Naval Science (NAVY)

NAVY 1100: Introduction to Naval Science

This course serves as an introduction to the organization of the Naval Service, the varied career opportunities available, the long held customs and traditions of the service, and the duties of a Junior Officer.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 1200: Seapower and Maritime Affairs

Seminars examine the application of seapower as an instrument of foreign policy by the major nations of the world. Emphasis placed on role of the Navy.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 2110: Naval Ship Systems I

Ship construction, stability and damage control, basic thermodynamics, the steam cycle and engineering plant, including introduction to gas turbine, diesel and nuclear powered systems.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 2130: Evolution of Warfare

Evolution of strategy, tactics, weapons and leadership from earliest beginning through the Vietnam period. Development of military policy, the impact of warfare on the political, social and economic structure of nations.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 2210: Naval Ship Systems II

Naval weapons systems, their employment and control, including the basic fire control problem, with emphasis on new systems.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 3120: Marine Navigation

Theoretical and practical application of the principles of marine navigation. Includes fundamentals of dead reckoning, piloting, tides and current, celestial navigation, electronic navigation.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 3140: Leadership and Management

This course will provide a basic understanding of the interrelationship between authority, responsibility and accountability within a task oriented organization. Students will learn to apply leadership and management skills to prioritize competing demands and to attain mission objectives; the importance of planning and follow-up; and develop a basic understanding of communication and counseling as it pertains to personnel management.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: sophomore standing or by consent of Professor of Naval Science

NAVY 3220: Naval Operations

Principles and concepts of naval operations: rules of the road, command and control in naval operations, communications, ASW warfare, international maritime law, and practical solution of relative motion problems.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: NAVY 3120

NAVY 3230: Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare

This course prepares future military officers and other leaders for service by studying modern tactical principles, current military developments, and other aspects of warfare and their interactions with and influences on maneuver warfare doctrine. There is a specific focus on the United States Marine Corps as the premier maneuver warfighting organization. Study also includes historical influences on tactical, operational, and strategic levels of maneuver warfare practices in the current and future operating environments. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3

NAVY 4887: Internship in Naval Science ROTC Lab

Participation for students involved in Naval Science ROTC. Supervised internship lab with approval of Director of Undergraduate Studies and academic adviser. This course appears on the transcript for zero credit and does not count toward full-time enrollment. No tuition or fees are charged. Graded on S/U basis only. Requires instructor's consent.

Credit Hours: 0

NAVY 4940: Leadership and Ethics

(same as PEA_ST 4940). The curriculum provides a foundation in leadership, ethical decision making, the Law of Armed Conflict and the military justice system. Course explores ethical theories and helps students to build an ethical framework for decision making. Topic areas include: Kant, Utilitarianism, Stoicism, Constitutional Paradigm, Uniform Code of Military Justice and Law of Armed Conflict. Designed as a capstone course for juniors and seniors enrolled in NROTC it is open to all MU students.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required

NAVY 4940W: Leadership and Ethics - Writing Intensive

(same as PEA_ST 4940). The curriculum provides a foundation in leadership, ethical decision making, the Law of Armed Conflict and the military justice system. Course explores ethical theories and helps students to build an ethical framework for decision making. Topic areas include: Kant, Utilitarianism, Stoicism, Constitutional Paradigm, Uniform Code of Military Justice and Law of Armed Conflict. Designed as a capstone course for juniors and seniors enrolled in NROTC it is open to all MU students.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: junior standing required