Graduate Study in Communication

Orientation to the field. Introduction to research methods. Production of research proposal. Emphasizes scholarly style of writing.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8120: Introduction to Communication Research Methods

Introduction to communication research, including research design and academic writing.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8130: Topics in Qualitative Research Methods

Examination of assumptions and techniques of qualitative methods adopting an interpretive framework for analyzing communication phenomena. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8140: Content Analysis

Introduction to content analysis as a method. Students will learn about issues of sampling, codebook construction, intercoder reliability, validity, and analysis of content analytic data, including computer assisted content analysis.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8160: Rhetorical Criticism

Principles, practice criticism (description, analysis, evaluation) of rhetorical artifacts.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8170: Seminar in Quantitative Methods in Communication II

The focus of this course will be the study and practice of various multivariate statistical methods commonly used in communication research. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 8120; instructor's consent required

COMMUN 8180: Advanced Topics in Quantitative Methods

Seminar in advanced topics in quantitative methods and statistics. Topics will vary. Course may be repeated up to two times for a total of six credit hours. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMMUN 8120

COMMUN 8310: Seminar in Interpersonal Communication

Examines theory and research concerning face-to-face dyadic interactions. Emphasis on context of interpersonal communication events and processes of interactional management.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8410: Seminar in Organizational Communication Theory

Exploration of the theoretical foundations of interpersonal communication in the organization, groups and team development, leadership, organizational decision making, motivation and power, bureaucracy, new information technologies, organizational effectiveness and the change process.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8510: Seminar in Mediated Communication Theory

This course will offer graduate students a broad overview of extant theories employed in the study of mediated communication. The class will be a survey of theory from foundation to modern conceptions of the study of mediated communication, from mass communication to interactive media contexts.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 8610: Survey of Political Communication

Survey of theory and research on political communication; emphasis on messages and audience responses to messages.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9050: Research

Completes comprehensive exams and writes a literature review.

Credit Hour: 1-9

COMMUN 9090: Doctoral Dissertation Research in Communication

Research leading to dissertation. Graded on a S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

COMMUN 9170: Research Practicum

Student conducts research under close supervision of faculty mentor. Goal: produce research report suitable for submission as convention paper, article, or book chapter. May be repeated once for credit.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: consent of mentor required; for advanced graduate students

COMMUN 9280: Seminar in Communication Theory

Examines the nature of theory, the assumptions underlying theoretical approaches to communication, and surveys themes in contemporary communication theories.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9310: Seminar in Family Communication

Examines research and theory of family communication; focus on family communication patterns and processes, emphasis on key conceptual, methodological and theoretical aspects of family communication scholarship and research on family forms, processes and outcomes. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9330: Topics in Interpersonal and Family Communication

The course will review theory and research on topics related to the study of family communication and/or interpersonal communication. Subjects will rotate and include areas such as relational conflict, gender communication, narrative theory, family diversity, or intercultural communication.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

COMMUN 9430: Topics in Organizational Communication

Examination of theory and research in selected areas of organizational communication. Topics vary by semester. Topics may include socialization, power, gender, emotions, and others. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9460: Topics in Political Communication

Examination of theory and research in selected areas of political communication. Topics vary by semester. Topics may include political polarization, political socialization, politics and the media, political advertising, politics and new media.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9520: Seminar in Media Processes and Effects

Explores current research in the processes and effects of mediated communication. Readings pertain to the current social and psychological effects of media on users.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9530: Topics in Mediated Communication

Examination of theory and research in selected areas of mediated communication. Topics vary by semester. Topics include mass media and social relationships, digital media, social identity and media, health and media, and media diversity. May be repeated two times for credit.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9610: Seminar in Disaster, Crisis, and Risk

This course examines several lines of research from multiple disciplines that influence communication during disasters, crises, and emergencies. Topics may include federal government paradigms for disaster communication, crisis communication perspectives, risk perception, resilience, social media and emerging technologies in disasters, and media coverage of disasters.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9620: Political Campaign Debates

Theory and research on political campaign debates applied to analyses of candidate debates. Focus on primary and general presidential debates.

Credit Hours: 3

COMMUN 9630: Political Advertising

Theory and research on political advertising applied to analyses of candidate advertisements. Focus on primary and general presidential television spots and web pages.

Credit Hours: 3