French (FRENCH)

FRENCH 1100: Elementary French I

FRENCH 1100 is a beginning French course and the first course of the beginning language sequence, but many students will have had 1 or 2 years of high school French. It places emphasis on communicating, using listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Credit Hours: 5

FRENCH 1100H: Elementary French I - Honors

FRENCH 1100 is a beginning French course and the first course of the beginning language sequence, but many students will have had 1 or 2 years of high school French. It places emphasis on communicating, with students using all four skills--listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 5
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

FRENCH 1200: Elementary French II

The second course of the beginning language sequence is the continuation of FRENCH 1100. It places equal emphasis on communicating using listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students who have prior knowledge of French are encouraged to take this course.

Credit Hours: 5
Recommended: Grade in the C range or better in FRENCH 1100 or equivalent

FRENCH 1200H: Elementary French II - Honors

(same as FRENCH 1200). The second course of the beginning language sequence is the continuation of FRENCH 1100. It places equal emphasis on communicating using listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students who have prior knowledge of French are encouraged to take this course.

Credit Hours: 5
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required
Recommended: Grade in the B range or better in FRENCH 1100 or equivalent

FRENCH 2001: Undergraduate Topics in French-General

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects may vary from semester to semester. Course will be taught in English. May be repeated with consent of department.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FRENCH 2005: Undergraduate Topics in French-Humanities/Fine Arts

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects may vary from semester to semester. Course will be taught in English. May be repeated with departmental consent.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FRENCH 2100: Elementary French III

A multi-skill course following FRENCH 1200, centering on cultural/literary reading, and including a grammar review, practice of the spoken language, as well as some practice in written expression.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: Grade in the C range or better in FRENCH 1200, or equivalent course

FRENCH 2100H: Elementary French III - Honors

A multi-skill course following FRENCH 1200, centering on cultural/ literary reading, and including a grammar review, practice of the spoken language, as well as practice in written expression.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: grade in the B range or better in FRENCH 1200, or equivalent course. Honors eligibility required

FRENCH 2160: Intermediate French Composition and Conversation

A course designed to develop the ability to speak, read, and write in French via the reading of French short stories and/or a short novel. Grammar review.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 2100

FRENCH 2310: French Civilization

Open to any student interested. No knowledge of French required. May not be included in area of concentration in French.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing

FRENCH 2310H: French Civilization - Honors

Open to any student interested. No knowledge of French required. May not be included in area of concentration in French.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing; Honors eligibility required

FRENCH 2310W: French Civilization - Writing Intensive

Open to any student interested. No knowledge of French required. May not be included in area of concentration in French.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing

FRENCH 2320: French Literature and Thought in English Translation I

This course examines how the masterworks of French literature, from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, have influenced Western literary, cultural and philosophical traditions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing or instructor's consent

FRENCH 2330: French Literature in Translation II

This course examines how the masterworks of French literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have influenced Western literary, cultural and philosophical traditions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing or instructor's consent

FRENCH 2350: New World Francophone Literature in Translation

A survey of literature written by Caribbean writers of French expression. Writers include M. Conde, P. Chamoiseau, A. Cesaire, E. Glissant, S. Bart-Schwartz, R. Depestre and G. Etienne.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000

FRENCH 2880: French Cinema

This course will introduce to students to a variety of French cinematic genres, periods, and styles. Students will explore social, historical, political and cultural contexts of selected films in order to enhance their analysis of visual, ideological and thematic elements. Each semester's topic (e.g, "The French New Wave," "French Film History," "French Direct Cinema and Cinema Verite," and "French Film noir," etc.) announced at time of registration. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000
Recommended: FILMS_VS 1000 or FILMS_VS 1800

FRENCH 3001: Topics in French-General

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing, departmental consent for repetition

FRENCH 3004: Topics in French-Social Science

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing, departmental consent for repetition

FRENCH 3005: Topics in French-Humanities/Fine Arts

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent for repetition. Prerequisites: sophomore standing

Credit Hour: 1-3

FRENCH 3160: Advanced French Composition and Conversation I

Development of more sophisticated skills of written and oral expression.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 2160 or equivalent

FRENCH 3160W: Advanced French Composition and Conversation I - Writing Intensive

Development of more sophisticated skills of written and oral expression.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 2160 or equivalent

FRENCH 3180: Les Fondations de la Civilisation Francaise

Overview of French civilization from its origins to French Revolution. Studies will examine key cultural objects from art, literature, and popular culture as well as political and historical movements that have shaped development of French civilization. Ideal for students interested in engaging with issues, debates, and problems that helped to define the nascent French state.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 2160

FRENCH 3280: Commercial French

Composition and Conversation course based on materials related to the French business world. Acquisition of business-related vocabulary. Introduction to French business operations and correspondence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 2160 or equivalent

FRENCH 3410: Intro a la pensee critique / Introduction to Critical Analysis

Students will acquire skills and vocabulary to develop and defend critical perspectives in French, using studies of literature, media, and popular culture.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160

FRENCH 3410W: Intro a la pensee critique / Introduction to Critical Analysis - Writing Intensive

Students will acquire skills and vocabulary to develop and defend critical perspectives in French, using studies of literature, media, and popular culture.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160

FRENCH 3420: Introduction to French Culture

This course provides a general introduction to cultural analysis in French. Exploration of a variety of sources from film and literature, social media, and objects of material culture in order to analyze key moments in French cultural history.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 and FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 3420H: Introduction to French Culture - Honors

This course provides a general introduction to cultural analysis in French. Exploration of a variety of sources from film and literature, social media, and objects of material culture in order to analyze key moments in French cultural history.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 and FRENCH 3410; Honors eligibility required

FRENCH 3420W: Introduction to French Culture - Writing Intensive

This course provides a general introduction to cultural analysis in French. Students will employ a variety of sources from film and literature, along with social media and objects of material culture to revisit and analyze key moments in French cultural history.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 and FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 3430: French Masterworks: Texts and Contexts

This course will prepare students to analyze masterworks of French expression and develop an understanding of the historical and literary contexts in which they were written. It will also promote a deeper awareness of the French-speaking world's cultural specificity and diversity. Tracking texts across time periods (medieval to present) and, on occasion, across continents as well (Africa, Canada, the Caribbean), students will focus on how literary expression responds to cultural crises and consider how writers deal with issues of gender, race, ideology, class and/or self-actualization. As they make their way through a select group of works, students will have the opportunity to hone their language skills in all four fundamental areas (speaking, listening, reading comprehension, and writing). Beyond the scope of literary texts, reference to a variety of visual arts will inform and enhance class discussion.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160
Recommended: FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 3430H: French Masterworks: Texts and Contexts - Honors

This course will prepare students to analyze masterworks of French expression and develop an understanding of the historical and literary contexts in which they were written. It will also promote a deeper awareness of the French-speaking world's cultural specificity and diversity. Tracking texts across time periods (medieval to present) and, on occasion, across continents as well (Africa, Canada, the Caribbean), students will focus on how literary expression responds to cultural crises and consider how writers deal with issues of gender, race, ideology, class and/or self-actualization. As they make their way through a select group of works, students will have the opportunity to hone their language skills in all four fundamental areas (speaking, listening, reading comprehension, and writing). Beyond the scope of literary texts, reference to a variety of visual arts will inform and enhance class discussion.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160; Honors eligibility required
Recommended: FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 3430W: French Masterworks: Texts and Contexts - Writing Intensive

This course will prepare students to analyze masterworks of French expression and develop an understanding of the historical and literary contexts in which they were written. It will also promote a deeper awareness of the French-speaking world's cultural specificity and diversity. Tracking texts across time periods (medieval to present) and, on occasion, across continents as well (Africa, Canada, the Caribbean), students will focus on how literary expression responds to cultural crises and consider how writers deal with issues of gender, race, ideology, class and/or self-actualization. As they make their way through a select group of works, students will have the opportunity to hone their language skills in all four fundamental areas (speaking, listening, reading comprehension, and writing). Beyond the scope of literary texts, reference to a variety of visual arts will inform and enhance class discussion.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160
Recommended: FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 3440: Francophone Literature of North America

A survey course of Francophone literature of New France, Louisiana territory and the French West Indies from its beginnings in the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century. Selected novels, poems and plays will be studied in their historical and social context.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 2160

FRENCH 3710: Survey of Minority and Creole Languages of the U.S. and the Caribbean

(same as SPAN 3710 and LINGST 3710). Analysis of the state of the minority languages of the U.S. and the Creole languages of the Caribbean with particular attention to the social status of these languages and speakers' attitudes toward them in the context of ethnic, cultural and national identity (taught in English).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing

FRENCH 4004: Topics in French-Social Science

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: junior standing, departmental consent for repetition

FRENCH 4070: Intensive Beginning French

Rapid acquisition of a reading knowledge of French. Cannot be taken to fulfill undergraduate language requirement.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

FRENCH 4110: Advanced Oral French for Teachers

Advanced speaking practice primarily for teachers with emphasis on pronunciation, syntactical accuracy and vocabulary expansion. May not be used toward A & S Major. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours credit.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 or equivalent

FRENCH 4120: Foreign Language Teaching Methodology

(same as SPAN 4120, LATIN 4121; cross-leveled with FRENCH 7120, SPAN 7120). Theory and techniques of current foreign language methodology and their application in the classroom. Presentation of instructional projects, classroom observations, and strategies for classroom management. May not be used toward Arts and Science major.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: departmental consent

FRENCH 4130: Stylistics

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7130). A technical study of French as a means of communication and of self-expression, involving levels of meaning, rhetorical structure, and textual analysis.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 or FRENCH 3280
Recommended: FRENCH 3420, FRENCH 3430 or FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 4130W: Stylistics - Writing Intensive

A technical study of French as a means of communication and of self-expression, involving levels of meaning, rhetorical structure, and textual analysis.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 or FRENCH 3280
Recommended: FRENCH 3420, FRENCH 3430 or FRENCH 3410

FRENCH 4410: French Medieval Literature

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7410). Survey of representative works from the principal literary genres of the Middle Ages: epic (La Chanson de Roland), courtly romance (Chretien de Troyes), chantefable (Aucassin et Nicolette), short story (lai, fabliau), theatre, and lyric poetry.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4420: French Renaissance

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7420). Survey of prose and poetry of the sixteenth century with significant emphasis on Montaigne, Rabelais, and the poetry of the Pleiade.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4440: Eighteenth-Century French Literature

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7440). Through systematic and representative readings, this course familiarizes students with the literary trends and intellectual currents of 18th century France. The course includes works by Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Laclos, Diderot, Marivaux, Prevost, and Beaumarchais.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4460: Twentieth-Century French Novel

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7460). The course is a historical survey that deals with three topics: the modernist writings of the early twentieth century. (Proust, Gide, and Colette), existentialism of the mid-century (Sartre, Camus), and contemporary forms of writing (Beckett, Robbe-Grillet, Sarraute, among others).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4470: Introduction to the Contemporary French Theatre

Survey of twentieth-century French drama. Students read plays by Claudel, Giraudoux, Sartre, Anouilh, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and others. Strong emphasis is played on class discussions. Written analyses of two plays are assigned, and there is an hourly exam and a final.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4490: Nineteenth-Century French Novel

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7490). Study of the three major currents in prose fiction: romanticism, realism, and naturalism. Representative readings from Chateaubriand, Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, and Zola are included.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4500: Gender Studies in French

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 7500). Will acquaint students with basic theories of gender study by reading and exploring diverse media from the French speaking world. Topics may vary, focusing on feminism, queer studies, women writers, masculinities, etc. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3410 or permission of instructor

FRENCH 4710: History of the French Language

(same as LINGST 4710). Study of the French language from its Latin origin to the present. The course includes a survey of the external social, political, and historical factors that have affected the development of French, followed by a diachronic study of the internal structural features of the language.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4720: Structure of Modern French

(same as LINGST 4720; cross-leveled with FRENCH 7720, LINGST 7720). An introductory presentation of the phonological and syntactic systems of contemporary standard French.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 or equivalent or instructor's consent

FRENCH 4820: Blogging the World: The Web in Cultural Context

(same as GERMAN 4820 and RUSS 4820). Innovative interdisciplinary course addresses issues of access to international news and specific cultural context working in cross-disciplinary teams. Students in journalism, foreign language, international studies, political science and various other disciplines track cultural developments and information on non-US Web sites, blogs and digital social networks along with exploring various historical forms of communication that preceded the digital era of the Web. Students analyze the potential and limitations/ effects of blogs and the web in specific contemporary cultural contexts and as part of the broader historical evolution of the web. The course is taught in English. The goal of this course is two-fold; students learn the particulars of web blogging, explore various features of the contemporary social network landscape while focusing on the concept of culture, in particular the cultures of Europe and the US. Questions asked are: what is culture? What is common or popular right now in other cultures? And how do new social networks amplify or alter certain features or culture across national and international contests?

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing required

FRENCH 4820W: Blogging the World: The Web in Cultural Context - Writing Intensive

(same as GERMAN 4820 and RUSS 4820). Innovative interdisciplinary course addresses issues of access to international news and specific cultural context working in cross-disciplinary teams. Students in journalism, foreign language, international studies, political science and various other disciplines track cultural developments and information on non-US Web sites, blogs and digital social networks along with exploring various historical forms of communication that preceded the digital era of the Web. Students analyze the potential and limitations/ effects of blogs and the web in specific contemporary cultural contexts and as part of the broader historical evolution of the web. The course is taught in English. The goal of this course is two-fold; students learn the particulars of web blogging, explore various features of the contemporary social network landscape while focusing on the concept of culture, in particular the cultures of Europe and the US. Questions asked are: what is culture? What is common or popular right now in other cultures? And how do new social networks amplify or alter certain features or culture across national and international contests?

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing required

FRENCH 4960: Special Readings in French

Independent study through readings, conferences, reports.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430 and departmental consent

FRENCH 4980: Special Themes in French

Subject varies according to instructor. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 4993: The Capstone Experience in French

This course is required of all majors. Topics vary but all courses synthesize and review essential components of the major: speaking, writing, reading in French, and the ability to think critically and analytically.

Credit Hours: 3

FRENCH 4993H: The Capstone Experience in French - Honors

This course is required of all majors. Topics vary but all courses synthesize and review essential components of the major: speaking, writing, reading in French, and the ability to think critically and analytically.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

FRENCH 7004: Topics in French-Social Science

Organized study of selected topics. Subjects and earnable credit may vary from semester to semester. Departmental consent for repetition.

Credit Hour: 1-99

FRENCH 7120: Foreign Language Teaching Methodology

(same as SPAN 7120; cross-leveled with SPAN 4120, FRENCH 4120, LATIN 4121). Theory and techniques of current foreign language methodology and their application in the classroom. Presentation of instructional projects, classroom observations, and strategies for classroom management. May not be used toward Arts and Science major.

Credit Hours: 3

FRENCH 7130: Stylistics

(same as FRENCH 4130). A technical study of French as a means of communication and of self-expression, involving levels of meaning, rhetorical structure, and textual analysis.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 or FRENCH 3280 and FRENCH 3420 or FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 7410: French Medieval Literature

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 4410).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 7420: French Renaissance

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 4420). Survey of prose and poetry of the sixteenth century with significant emphasis on Montaigne, Rabelais, and the poetry of the Pleiade.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 7440: Eighteenth-Century French Literature

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 4440). Through systematic and representative readings, this course familiarizes students with the literary trends and intellectual currents of 18th century France. The course includes works by Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Laclos, Diderot, Marivaux, Prevost, and Beaumarchais.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 7490: Nineteenth-Century French Novel

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 4490). Study of the three major currents in prose fiction: romanticism, realism, and naturalism. Representative readings from Chateaubriand, Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, and Zola are included.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 7500: Gender Studies in French

(cross-leveled with FRENCH 4500). Will acquaint students with basic theories of gender study by reading and exploring diverse media from the French speaking world. Topics may vary, focusing on feminism, queer studies, women writers, masculinities, etc. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3410 or permission of the instructor

FRENCH 7710: History of the French Language

(same as LINGST 7710; cross-leveled with FRENCH 4710, LINGST 4710). Required of M.A. candidates.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3420 and FRENCH 3430

FRENCH 7720: Structure of Modern French

(same as LINGST 7720; cross-leveled with FRENCH 4720, LINGST 4720). An introductory presentation of the phonological and syntactic systems of contemporary standard French.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: FRENCH 3160 or equivalent or instructor's consent

FRENCH 7960: Special Readings in French

Independent study through readings, conferences, reports.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: departmental consent

FRENCH 7980: Special Themes in French

Subject varies according to instructor.

Credit Hours: 3

FRENCH 7993: The Capstone Experience in French

This course is required of all majors. Topics vary but all courses synthesize and review essential components of the major: speaking, writing, reading in French, and the ability to think critically and analytically.

Credit Hours: 3

FRENCH 8080: Readings in French

Independent readings in preparation for MA or MALT comprehensive examination in French. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3

FRENCH 8085: Problems in French

Problems in French.

Credit Hour: 1-99

FRENCH 8087: Seminar in French

Subject varies according to instructor.

Credit Hour: 2-3

FRENCH 8120: Bilingualism and Language Contact

(same as SPAN 8120 and LINGST 8120). Global analysis of the study of Bilingualism from a combined sociocultural, sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic perspective based on current research and examination of various phenomena of language contact (taught in English).

Credit Hours: 3

FRENCH 8411: Old French

Old French.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: FRENCH 4710 or FRENCH 7710 and some knowledge of Latin

FRENCH 8416: Studies in the French Renaissance

Studies in the French Renaissance.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: FRENCH 4420 or FRENCH 7420

FRENCH 8417: Studies in Seventeenth-Century French Literature

Studies in Seventeenth-Century French Literature.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: FRENCH 4430 or FRENCH 7430

FRENCH 8418: Studies in Eighteenth-Century French Literature

Studies in Eighteenth-Century French Literature.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: FRENCH 4440 or FRENCH 7440

FRENCH 8420: Studies in Twentieth-Century French Literature

Studies in Twentieth-Century French Literature.

Credit Hours: 3
Recommended: FRENCH 4460 or FRENCH 7460, FRENCH 4470 or FRENCH 7470 or FRENCH 4480 or FRENCH 7480

FRENCH 9080: Readings in French

Independent readings in preparation for the PhD comprehensive examination in French.

Credit Hour: 3-6

FRENCH 9090: Research in French

Leads to preparation of PhD dissertation in French. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99