Honors-General (GN_HON)

GN_HON 1010H: Career Explorations

Discussion in which experts discuss their specialties and answer students' questions on the nature and current status of their disciplines. Open primarily to freshmen. Graded on an S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 1030H: Honors Discussion Groups

Informal discussion between students and faculty on various academic topics. Graded S/U only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 1050H: Honors Seminar

Freshman-sophomore seminar offering a small group opportunity to write about and discuss works chosen by instructor.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 1051H: Honors Extended One Read

Introducing students to the values, rigors, and pleasures of reading through the Honors College's One Read book.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 1070H: Honors Elective Colloquium

Credit Hour: 2-3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 1080H: Honors Internship

Independent study under the supervision of a regular faculty member.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: written proposal with professor's approval submitted in advance to the Honors College. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2010H: Honors Tutorial

Small group of students (2-5) engage in collaborative work under faculty guidance. The focus is determined in advance by a faculty member and shaped through discussion with the enrolled students. Course may be repeated for credit.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: instructor's consent. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2011H: Unbound: Reading Without Limits

The Honors College partners with the Unbound Book Festival to offer classes focused on invited authors and their works. Students will have the opportunity to read and discuss works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry and meet the authors during the Unbound Book Festival weekend. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2015H: Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing Seminar

(same as ENGLSH 2015H). Addresses both the theory and practice of tutoring and the foundations of good writing. This course also qualifies students for a part-time job working as Writing Center/Online Writery tutors in future semesters.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000; Honors eligibility required; instructor's consent

GN_HON 2015HW: Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing Seminar - Honors/Writing Intensive

(same as ENGLSH 2015H). Addresses both the theory and practice of tutoring and the foundations of good writing. This course also qualifies students for a part-time job working as Writing Center/Online Writery tutors in future semesters.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ENGLSH 1000; Honors eligibility required; instructor's consent

GN_HON 2085H: Honors Independent Study

Independent study under the supervision of a regular faculty member.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: written proposal with professor's approval submitted in advance to the Honors College. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2111H: Epic Destinies, Individual Journeys

Exploring the art, literature and philosophy of the Ancient Mediterranean World, this course will take us from the fall of Troy to the flowering of art, poetry and magic throughout the Roman Empire. We'll encounter tragic heroes, a suffering Job, Socrates, Plato and his student Aristotle, and the great Roman poets Virgil and Horace. We'll descend to the underworld at least twice, discover the origin of the phrase carpe diem and witness the Roman invention of concrete. Along the way, we'll find ourselves asking not simply what the Ancients believed, or under what circumstances and in what social and historical contexts the works of the Ancient Mediterranean World were composed or performed, but also how they continue to shape and influence our modern world. This is the first course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2111HW: Epic Destinies, Individual Journeys - Honors/Writing Intensive

Exploring the art, literature and philosophy of the Ancient Mediterranean World, this course will take us from the fall of Troy to the flowering of art, poetry and magic throughout the Roman Empire. We'll encounter tragic heroes, a suffering Job, Socrates, Plato and his student Aristotle, and the great Roman poets Virgil and Horace. We'll descend to the underworld at least twice, discover the origin of the phrase carpe diem and witness the Roman invention of concrete. Along the way, we'll find ourselves asking not simply what the Ancients believed, or under what circumstances and in what social and historical contexts the works of the Ancient Mediterranean World were composed or performed, but also how they continue to shape and influence our modern world. This is the first course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2112H: Here Be Monsters

Exploring the art, literature, music and philosophy of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, this course opens in North Africa during the late Roman Empire on the threshold between the classical and medieval eras, and it closes in Shakespeare's London during the English Renaissance. In between, we'll explore the fens of Beowulf's Denmark, the battlefields of Roland and Charlemagne, and Hell itself in Dante's Inferno; meet werewolves and dragons and pilgrims; navigate the intellectual, political, and religious turmoil of medieval Europe; and encounter the glory of Renaissance Italy. This is the second course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2112HW: Here Be Monsters - Honors/Writing Intensive

Exploring the art, literature, music and philosophy of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, this course opens in North Africa during the late Roman Empire on the threshold between the classical and medieval eras, and it closes in Shakespeare's London during the English Renaissance. In between, we'll explore the fens of Beowulf's Denmark, the battlefields of Roland and Charlemagne, and Hell itself in Dante's Inferno; meet werewolves and dragons and pilgrims; navigate the intellectual, political, and religious turmoil of medieval Europe; and encounter the glory of Renaissance Italy. This is the second course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2113H: Reasonable Devils and Dark Visions

Exploring the art, literature, music and philosophy of the Early Modern World, this course will take us from the delirious hills of La Mancha in 17th century Spain to a desperate slave ship in the South Pacific in the mid-19th century. Along the way, we'll ponder our existence in a bread oven in the Netherlands, bathe in a lake of fire in Hell, confront the squalor of 18th century London, explore the perils of home schooling from Switzerland to the Arctic ice, brave Romantic madness in Germany and Russia, and be peered at by New England mermaids. This is the third course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2114H: Diagnosing the Dark

Exploring the art, literature, music and philosophy of the Modern Era, this course will take us from the intellectual and social revolutions of the mid-19th century to the cusp of the 21st century. Along the way, we'll encounter countries haunted by war and cities haunted by racism and crime. We will witness Modernist revolutions in seeing and making and even glimpse the dawn of the digital age and the first hint of the possibility of artificial intelligence. In the shadow of such events, the traditional themes of the Humanities - the problem of evil, the puzzle of human nature, the challenge of right action, the quest for justice, the mystery of love, our ethical and social responsibilities, and the continual search for a voice and an art adequate to our experience - resonate from work to work throughout our Era. This is the fourth course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2114HW: Diagnosing the Dark - Honors/Writing Intensive

Exploring the art, literature, music and philosophy of the Modern Era, this course will take us from the intellectual and social revolutions of the mid-19th century to the cusp of the 21st century. Along the way, we'll encounter countries haunted by war and cities haunted by racism and crime. We will witness Modernist revolutions in seeing and making and even glimpse the dawn of the digital age and the first hint of the possibility of artificial intelligence. In the shadow of such events, the traditional themes of the Humanities - the problem of evil, the puzzle of human nature, the challenge of right action, the quest for justice, the mystery of love, our ethical and social responsibilities, and the continual search for a voice and an art adequate to our experience - resonate from work to work throughout our Era. This is the fourth course in the long-running Honors Humanities Sequence.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2120H: Honors Humanities Seminar

This course meets a general education humanities requirement.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2121H: Black Women in Music

The course explores the interconnected issues surrounding Black women as musicians and consumers of popular, art, and folk music from the late-19th c. to the present, using the production and dissemination of Black women's expressive material culture as primary texts, and places secondary scholarly readings in conversation with these key texts.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2230H: Honors Social Science Seminar

This course meets the general education social science requirement.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2230HW: Honors Social Science Seminar- Honors/Writing Intensive

This course meets the general education requirement for social science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2232H: American Audiotopias: Histories of Music and Politics in the United States

This course provides a foundation for thinking through the political implications of American music and a framework for considering how and why connections between music and politics may have changed over time. Beginning in the colonial period and continuing through to the present we use the concept of "audiotopias" to explore how Americans of all kinds have approached the politicization of music and ask what light a musical perspective can shed on the connections between American art, culture, society, and power.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2243H: Who Am I? Understanding Our Selves

This multidisciplinary course will tackle issues of personal identity from numerous behavioral science perspectives. Topics include identity development, interactional identity, embodiment, and much more. Meets general education requirement for behavioral sciences.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2244H: Social Relations

This interdisciplinary course explores human groups' relationships to systems of stratification and the behavioral and social scientific theories underpinning their construction, reproduction, and alteration. Meets general education requirement for behavioral sciences.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2245H: Revolutions

An in-depth look at the American Revolution, this course has two primary goals: (1) To understand revolutions not as heroic endeavors but as messy, complicated affairs that introduce new problems as they solve old ones and circumscribe liberties for some as they secure them for others; (2) To think, in a global sense, about how revolutionary goals and movements not only feed off one another, but also diverge from one another to fit the needs and oppressive circumstances of different polities.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2246H: Constitutions

Constitutions shape practically every aspect of modern life. In the United States, the federal Constitution not only defines a political community - "We the People" - it also articulates laws, enumerates rights, scaffolds how we debate justice, and even helps outline principles for living a good life. Yet, we rarely stop to consider what a constitution is, how the idea of constitutions emerged, or what constitutions seek to achieve. This course invites students to explore these questions through an interdisciplinary examination of how early American constitution-making connects with and compares to a global history of constitutions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2246HW: Constitutions - Honors/Writing Intensive

Constitutions shape practically every aspect of modern life. In the United States, the federal Constitution not only defines a political community - "We the People" - it also articulates laws, enumerates rights, scaffolds how we debate justice, and even helps outline principles for living a good life. Yet, we rarely stop to consider what a constitution is, how the idea of constitutions emerged, or what constitutions seek to achieve. This course invites students to explore these questions through an interdisciplinary examination of how early American constitution-making connects with and compares to a global history of constitutions.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2310H: Honors Behavioral Science Seminar

This course meets a general education behavioral science requirement.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2311H: The American Way of Death

This course maps shifting attitudes toward death, the body, and mourning through U.S. history, as well as the business of death in the contemporary United States. Topics include the funeral industry, cremation, the green burial movement, and evolving memorial practices. Attention will also be paid to social inequalities in deathcare and the political power of the corpse. We will draw from scholarship in sociology, religious studies, geography, anthropology, and ritual studies to demystify the intra and interpersonal dimensions of death and dying.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2312H: Marked Bodies: Modification and Meaning

Students in this course investigate body modification across space and time by employing behavioral and social science perspectives on deviance, group and personal identity, and meaning making. Specific focus is paid to body modification as a form of ritual communication, the intersections of gender, race, and socioeconomic with body modification subcultures in the United States, professionalization and gendered work, and cross-cultural differences/similarities in body modification practice. Students in this class will be given a multidisciplinary vocabulary through which to analyze these and other questions over the course of the semester. Meets general education requirement for behavioral sciences.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2452H: Honors Biological Science Seminar

Open to all honors-eligible students. These courses may be cross-listed with Biological Science Departments. Interdisciplinary or experimental courses are encouraged.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2453H: Introduction to Research

The Introduction to Research course is designed to prepare students for future independent STEM research experiences. In the course, students will conduct biology research on antibiotic discovery. They will learn microbiology methods including the isolation and culturing of bacteria, testing for antibiotic production and resistance, microscopy, and biochemical characterization; molecular biology methods including gel electrophoresis, PCR, DNA sequencing; and bioinformatic analysis including 16s rRNA analysis. Students who take this course can expect to be prepared to become student researchers in diverse STEM disciplines. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2456H: Honors Math (Computer Science) Science Seminar

Open to all honors-eligible students. These courses may be cross-listed with Mathematical Science Departments. Interdisciplinary or experimental courses are encouraged.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2457H: Honors Physical Science Seminar

Open to all honors-eligible students. These courses may be cross-listed with Physical Science Departments. Interdisciplinary or experimental courses are encouraged.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2461H: Environment: From Molecules to the Cosmos

Evidence-based exploration of how the world was made, environments formed, life evolved, and how it works together to sustain life on Earth. Graded on A-F basis only. Earns general education credit for physical and biological sciences.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2462H: Energy: From Particles to Civilizations

Inquiry based exploration of energy, what it is, how it is used, and how it sustains our life on Earth. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 2887H: Honors Internship

Zero-credit honors internship experience for students participating in Honors College scholarship programs. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent. Honors eligibility required
Recommended: Freshman or Sophomore standing only

GN_HON 2888H: Honors Research

Zero-credit research for students participating in Honors College scholarship programs. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Course may be repeated. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: Restricted to Freshmen and Sophomore standing. Honors eligibility required; instructor's consent

GN_HON 2950H: Honors Research

Active participation in a professor's research for up to six hours a week.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: written description of the work with professor's approval submitted in advance to Director of the Honors College. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3120H: Honors Humanities Seminar

This course meets a general education humanities requirement.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3120HW: Honors Humanities Seminar- Honors/Writing Intensive

This course meets a general education humanities requirement.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3210H: Honors Behavioral Seminar

This course meets a general education credit for behavioral science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3210HW: Honors Behavioral Colloquium - Honors/Writing Intensive

Earns general education credit for behavioral science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3230H: Honors Social Science Seminar

This course meets a general education credit for social science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3230HW: Honors Social Science Seminar- Honors/Writing Intensive

This course meets a general education credit for social science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3242H: The Future Is Indigenous! - Honors

Today, Indigenous peoples around the world are reasserting an ancient idea that our human responsibilities to the planet come through place, and that our planetary responsibilities are fulfilled by investing in and learning from place. Place-based Indigenous thought and activism give us new ways of thinking about global citizenship within a more-than-human democracy of beings - a "pluriverse" - and changes our understanding of what it means to be human in the twenty-first century. After looking at the limitations of the system of global ethics in cosmopolitan philosophy, we will get acquainted with the "place thought" of three Indigenous peoples: the Western Apache of the USA, the Maori of Aotearoa/New Zealand, and the Huaorani of the Ecuadorian Amazon. This course satisfies three credit hours of general education requirements in the behavioral and social sciences and is part of the Honors College's Interdisciplinary Topics in the Human Sciences series. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3242HW: The Future Is Indigenous! - Honors/Writing Intensive

Today, Indigenous peoples around the world are reasserting an ancient idea that our human responsibilities to the planet come through place, and that our planetary responsibilities are fulfilled by investing in and learning from place. Place-based Indigenous thought and activism give us new ways of thinking about global citizenship within a more-than-human democracy of beings - a "pluriverse" - and changes our understanding of what it means to be human in the twenty-first century. After looking at the limitations of the system of global ethics in cosmopolitan philosophy, we will get acquainted with the "place thought" of three Indigenous peoples: the Western Apache of the USA, the Maori of Aotearoa/New Zealand, and the Huaorani of the Ecuadorian Amazon. This course satisfies three credit hours of general education requirements in the behavioral and social sciences and is part of the Honors College's Interdisciplinary Topics in the Human Sciences series. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3452H: Honors Biological Science Seminar

This course meets a general education credit for biological sciences.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3456H: Honors Math (Computer Sci.) Science Seminar

This course meets a general education credit for mathematical science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3457H: Honors Physical Science Seminar

This course meets a general education credit for physical science.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 3887H: Honors Internship

Zero-credit honors internship experience for students participating in Honors College scholarship programs. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent. Honors eligibility required. Recommended Junior Standing

GN_HON 3888H: Honors Research

Zero-credit research for students participating in Honors College scholarship programs. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Course may be repeated. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: Junior Standing; Honors eligibility. Requires instructor's consent

GN_HON 4050H: Honors College Cooperative Education Program

For Honors Cooperative Education Program Students. No billing hours, No term finalization.

Credit Hours: 0

GN_HON 4070H: Advanced Honors Elective Colloquium

These courses may be cross-listed with courses in graduate or professional programs or one-of-a-kind courses which may have no other more appropriate academic home. Interdisciplinary or experimental courses are encouraged.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Restricted to juniors and seniors. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 4070HW: Advanced Honors Elective Colloquium - Writing Intensive

These courses may be cross-listed with courses in graduate or professional programs or one-of-a-kind courses which may have no other more appropriate academic home. Interdisciplinary or experimental courses are encouraged.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Restricted to juniors and seniors. Honors eligibility required

GN_HON 4887H: Honors Internship

Zero-credit honors internship experience for students participating in Honors College scholarship programs. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent. Honors eligibility required
Recommended: Senior Standing

GN_HON 4888H: Honors Research

Zero-credit research for students participating in Honors College scholarship programs. Course appears on transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Course may be repeated. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 0
Prerequisites: Senior standing. Honors eligibility. Requires instructor's consent

GN_HON 4950H: Honors Research

Active participation in a professor's research for up to six hours a week.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: written description of the work with professor's approval submitted in advance to the Honors College. Junior standing required. Honors eligibility required