Management (MANGMT)

MANGMT 1030: Vasey Academy on Leadership Issues

Business seminar course restricted to Vasey Academy scholars. Focus on leadership issues and on career opportunity exploration in key areas of business. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1

MANGMT 1050: Contemporary Leadership Issues in Business

Course focuses on contemporary business leadership practices and includes an overview of the accountancy, finance, management and marketing majors and careers in each of these fields.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

MANGMT 2700: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This course introduces a wide range of entrepreneurial concepts, most of which will be explored more deeply in advanced courses in the entrepreneurship and innovation management minor. Students learn about attitudes and aptitudes that are highly associated with entrepreneurial and innovation behaviors including working effectively in teams under deadline pressure. Processes for opportunity identification and recognition, working under severe resource constraints, identifying and testing key assumptions about business models, prototyping, and innovation diffusion are explored. Students will engage in experiential exercises in the field to learn more about these principles and processes. Students are encouraged to meet with and learn from real entrepreneurs through selected assignments. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 3000: Principles of Management

Introduction to the basic concepts of management and organization and their application to business operations. May require consent OR may be restricted to Non-Business students in the following programs: Business Minor, Textile & Apparel Management, Hospitality Management, Computer Science-Information Technology, and Nutrition and Exercise Physiology-Nutrition and Foods (Dietetics).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Completion of 28 credit hours

MANGMT 3000H: Principles of Management - Honors

Introduction to the basic concepts of management and organization and their application to business operations. The honors section includes additional breadth (topics) and depth (topical detail) above and beyond regular sections utilizing critical review of case studies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Completion of 28 credit hours. Honors eligibility required

MANGMT 3000HW: Principles of Management - Honors/Writing Intensive

Introduction to the basic concepts of management and organization and their application to business operations. The honors section includes additional breadth (topics) and depth (topical detail) above and beyond regular sections utilizing critical review of case studies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Completion of 28 credit hours. Honors eligibility required

MANGMT 3000W: Principles of Management - Writing Intensive

Introduction to the basic concepts of management and organization and their application to business operations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Completion of 28 credit hours. May require consent

MANGMT 3200: Business and Society

This course emphasizes the ethical implications of managerial decisions and the relationships between businesses and stakeholder groups. Major topics include corporate governance, social responsibility, rights and obligations, and international business.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to upper level business program

MANGMT 3200H: Business and Society - Honors

This course emphasizes the ethical implications of managerial decisions and the relationships between businesses and stakeholder groups. Major topics include corporate governance, social responsibility, rights and obligations, and international business.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required (must have a GPA of 3.4 or better). May be restricted to College of Business students only during early registration. Other students may register after early registration provided space is available. Consent may be required

MANGMT 3200HW: Business and Society - Honors/Writing Intensive

This course emphasizes the ethical implications of managerial decisions and the relationships between businesses and stakeholder groups. Major topics include corporate governance, social responsibility, rights and obligations, and international business.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to upper level business program. Honors eligibility required. Other students may be allowed to register after early registration provided space is available

MANGMT 3200W: Business and Society - Writing Intensive

This course emphasizes the ethical implications of managerial decisions and the relationships between businesses and stakeholder groups. Major topics include corporate governance, social responsibility, rights and obligations, and international business.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to upper level business program

MANGMT 3300: Introduction to Business Processes and Technologies

Introduces students to cross-functional business processes including both transactional and decision making forms. Current and emerging technologies used to facilitate efficient and effective action in these processes are explored. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: 24 credit hours. Restricted to students in the College of Business during early registration. Other students may register after early registration

MANGMT 3540: Introduction to Business Law

The legal aspects of business related to society--introduction to the legal system; constitutional, criminal, tort law; contracts and sales law cases and problems; administrative regulation of business and consumer issues.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Completion of 30 semester hours. May be restricted to CoB students only w/30 credit hours during early registration. Other students may register after early registration, provided there is space available. NO OVERRIDES/PERMISSIONS will be given for this class once the lectures/labs fill

MANGMT 3700: Diversity and Inclusion in Management

Discuss elements of diversity including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and age, among others, as these impact effective management in the workplace through a variety of workplace performance-related outcomes. Explore ways to contribute to, learn from, and benefit from a more diverse and inclusive work environment. Examine methods of optimizing human performance and potential in organizations. Create personal action plan to increase awareness, knowledge, skills and global perspective relative to diversity and inclusion. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 3720: The Entrepreneurial Mindset

The course will engage students in experiences that develop entrepreneurial characteristics such as a passion for business, tenacity despite failure, self-determination, management of risk, self-confidence, creating opportunities, creativity, initiative, and detail orientation. The product of this course intends to be a well-prepared student-entrepreneur fully confident to launch a thought-out business model. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or International Business-Management students and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan
Recommended: ABM 3283, MANGMT 4700, T_A_M 3800

MANGMT 3760: Design Thinking for New Business Innovation

The Design Thinking for New Business Innovation course is ideally taken as the second course in a three course sequence (sequencing of courses is not required). Students, working in teams, first learn how to recognize potential opportunities in a range of business contexts (MANGMT 4700). Next, students learn how to identify meaningful issues for customers in a more focused context, how to generate multiple solutions and form these into cohesive business concepts, and how to carefully test for feasible value with potential customers using rough prototypes (this course). Finally, students learn how to develop a comprehensive business plan in areas like operations, marketing, finance, and human resources based on a business model concept for a given industry (MANGMT 4730). Such a detailed plan can used to appeal to potential funding sources and serves as a guide for strategic action by a new venture. This course, as the middle course, bridges into the domains of both of the other two courses to give students a flavor for what can be learned in both. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 3900: International Business

(same as MRKTNG 3900). Analyzes the essential business functions within a global economy and provides a basic literacy in international business strategy and decision-making. Global markets are examined using legal, technological, ethical, and cultural considerations. Business principles in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling international trade and commerce are examined. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W or MRKTNG 3000 or MRKTNG 3000H. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or International Business-Management students and/or students who have declared the Global Business Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 3901: Special Topics in Management

Study of a selected topic in management taken as part of an organized short-term study abroad program. Some sections of this course may be graded on either on A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: May require consent

MANGMT 3901H: Special Topics in Management - Honors

Study of a selected topic in management taken as part of an organized short-term study abroad program. Some sections of this course may be graded on either on A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: May require consent. Honors eligibility required

MANGMT 3910: Managing Across Cultures

This course focuses on applying cultural dimensions to developing cross-cultural behavioral competencies utilizing code-switching training methods. For all persons interested in improving international person-to-person interactions and learning management techniques for working with a multi-national team.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Business Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 3920: Managing People in the Global Enterprise

Focuses on management of people in global organizations- especially for-profit enterprises. Topics include differences across countries in recruitment and selection, training and development, leadership and motivation, compensation, cross-cultural negotiation, and employment relations. The use of expatriates and host country nationals as managers is contrasted. Challenges involved in repatriating expatriates and their families after lengthy terms of service in foreign countries are explored. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Global Business Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 3975: Current Issues in International Management

Study of current issues and practices in international management taken as part of an organized short term study abroad program. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

MANGMT 4010: Operations Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7010). This course provides a foundation of the concepts, principles, and managerial issues of the operations function in manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasis is on the planning, scheduling, and controlling of operations, including the application of quantitative methods to the solution of strategic, tactical, and operational level problems.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or International Business-Management students and/or Finance emphasis students and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4020: Human Resource Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7020). Introduction to strategies and best practices in attracting, retaining, developing, and compensating employees. May require consent.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or International Business-Management students and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4030: Organizational Behavior

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7030). Examines theoretical constructs and research findings on human behavior in work organizations such as businesses, especially individual differences, dyadic relations and small group behavior. May require consent.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or International Business-Management students and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4050: Management of Service Operations

Managing services, especially the operation's activity in service firms. Includes determining the service package, forecasting service demand, managing demand, capacity analysis and management, scheduling, cost control, service quality, and human resource management. Standardization, franchising, and service automation addressed.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4060: Project Management Fundamentals

Application of predictive and agile project management methods and techniques for project breakdown, scheduling, resource allocation, and evaluation of project performance.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4070: Supply Chain Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7070). An examination of the concepts, processes and institutions that are fundamental to an understanding of supply chain management in a global environment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or Management emphasis students and/or International Business-Management students and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4080: Managing Global Trade

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7080). International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries giving rise to a world economy that is affected by global events. This course will focus on global trade management issues, procedures, requirements, and strategies. The implementation of international market strategy, global supply chains, and trade finance will also be explored. These topics will be examined by exploring trade factors that influence organizations and trade relations such as different cultural norms, government regulations, technology, resources, and logistics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Global Business Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4080H: Managing Global Trade - Honors

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7080). International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries giving rise to a world economy that is affected by global events. This course will focus on global trade management issues, procedures, requirements, and strategies. The implementation of international market strategy, global supply chains, and trade finance will also be explored. These topics will be examined by exploring trade factors that influence organizations and trade relations such as different cultural norms, government regulations, technology, resources, and logistics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Honors eligibility required; Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Global Business Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4090: Purchasing and Supply Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7090). This course examines the critical role of the procurement function within the organization. The objective is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the purchasing/sourcing function, key issues and developments in purchasing and supply management within the context of SCM, and to identify ways that purchasing can make a positive contribution to the competitiveness of the firm. Topics include an intro to the field/role in SCM; developing global sourcing strategies using commodity/channel/category management; make-or-buy decisions; supplier identification and selection; contract and pricing practices; negotiation; spend analytics including value analysis for services; contract performance monitoring; traditional verse collaborative supplier development; cross-functional relationship management, and ethics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 4010. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4110: Total Quality Management

Introductory, comprehensive approach to quality planning, analysis, and control. Applications orientation. Integrates customer needs, product and service design and delivery, and continuous improvement into all organizational activities. Examines full range of behavioral, technical, and organizational aspects relating to quality.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4120: Human Resource Management Law

Analysis and evaluation of legal and administrative regulations of terms of employment; Fair Labor Standards, discriminatory practices, safety and health regulations, other regulations.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4130: Advanced Organizational Behavior

Based upon behavioral science concepts and research findings directed toward understanding and explaining human behavior within organizations. Case studies, individual or team projects.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 4030. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4140: Business Communication

The course provides the fundamentals of business communication skills, including written, oral communication, listening, multicultural communication, and teamwork skills, with an emphasis on written communication skills as a method to communicate with important stakeholders.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Trulaske College of Business students admitted to upper level
Corequisites: MANGMT 3000

MANGMT 4140W: Business Communication - Writing Intensive

The course provides the fundamentals of business communication skills, including written, oral communication, listening, multicultural communication, and teamwork skills, with an emphasis on written communication skills as a method to communicate with important stakeholders.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Trulaske College of Business students admitted to professional degree program during early registration

MANGMT 4185: Problems in Management

Undergraduate students may select topics for study and investigation. Selected sections of this course may be graded either on A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-9
Prerequisites: instructor's consent

MANGMT 4201: Topics in Management

Selected current topics in management. Offered on an experimental, one-semester basis only. (Individual sections may be cross-leveled with MANGMT 7201).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4201H: Topics in Management - Honors

Selected current topics in management. Offered on an experimental, one-semester basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: will vary with different topics. Honors eligibility required

MANGMT 4201W: Topics in Management - Writing Intensive

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7201). Selected current topics in management. Offered on an experimental, one-semester basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000. Restricted to COB students ONLY during early registration. Other students may register after early registration, provided there is space available. NO PERMISSIONS/OVERRIDES will be given for this class once it fills

MANGMT 4210: Management Analytics and Spreadsheet Modeling

This course deals with decision support using spreadsheets, including what-if analysis; financial, statistical and time/date functions; graphical presentation of data; organizing, sorting, querying and extracting information from spreadsheet and external databases; cross-tabulation of data; data tables; use of analytical tools to recommend optimal solutions to business problems in areas such as human resources, marketing, finance. accounting, manufacturing, and logistics.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3300 or ACCTCY 2258. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Global Supply Chain Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4220: Compensation and Benefits: Theory and Practice

This course balances theory and practice, and provides students with opportunities to apply the theories during class discussions, and in both individual and group projects. The course will emphasize the strategic importance of Compensation and Benefits (Total Rewards), and how firms can achieve a competitive advantage through effective programs, policies and initiatives. Upon completing this course, students will have an in-depth understanding of how to establish, organize, and administer an effective, equitable, and legally compliant total rewards system.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 4020 and ACCTCY 2258. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4310: Modern Manufacturing

Contemporary qualitative and quantitative analysis of automation systems for production and inventory; robotics, digital data matrix and Q/R coding, PLC overview; uncertainty, risk, and policy considerations; analysis of networks; management problems in application.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 4010. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4320: Selected Problems in Human Resource Management

Advanced studies in selected administrative and technical policies, practices in employee relations, with individual and group project work, research. Focuses on policy issues, research findings, advanced techniques.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 4020. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4340: Crisis Management

Management strategies for organizational crisis events, including: constituent analysis, identity creation, image building, reputation control, media relations, internal communications, government relations, and investor relations. Concepts are explored through case studies, film, literature, and current events in popular culture.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4350: Leadership Development

Provides a comprehensive understanding of leadership development within the corporate environment. Examines causes and outcomes of different styles of leadership that are designed to fit the needs of individuals and/or specific situations.

Credit Hours: 3
Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4420: Collective Bargaining

Content, negotiation, administration of collective labor agreements and settlement of disputes.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4420H: Collective Bargaining - Honors

Content, negotiation, administration of collective labor agreements and settlement of disputes.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W; Honors eligibility required. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4430: Negotiation

This course helps students develop expertise and confidence to engage in negotiations that occur in a variety of business contexts. Students engage with challenging negotiation exercises and post-exercise debriefings. These are supported by frequent feedback and practical conceptual frameworks and other knowledge about negotiation processes that serve as guides for improvement. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4450: Management of Electronic Commerce

An introduction to electronic commerce. Topics covered include definition and scope of e-commerce, tools and technologies used, strategies, and understanding of this dynamic field.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4490: Consulting Tools and Strategies

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7490). This course teaches a structured approach to bulletproof problem-solving. Designed as a foundation course for students interested in consulting, it is also for those that want to learn to think like a consultant. Strategies for approaching problems and clients are introduced as well as frameworks for investigation and analysis. The majority of class work involves casework, completed in teams, on the practical application of diagnostic, communication and problem-resolution tools as they would present in a client/employer environment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Junior standing. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 4520: Change Management in Business

Provides a comprehensive understanding of the processes of change in the corporate environment. Examines antecedents of change such as acquisitions, mergers, technology and new leadership as well as approaches to managing change using tools from organization development (OD).

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Human Resource Management Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4540: Legal Aspects of Business Organization and Operation

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 7540). Includes agency and employment relationships, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, also operational aspects of business associations such as administrative regulation, taxation, bankruptcy, and trade regulation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 3540. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4610: Database Management

This is an introductory course on database (DB) technology. It introduces such technology and provides hands-on experience in designing and developing DBs to meet organizational goals. Topics include database concepts such as entity-relationship modeling, data modeling, relational database development, SQL, application of popular database systems software, data warehousing, and selected advanced topics in business use of DBs. Students work in groups to develop a database system project for an organization of their choice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Marketing Analytics Certificate on their academic plan

MANGMT 4620: Web Development Fundamentals

An introduction to the fundamentals of design, technology and project management aspects of developing websites. Some web based programming languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ASP/VBScript and an introduction to Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ACCTCY 2258; MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only

MANGMT 4700: Principles of Entrepreneurship

An introductory course designed to provide a solid foundation of the role of entrepreneurship. The focus is on the creation of new ventures, the decisions leading to their development, and the factors that lead to their success.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 4710: The Entrepreneurial Process

This course deals with critical thinking, logic, emotional intelligence, ethics and a problem solving/decision making frame in the context of the entrepreneurial business phases: opportunity identification; launch after gathering resources; managing growth and harvesting rewards.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000, MANGMT 3000H, MANGMT 3000HW, or MANGMT 3000W. Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 4720: Experiential Entrepreneurship

The course will engage students in experiences that develop entrepreneurial characteristics such as a passion for business, tenacity despite failure, self-determination, management of risk, self-confidence, creating opportunities, creativity, initiative, and detail orientation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000. Restricted to Business students ONLY during early registration. Other students may register after early registration, provided there is space available. NO PERMISSIONS/OVERRIDES will be given for this class once it fills

MANGMT 4730: New Business Planning and Management

Analysis of the major functional areas of the start-up firm including accounting, finance, human resources, information systems, logistics, management, marketing, production/operations, purchasing and sales. Focus is also placed on generating ideas, scanning for environmental trends, and critically evaluating opportunities.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 4740: Facilitation of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This course aims to introduce students to a specific area of consulting, being that of assisting entrepreneurs and inventors to create new ventures. Assisting others in creating new ventures is very different from creating your own business or consulting to established companies and facilitators are required to take different actions depending on the situation. In this course students will work directly with aspiring entrepreneurs and/or investors and be guided through the process of conducting an entrepreneurial human and social capital analysis, before conducting an in-depth audit of resources available to the entrepreneur that will fill identified gaps. In the second half of the course, students work with the entrepreneur/inventor and other relevant resource providers in a structured and disciplined manner using a design-innovation process that has been shown to dramatically increasing the probability of creating a successful innovation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Individual sections may be restricted to business students only and/or students who have declared the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor on their academic plan

MANGMT 4920: Human Resource Management Problems and Consulting

Human Resource Management (HRM) deals with the most important part of any private or public organization - its people - and an organization's success depends on its employees. As a problems course, students will work on organizational challenges in teams. The organizational challenge could stem from an HRM policy, procedure, and/or program. In this course, students review HRM foundations and obtains hands-on experiential learning in consulting with organizations on their HRM challenges. Students will learn to analyze organizational challenges, understand the complexities of developing and implementing employee systems, gain consulting skills, and gain knowledge on real managerial dilemmas. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 4020

MANGMT 4940: Professional Management Internship

Provides experience with management activities in business organizations (or, occasionally, in a governmental or not-for-profit setting). Students are required to prepare and execute a plan of study approved by the instructor and to complete written assignments detailed in the plan. Course only satisfies a professional elective requirement of the program. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COB student with a management concentration, and Internship Coordinator's consent

MANGMT 4970: Strategic Management

Enterprise-level case studies, simulations, similar exercises to integrate business functional decisions; assessment of environmental influences on business. Development, implementation of company strategies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 3000, MRKTNG 3000, FINANC 3000 and 102 credit hours earned. Open only to seniors admitted to a professional program in the CoB

MANGMT 4970W: Strategic Management

Enterprise-level case studies, simulations, similar exercises to integrate business functional decisions; assessment of environmental influences on business. Development, implementation of company strategies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 3000, MRKTNG 3000, FINANC 3000 and 102 credit hours earned. Open only to seniors admitted to a professional program in the CoB

MANGMT 7010: Operations Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4010). Managerial analysis of operating problems, with emphasis on planning and control systems. Math Reasoning Proficiency Course. May require consent.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000

MANGMT 7020: Human Resource Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4020). Introduction to strategies and best practices in attracting, retaining, developing, and compensating employees. May require consent.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000

MANGMT 7030: Organizational Behavior

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4030). Examines theoretical constructs and research findings on human behavior in work organizations such as businesses, especially individual differences, dyadic relations and small group behavior. May require consent.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000
Prerequisites: Some sections may be restricted to execMBA only

MANGMT 7070: Supply Chain Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4070). An examination of the concepts, processes and institutions that are fundamental to an understanding of supply chain management in a global environment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 7080: Managing Global Trade

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4080). International trade results from the buying and selling of goods and services across country borders. Events that occur globally, advancements in technology, and country policies all affect trade. This course focuses on global trade management issues, procedures, requirements, and strategies. It explores international market selection and entry strategies, risk factors, global supply chains, and trade finance. The course examines trade factors that influence organizations and trade relations including current events, different cultural considerations, governmental regulation, innovation and technology, financial resources, and logistics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 7090: Purchasing and Supply Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4090). This course examines the critical role of the procurement function within the organization. The objective is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the purchasing/sourcing function, key issues and developments in purchasing and supply management within the context of SCM, and to identify ways that purchasing can make a positive contribution to the competitiveness of the firm. Topics include an intro to the field/role in SCM; developing global sourcing strategies using commodity/channel/category management; make-or-buy decisions; supplier identification and selection; contract and pricing practices; negotiation; spend analytics including value analysis for services; contract performance monitoring; traditional verse collaborative supplier development; cross-functional relationship management, and ethics. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 7201: Topics in Management

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4201). Selected current topics in management. Offered on an experimental, one-semester basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: MANGMT 3000. Restricted to College of Business students ONLY during early registration. Other students may register after early registration, provided there is space available

MANGMT 7380: Organizational Behavior and Management: The Individual

An examination of factors influencing behavior in organizations. An analysis of research, theory, and current practices dealing with managing people in work organizations. Focus on the individual within the organizational context.

Credit Hour: 1.5

MANGMT 7410: Management Information Systems

A managerially-oriented, case-based introduction to information systems. Emphasizes how information systems technology can aid managers in improving organizational performance, group work, and personal productivity, thus providing competitive advantage.

Credit Hour: 1.5

MANGMT 7420: Managerial Statistics

Overview of statistics as an aid in decision making. Emphasis on summarizing data, statistical inference, sampling techniques, and regression based forecasting as applied to problems in business.

Credit Hour: 1.5

MANGMT 7430: Operations Strategy

Introduction to Operations Management function within an organization- the function which controls key resources necessary to produce and deliver a firm's goods or services to customers. Surveys strategic problems common to operations within complex organization. Emphasizes planning, control, and decision making to gain competitive advantage through operations-related activities. Stresses concepts, models, and behaviors across technologies, sectors, and industries, rather than emphasizing a few specific conversion technologies.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Some sections may be restricted to execMBA only

MANGMT 7450: Business Analytics

This course focuses on two areas of knowledge. One focus is on developing relevant statistical thinking skills, including an awareness and management of risk, and recognizing the type of statistical analysis that is appropriate for a given managerial problem. The other is on developing an understanding of the role of business analytics in the organization, at the managerial, tactical and strategic level. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 7470: Data Analysis for Managers

Statistical thinking approaches to address common business data and problems. Analysis of real-world cases and unstructured data using statistical features of spreadsheet software and communication of results in managerial format. Graded A-F only.

Credit Hour: 1.5
Prerequisites: Open to Crosby MBA students ONLY
Corequisites: MANGMT 7420

MANGMT 7480: Managerial Analytics

Spreadsheet modeling procedures to address common business problems. Analysis of real-world cases and unstructured problems using basic and advanced features software and communication of results in managerial format. Graded A-F only.

Credit Hour: 1.5
Prerequisites: MANGMT 7420 and MANGMT 7470. Open to Crosby MBA students ONLY

MANGMT 7490: Consulting Tools and Strategies

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4490). This course teaches a structured approach to bulletproof problem-solving. Designed as a foundation course for students interested in consulting, it is also for those that want to learn to think like a consultant. Strategies for approaching problems and clients are introduced as well as frameworks for investigation and analysis. The majority of class work involves casework, completed in teams, on the practical application of diagnostic, communication and problem-resolution tools as they would present in a client/employer environment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 7540: Legal Aspects of Business Organization and Operation

(cross-leveled with MANGMT 4540). Includes agency and employment relationships, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, also operational aspects of business associations such as administrative regulation, taxation, bankruptcy, and trade regulation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 3540. Restricted to COB students

MANGMT 7761: Design Thinking for Business Innovation

Explores early stage opportunity recognition and concept refinement for new business innovation. Covers skills such as observation, interviews, brainstorming, crude prototyping, and concept experimentation. Preparing innovation concepts for large scale rollouts. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8001: Topics in Management

Selected current topics in management. Some sections may be graded on an A-F or S/U basis only. Some sections may require consent.

Credit Hour: 1-6

MANGMT 8010: MBA Professional Development - Executive Career Development

Professional Development encompasses a broad range of concepts and skills. Throughout the MBA Professional Development Series, we will integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world practices. This first course will focus on career development topics, skills and competencies necessary to be successful. May be repeated. Some sections may be graded on A-F or S/U basis.

Credit Hour: 1-1.5
Prerequisites: MBA and ExecMBA students only

MANGMT 8020: MBA Professional Development - Managing Conflict and Designing Effective Teams

Professional Development encompasses a broad range of concepts and skills. Throughout the MBA Professional Development Series, we will integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world practices. This second course will focus on the role of supervisors, specifically as they manage conflict and design effective teams to ultimate success. May be repeated. Some sections may be graded on A-F or S/U basis.

Credit Hour: 1-1.5
Prerequisites: MBA and ExecMBA students only

MANGMT 8030: MBA Professional Development - Executive Leadership

Professional Development encompasses a broad range of concepts and skills. Throughout the MBA Professional Development Series, we will integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world practices. This third course will concentrate on developing your leadership capacity to succeed not just in work but in life. May be repeated. Some sections may be graded on A-F or S/U basis.

Credit Hour: 1-1.5
Prerequisites: MBA and ExecMBA students only

MANGMT 8054: Entrepreneurship and Media of the Future

(same as JOURN 8054). This course will give students an intense hands-on experience in working with real entrepreneurs on complex business problems in the journalism field. Example companies are the Associated Press, Kachingle, the Chicago Sun-Times, Spot-Us and the Media Policy Center. The goal is to offer a solution or solutions to the stated problem, and to present these ideas in a competitive, symposium environment. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: graduate standing in Journalism or MBA program

MANGMT 8085: Problems in Management

Graduate students may select topics for study and investigation. Selected sections of the course may be offered either on A-F or S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99

MANGMT 8100: Exploring the Digital Globe

Impacts of technological change and globalization are explored from the perspective of business, law and journalism. The first course required for the "CDiG certificate". Issues involving electronic commerce, digitization and globalization will be analyzed through online and in-class projects, class discussion and guest lectures.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: enrollment in CDiG Graduate Certificate Program or instructor's consent

MANGMT 8200: Commercialization of Life Science Innovations

(same as BIOL_EN 8200). This course will provide educational content and experiences that equip course participants to navigate the main pathways for commercialization of biomedical innovations. Students will also learn how to access sources of capital for R&D and develop an understanding of the role of FDA approval and the processes for approval of different types of biomedical products. Students will become familiar with quality assurance programs required in the biomedical industry. Students will also become familiar with the most common business models for biomedical companies and the importance of product development and commercialization alliances.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8330: Current Issues in Human Resource Management

Exploration of current trends, issues, and controversies involving the managing of human resources in organizations, with an emphasis on how human resources can provide competitive advantage. Considers multiple perspectives, including that of employers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 8310 or MANGMT 7380 and MANGMT 8390

MANGMT 8360: Negotiations

A structured overview of negotiations; includes the development of improved negotiation skills. Topics include power, distributive negotiations, integrative negotiations, maneuvers, tactics, strategies, conflict, complex negotiations, mediation, and negotiation ethics.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8380: Personal and Professional Development

Readings, activities, and discussions designed to build individual self-awareness of leadership strengths and change management skills for both personal and career development. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3

MANGMT 8390: Organizational Behavior and Management: Dyadic, Group and Organizational Processes

An examination of factors influencing behavior in organizations. An Analysis of research, theory, and current practices dealing with managing people in work organizations. Focus on dyadic, group and system-wide processes.

Credit Hour: 1.5

MANGMT 8400: Management Science Modeling

Application of management science modeling procedures to organizational decision making. Topics include mathematical programming, queuing, and network models. Stresses managerial point of view with analysis of problems and interpretation of computer solutions.

Credit Hour: 1.5
Prerequisites: MANGMT 7420

MANGMT 8410: Decision Making and Risk

Managerial approaches to decision making under risk and uncertainty with emphasis on decision analysis, spreadsheet simulation, and computer solutions via other management science models. Discussion of rational and behavioral decision making and procedures for assessing risk and uncertainty.

Credit Hour: 1.5
Prerequisites: MANGMT 7480 or equivalent

MANGMT 8420: Decision Support Systems

The theory, methodology and implementation of Decision Support Systems (DSS). Topics include the DSS concept, applications, organizational issues, hardware and software technology, developmental methodology, data-model-user relationships, user interfaces, implementation strategies, and evaluation procedures. Includes hands-on building of a DSS.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8500: Business Consulting: Field Project

This is an experiential-base course in which students work in a team consulting capacity. Students learn to apply functional areas of business to real-world, real-time issues of business partner organizations working with faculty and business leaders. Client organizations range from large multi-national firms to start-ups. The final deliverable consists of an oral presentation of recommendations and a written consulting report. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MBA students only

MANGMT 8510: Project Management

An advanced introduction to methods and techniques for managing projects, with selective attention to human resource issues as required. Includes project breakdown analysis, task network scheduling, resource allocation, and assessment/evaluation of project performance.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: departmental consent

MANGMT 8540: Entrepreneurial Ventures

Analysis of management challenges facing entrepreneurial startups and alternative strategic responses to those challenges. Views issues from multiple functional perspectives to design cross-functional solutions to entrepreneurial problems.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8550: Launching a High-Growth Venture

An experiential learning course using a business plan competition to simulate planning and securing capital for high-growth ventures. Participants with management, marketing or finance interests learn skills for preparing and presenting business plans to investors.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8560: Legal Strategies for Entrepreneurs

The study of how legal decisions affect a business organization of various transitional states of development, from start up to going public. Designed for both MBA and Law students, who work together planning legal transitions of a business.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8600: Advanced Business Consulting: Project Lead

Students work in a team consulting capacity, with medium to large organizations, identifying and defining relatively complex and often ambiguous business problems. Solutions are both innovative and integrative in nature, as students are encouraged to think creatively by making expert resources available. Particularly unique to this class is its lack of classroom setting. All meetings take place in small teams; weekly meetings in the instructor's office and regular meetings scheduled with experts and client leaders at off-site locations or remotely. The final deliverable consists of an oral presentation of recommendations and a written consulting report. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 8500; MBA students only

MANGMT 8800: Turnaround Management and Strategy

No turnaround is the same, and there is no secret formula that will work every time. However, there are basic principles that can take a leader to a point where they can position a company in a more stable environment quickly, which will ultimately help the company to survive. Most students who pursue a business career will find themselves in a Turnaround or restructure environment sometime in their career. This class will give the student the upper hand in understanding why these situations occur, who and what is the cause, and a framework to be part of the solution.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8900: Corporate Governance and Professional Accountability

Corporate governance (CG) is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting how a company is directed, administered or controlled. CG includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals by which the corporation is governed. In contemporary business corporations, the main external stakeholder groups are shareholders, debtholders, trade creditors, suppliers, customers and communities affected by the corporation's activities. Internal stakeholders are the board of directors, executives, and other employees. This course will illustrate some of these key relationships, including how they can go wrong and the trade-offs managers have to make to manage all of these relationships. This course can be seen as a course on the professional responsibilities of business leaders. It is based on the assumption that business, like law and medicine, is a profession whose practitioners carry out essential functions in society. When individuals enter the profession, they undertake to fulfill a distinctive set of responsibilities that go with their chosen role. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

MANGMT 8960: Introduction to Strategic Management

Examines through case analysis and simulation how business-level managers overseeing a profit center in a specific industry set direction for a firm's activities in that industry and develop policies to implement that direction. Emphasis is on aligning business strategy with overarching corporate strategy (in diversified firms) and integrating functional perspectives (marketing, operations, finance, R&D, purchasing, human resources, etc.) by effectively resolving conflicts in these perspectives when formulating effective strategy. Focus is also placed on balancing short-term efficiency in a business unit with long-term effectiveness through cultivating continuous innovation processes that redefine the business unit over time.

Credit Hour: 1.5

MANGMT 8970: Strategy and Global Competitiveness

Investigates alternative goals of business enterprises relative to internal resources and external environment; development and implementation of policies and strategies to achieve objectives. Cases, computer simulations, and/or field research may supplement published materials.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: MANGMT 7970 for the 1.5 credit hour version of the course. Open to MBA Students only

MANGMT 9010: Research Methods in the Organization Sciences

Identifying research questions, critiquing research ideas, planning, conducting, and communicating research using experimental, cross-sectional, survey and qualitative methods.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PhD student or instructor's consent

MANGMT 9030: Seminar in Macro Organizational Behavior

This course is designated to introduce students to content areas within the organizational behavior literature. Topics in "macro" organizational behavior will be covered, including groups and teams, organizational culture, and national culture. We will also cover a number of topics outside of traditional organizational behavior topics, including negotiation and social conflict, creativity, empowerment, and other topics as the instructor sees fit. Readings will consist of a combination of recent and classic journal articles on the topics.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PhD Students and instructor's consent

MANGMT 9040: Seminar in Human Resource Management

Intensive study of current research, issues and methodology of the applied science of human resource management. Topics include recruitment and selection, training, job performance and performance feedback, and career success.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PhD student or instructor's consent

MANGMT 9060: Seminar in Corporate Strategy

The doctoral seminar in strategy focuses on the topics of strategy content research (what strategies are used by firms, and what is their effect on performance, corporate and competitive strategy, etc.) but also considering important related research streams of strategy process and implementation.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PhD student or instructor's consent

MANGMT 9080: Seminar in Entrepreneurship

The doctoral seminar in Entrepreneurship is intended to provide students with a broad coverage of the literature. It focuses on the foundations and "cutting edge" research in entrepreneurship content research. Topics covered in the course include: a theoretical overview of entrepreneurship, identification of opportunities, the decision to exploit opportunities, resource assembly and new markets, founders and entrepreneurial teams, venture capital and venture capitalists, entrepreneurship and efficient governance, initial public offerings (IPOs), new ventures (strategy, growth, performance), entrepreneurial networks and alliances, and international entrepreneurship.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PhD student or instructor's consent

MANGMT 9087: Seminar in Management

Intensive studies of current research and issues. Readings, independent investigations, reports.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: open to Ph.D. students, or instructor's consent

MANGMT 9090: Research in Management

Thesis research for Ph.D. degree. Graded on a S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-99

MANGMT 9101: Topics Seminar in Management

Reading and critical evaluation of selected current management literature and research. May be repeated. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Ph.D. students only