Occupational Therapy (OC_THR)

OC_THR 1000: Introduction to Occupational Therapy

Introductory course to provide students information about the occupational therapy profession. Registered therapists lecture on clinical aspects. Students participate in discussions on program requirements, placement, and trends in the profession.

Credit Hour: 1

OC_THR 3010: OTA Practice Fundamentals

This course will provide students with an understanding of the role of the occupational therapy assistant in the OT profession. It presents a broad overview and history of the profession, with an emphasis on foundational knowledge including but not limited to the philosophical base and an introduction to adaptive equipment and durable medical equipment. This introductory course will present information on the scope of OT, the OT process, team process, professional issues, and human development across the lifespan, and practice settings which are all needed as students begin to develop clinical reasoning skills. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3020: Theory and Practice for OTAs

This course will teach students selected theories, OT models of practice, and frames of reference as they pertain to interventions in physical rehabilitation, mental health, pediatrics, older adults, and community practice areas. Throughout this course, students will learn how theory can guide practice when working with individuals throughout the lifespan (infants, children, adolescents, adults, and older adults). Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3110: Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Practice

This course will teach students how to analyze published research and apply it to intervention planning for various client populations and practice contexts and environments. Students will receive instruction on how to share evidence that occupation supports performance, participation, health, and well-being with OT consumers, policy makers, and communities. This course will also provide an in-depth practice and review of the professional writing format (APA) that is required for professional OT publications. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3120: Medical and Psychosocial Conditions in Occupational Therapy

This course will provide a framework for students to learn about common medical and psychosocial conditions seen by occupational therapy practitioners and to facilitate learning of these conditions from an occupational therapy perspective. It is not intended to emphasize treatment of a diagnosis; however, students will learn about specific factors unique to given conditions that may impact an individual's occupational roles and functions. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3130: Fundamentals of Activity Analysis

This writing intensive course is designed to foster a beginning exposure to individuals experiencing a variety of physical or mental disabilities, including caregivers of individuals with disabilities, through community experiences. Through these experiences, students will develop skills in observation, analysis, interview, assessment and data collection, and relationship building. Students will complete writing assignments based on their observations, analysis, and performance of human occupation across the lifespan, with an emphasis on contextual factors impacting occupational performance. This course will foster practical professional writing skills in which students will learn how to transition their writing style from subjective presentation of information to an objective form. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3130W: Fundamentals of Activity Analysis - Writing Intensive

This writing intensive course is designed to foster a beginning exposure to individuals experiencing a variety of physical or mental disabilities, including caregivers of individuals with disabilities, through community experiences. Through these experiences, students will develop skills in observation, analysis, interview, assessment and data collection, and relationship building. Students will complete writing assignments based on their observations, analysis, and performance of human occupation across the lifespan, with an emphasis on contextual factors impacting occupational performance. This course will foster practical professional writing skills in which students will learn how to transition their writing style from subjective presentation of information to an objective form. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3140: Professional Documentation

This course will review and practice appropriate documentation for OT billing, including but not limited to SOAP notes and electronic medical reporting/documentation. In addition, students will gain knowledge and demonstrate principles of the teaching-learning process using educational methods and health literacy education approaches. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3150: Measuring Functional Movement

Students will apply their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to study muscle groups and their function relative to performing various activities including but not limited to analysis of functional movement patterns required for occupations. Emphasis will be placed on hands on learning experiences reinforcing knowledge of human anatomy and learning goniometric and manual muscle test measurement. Students will experience and measure typical movement and strength and learn how to recognize the deficits and the subsequent impact on functional movement. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3160: Introduction to OTA Fieldwork

This Fundamentals Fieldwork Level I course will include directed observation and participation through clinical immersion in a variety of practice treatment settings via simulated environments, standardized patients, faculty practice, and/or faculty-led site visits. Students participate in client-centered practice with a currently licensed occupational therapy practitioner or otherwise regulated health care or wellness practitioner to develop professional behaviors and communication skills required during the occupational therapy process. Level I fieldwork opportunities will enable students to participate in and apply fundamental occupational therapy principles to practice. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate competencies for the population. Students meet as a class to discuss the experiential and collaborative learning components with peers and faculty. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3210: Ethics in OT

This course will provide a thorough review and in-depth study of the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics. Ethics cases based on actual situations will be studied and students will be able to develop professional written responses to difficult situations based on the OT Code of Ethics which will guide their future practice as an occupational therapy assistant. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3220: OTA Practice in Physical Rehabilitation

This course will focus on assessment and intervention for individuals who have physical, cognitive, visual, and/or visual perceptual limitations which impacts occupational performance. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills throughout the OT process and in various settings. Students will learn through class and lab activities to adapt the environment, tools, materials, and occupations to meet the occupational needs of the physical rehabilitation population. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3230: Assistive Technology and Adaptations

This course will focus on assessment and intervention for individuals who have physical, cognitive, visual, and/or visual perceptual limitations and how assistive technology and adaptions can positively impact their occupational performance. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills throughout the OT process and in various settings. Students will learn through class and lab activities to adapt the environment, tools, materials, and occupations to meet the occupational needs of the physical rehabilitation population. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3240: OTA Practice with Infants and Early Childhood

This course will focus on occupational therapy treatment and outcome monitoring of the infant and early childhood population, including study of normal and delayed development. The lab component incorporates theoretical principles and provides hands-on learning opportunities for students to develop assessment, intervention planning and implementation, and documentation skills to address a range of sensory-motor, cognitive, and psychosocial performance deficits as well as opportunities to adapt the environment, tools, materials, and occupations to meet the occupational needs of the infant and early childhood population. Special topics include Sensory Integration, specialized work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and feeding/eating principles with the infant and early childhood population. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3250: Fieldwork Level IB

This Psychosocial Fieldwork Level I course is designed to facilitate directed observation and interaction with a client population who experience symptoms of mental health or otherwise specified behavioral health, psychological and/or social disorders which impact their engagement in occupation to gain a better understanding of the mental health field, the psychosocial process, and those clients who receive psychosocial intervention. Students will observe and interact with clients and mental health professionals, as appropriate to the fieldwork setting including individual and/or group treatments. Client interactions occur under appropriate supervision from a qualified professional including currently licensed or otherwise regulated occupational therapy practitioners or other professionals (e.g, psychologists, social workers, physicians, nurses, activities directors, case manager, rehab technician, group leader, recreation therapist, etc.) in any psychosocial practice treatment setting such as a day program, nursing home, psychiatric hospital, community outreach program, etc. as directed observation, simulated environment, standardized patient, faculty practice, and/or faculty-led site visits. Level I fieldwork opportunities will enable students to participate in and apply psychosocial principles to practice. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate competencies for the population. Students meet as a class once weekly to discuss the experiential and collaborative learning components with peers and faculty. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 3260: Introduction to Baccalaureate Project: Choosing an Area of Focus

Students will be introduced to the Baccalaureate Project, which provides an in-depth experience in one or more of the following: clinical practice skills, administration, leadership, advocacy, and education. Throughout this course, students will explore project opportunities, brainstorm project options, and learn the process of successful project planning and completion. Students will have a final choice for their project by the end of this course. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4085: Problems in Occupational Therapy

Independent investigation leading to the completion of a project or paper. Repeatable upon consent of department.

Credit Hour: 1-99
Prerequisites: Instructor's consent
Recommended: Junior standing

OC_THR 4120: OTA Practice with Older Adults

This course will provide an in-depth opportunity for students to develop standardized assessment and screening skills, intervention, documentation skills, and outcomes measurement to skillfully address an imbalance in personal occupations resulting from a wide range of disabilities and conditions typically treated by occupational therapy assistants working with older adults. Through hands-on lab activities, students will learn to adapt the environment, tools, materials, and occupations to meet the occupational needs of the older adult population. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4130: Psychosocial Practice

This course will focus on understanding how active symptoms of each mental health condition can impact occupational performance. Students will study the purpose and types of occupational therapy groups used in mental health therapies. Students will learn their personal areas of strengths and areas of growth in leading or co-leading a group while developing skills for proficiency in planning a skilled, evidence-based occupational therapy group for various mental health needs. This course emphasizes the fact that mental health is a part of occupational therapy and impacts occupational performance in all settings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4140: OTA Practice with School-Aged Children and Adolescents

This course will focus on occupational therapy treatment and outcome monitoring of the school-aged children and adolescent population, including study of normal and delayed development. The lab component incorporates theoretical principles and provides hands-on learning opportunities for students to develop assessment, intervention planning and implementation, and documentation skills to address a range of sensory-motor, cognitive, and psychosocial performance deficits as well as opportunities to adapt the environment, tools, materials, and occupations to meet the occupational needs of the school-aged and adolescent population. Special topics include School Systems Practice and state and federal law outlining OT responsibilities, and successful post-secondary transition for clients with disabilities. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4150: OTA Practice in the Community

This course will explore the practice of occupational therapy in non-traditional and emerging areas of practice where students will learn how to conduct a needs assessment of a chosen community and develop an OT-based program to address the identified need. Students will seek out stakeholders and develop an OT-based program that could be self-sustaining and serve the needs of the identified community. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4160: Fieldwork Level I C

This Pediatrics Fieldwork Level I course is designed to facilitate directed observation and interaction with the pediatric and adolescent population through clinical immersion in any pediatric practice treatment setting, simulated environment, standardized patient, faculty practice, and/or faculty-led site visits. Students participate in client-centered practice under appropriate supervision from a qualified professional including currently licensed occupational therapy practitioners or otherwise regulated professionals to cultivate practice skills and understanding of the occupational therapy process and profession related to typical vs. atypical development. Level I fieldwork opportunities will enable students to participate in and apply pediatric and adolescent treatment principles to practice. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate competencies for the population. Students meet as a class once weekly to discuss the experiential and collaborative learning components with peers and faculty. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4180: Baccalaureate Project I

During this course, students will work on project development (with identified area of focus in clinical practice skills, administration, leadership, advocacy, and/or education) and finalize a plan for project implementation, in collaboration with a faculty mentor. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4210: OT Advocacy and Scholarship

This course will explore various advocacy and scholarship opportunities within the occupational therapy profession, while allowing students to gain a better understanding of laws and regulations that influence and guide the occupational therapy profession. Students will recognize individual passions within the field of occupational therapy and develop goals and plans for future scholarship, as well as identifying ways in which they will be able to advocate for the profession in given settings and situations. Students will also explore how vested interest and participation in professional organizations and local, state, and federal legislation will shape personal and professional accountability and practice, increase shared knowledge and allow for increased access to life-long learning opportunities. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4230: OTA Management and Leadership

This course will explore various styles of leadership and management in which students will learn their leadership and management style and build on their personal strengths and talents. Students will learn the role of a "typical" therapy manager including but not limited to interprofessional and intraprofessional supervision, professional communication, and billing practices. Students will explore the occupational therapy assistant role in quality improvement measures. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4250: Professionalism and Specialization for OTAs

Students will investigate opportunities for advanced specialization in specific areas of practice including but not limited to certifications offered through the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Additionally, this course focuses on the integration of clinical skills, professionalism, and professional identity. Students will engage in direct application of knowledge through various experiences and learning activities. Furthermore, Students will develop a draft plan of study outlining continuing education plans which may include pursuing certification or additional higher degrees. This course will foster professional and clinical skills needed for optimal performance as an occupational therapy assistant. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4260: Fieldwork Level I D

This Adult Physical Disabilities Level I course is designed to facilitate directed observation and interaction through clinical immersion with the adult population who have disruptions in their engagement in chosen and purposeful occupation due to physical illness, injury or disability in any practice treatment setting, simulated environment, standardized patient, faculty practice, and/or faculty-led site visits. Students participate in client-centered practice with a currently licensed occupational therapy practitioner or otherwise regulated health care or wellness practitioner to develop practice skills and understanding of the occupational therapy process and profession. Level I fieldwork opportunities will enable students to participate in and apply physical disabilities treatment principles to practice. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate competencies for the population. Students meet as a class once weekly to discuss the experiential and collaborative learning components with peers and faculty. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4280: Baccalaureate Project II

Students will complete the implementation of the Baccalaureate Project this semester. This individual or group project will demonstrate synthesis and application of knowledge gained throughout the entirety of their coursework, in one or more of the following areas: clinical practice skills, administration, leadership, advocacy, or education. Students will present their Baccalaureate Project to their student cohort and group of chosen OT leaders. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4320: Fieldwork Level II A

This Level II Rotation A Fieldwork course is designed as an in-depth practicum experience facilitating student delivery of client-centered occupational therapy services and interventions. Client interaction and services occur in collaboration and under the supervision of a qualified licensed occupational therapy practitioner. This full time, eight-week, Level II fieldwork opportunity allows students to engage in professional responsibilities, apply clinical reasoning and reflective occupational therapy practice in traditional and emerging practice settings with mental health, physical disabilities, geriatric, pediatric and/or community practice populations. Level II fieldwork opportunities will enable students to apply occupational therapy theory, research, assessments, treatment interventions, and evidence-based practice in the clinical or community setting to address physical and psychosocial factors. This course will emphasize hands-on experiences and translation of theory into practice. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate competencies for the population by achieving entry-level competence in planning and implementing interventions. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 4340: Fieldwork Level II B

This Level II Rotation B Fieldwork course is the second full time, eight-week clinical practicum. The clinical experience advances student delivery of client-centered occupational therapy services and interventions. Student-client interactions and services occur in collaboration and under the supervision of a qualified licensed occupational therapy practitioner. This Level II fieldwork opportunity advances students' occupational therapy professional skills including responsibilities, clinical reasoning, and reflective practice. Sites may be traditional or emerging practice settings including mental health, physical disabilities, geriatric, pediatric and/or community practice populations. Level II fieldwork opportunities allow student application of occupational therapy assessments, occupational-based treatment interventions, theory, research, and evidence-based practice in clinical or community settings to address the client's physical and psychosocial factors. This course will emphasize hands-on experiences and translation of theory into practice. Upon completion, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate competencies for the population by achieving entry-level competence in fundamentals of practice, basic tenets, screening and evaluation, intervention, management of occupational therapy services, and communication and professional behaviors. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: This course is restricted only to students accepted into the competitive Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program in the Department of Occupational Therapy

OC_THR 5010: Professional Development

This course provides a foundation for understanding professional development as students evolve into occupational therapy practitioners. Students are provided an introduction to professional associations, legislative processes affecting occupational therapy practice, and requirements for initial and ongoing professional registration, certification, and licensure. Students examine how occupational therapists interface with other stakeholders within a complex healthcare environment to ensure that the occupational needs of individuals and communities are met. Advocacy and ethical decision making as a part of contemporary practice are also introduced. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5020: Foundations and Theory in Occupational Therapy

Historical, philosophical, and conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice will be analyzed for the purpose of understanding current standards and models of practice. As a core concept of occupational therapy practice, students will be expected to analyze therapeutic activities to assure the therapy process is client and occupation centered. Concepts of occupation, occupational balance, and occupational justice will be addressed as related to contemporary domestic and global issues. Students will discover the value of professional organizations and learn how to access and utilize official documents of the OT profession. Development of a professional occupational therapy identity and methods to further personal and professional growth will be explored. Students will develop a foundational knowledge of occupational therapy management and the role of the occupational therapist in the supervision of OT assistants and OT students. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students only

OC_THR 5030: Human Development and Occupation

Overview from an occupational perspective of typical development from infancy through adolescence and the biopsychosocial development and aging process from young adulthood through end of life. Emphasis on the impact of personal and contextual factors on occupational development throughout the lifespan. This course will contain a variety of instructional methods including online learning, lecture, lab, and active learning assignments. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5100: Introduction to Interprofessional Practice

(same as PH_THR 5100; cross-leveled with HTH_PR 7100, HTH_PR 4100, SLHS 4100, SLHS 7100). This course serves as a foundation and introduction to interprofessional education and collaboration. Students who enroll in this course will be assigned to mini-teams of students from a range of disciplines. Through this course, students will develop an understanding of their own unique role as a healthcare provider and the importance of client- and community-centered care and effective teamwork, as well as communication skills.

Credit Hour: 1

OC_THR 5110: Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice

This course will introduce you to the importance of research for the profession of occupational therapy and provide you with basic skills necessary to locate, evaluate, and incorporate evidence into clinical practice. All of the classwork, assignments, and journal clubs are designed to provide you with the opportunity to put into practice the ideas, language, and components of research that are presented in the readings, lectures, and discussions. Writing assignments, interactive journal clubs, blog posts, and critical appraisals will be the methods of assessing your understanding of the material and assist you in learning how to communicate your understanding of evidence to support occupational therapy practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5120: Principles of Assessment

This course introduces foundational knowledge regarding assessment as part of the occupational therapy process. Students will develop an understanding of the complexity of assessment for individuals with a wide range of limitations in various areas of practice that reflects occupation and evidence and occupation based practice. Throughout the course, students will be provided with opportunities to develop self-reflection and critical thinking skills as they integrate knowledge of the human condition and the occupational needs of those served. Students will also develop an understanding of how assessment is guided by theoretical knowledge and clinical reasoning. An increased understanding of the role of the OT as a member of the healthcare assessment team within an ever evolving society is also addressed. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students only

OC_THR 5130: Conditions in Occupational Therapy

This course introduces students to a variety of health conditions relevant to occupational therapy practice and each condition's potential impact on client factors and performance skills as they relate to occupational performance across the lifespan. Course content includes an overview of developmental, mental health, neurological, orthopedic, traumatic, and chronic health conditions commonly addressed in occupational practice settings. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5140: Human Motion and Occupation

Daily occupation will be explored through human movement within the context of the physical environment. Students will learn to analyze common activities while taking into account body structures and functions, activity demands, environmental supports, and technology supports. Assessment of human movement and movement-related deficits will be addressed and methods for adapting the environment and selecting appropriate assistive technologies will be introduced. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students only

OC_THR 5150: Concepts of Neuroscience

This foundational course uses a systems-based approach to examine the major structures and functions of the human nervous system. The content will explore the effects of a normal and abnormal nervous system on occupational performance. Theories, evaluation, and treatment topics related to the neurological system will be introduced. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5160: Psychosocial Aspects of Occupational Therapy

This course will engage students in the examination of the role of the occupational therapist in the promotion of mental health and wellness in a variety of clinical and community based contexts. Throughout this course students will demonstrate entry-level clinical competence in both the therapeutic use of self and in providing group interventions for clients represented by a wide range of developmental levels. Students will actively explore course content through self-guided learning, hands on and practical learning experiences including leadership of group interventions and development of service delivery plans. Upon completion of this course, students will synthesize knowledge of mental health conditions, sociocultural factors, occupational justice, and theory related to recovery and mental health interventions to develop roles for occupational therapists in addressing societies' occupational and mental health needs. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students only

OC_THR 5210: Adult Practice

This course utilizes active learning methodologies to engage students in learning about occupational therapy intervention with the adult population in various practice settings. Students will use assessment results and activity analysis in combination with evidence and clinical reasoning to guide intervention planning for enhancing occupational performance. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy Students only

OC_THR 5220: Pediatric Practice

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of common frames of reference and theories utilized in pediatric practice, as well as increase student understanding of the interplay of common conditions and the influence of conditions on participation in the home and community and the role of the occupational therapist with children and as a member of the therapeutic team. Emphasis is also placed on development of clinical reasoning skills and implementation of evidence based practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5230: Application of Evidence Based Practice

This course will apply concepts of evidence based practice. Specific topics include writing an answerable research question, literature searching, research ethics and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), using evidence syntheses for clinical practice, communicating evidence to stakeholders, and funding for research. You will work with a group to prepare a Critically Appraised Topic. Guest speakers will enhance learning. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5235: Advanced Evidence Based Practice

Students will have an opportunity to explore relevant research that corresponds with area of practice and interest and to apply skills such as literature searching, research ethics, study design and data collection to current work.

Credit Hours: 3

OC_THR 5240: Clinical Reasoning and Documentation

This course focuses on developing the observation, clinical reasoning, and documentation skills necessary in effectively reporting occupational therapy services across practice settings. Students are also introduced to ethical, legal, and reimbursement policies impacting occupational therapy documentation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students only

OC_THR 5260: Occupational Therapy Practicum I

This clinical course is designed to provide students an opportunity to implement the occupational therapy process with individuals experiencing limitations in occupational performance. Through this hands-on experience, students will gain opportunities for application of theory and a deepened understanding of occupational therapy practice by identifying strengths and limitations during the evaluation process, developing and measuring client-centered goals, planning and executing interventions, implementing home programs, and preparing and performing discharge procedures. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy Students only

OC_THR 5270: Assistive Technology in Occupational Therapy

This course will expose students to a wide range of assistive technologies (AT) to support occupational therapy practice. Students will learn and apply various AT theories and models to support client uptake, use, and education. Topics include AT for seating and mobility, community mobility and transportation, supporting sensory differences, environmental modifications, orthotics and prosthetics, communication, leisure, sports, and parenting. The assistive technology evaluation process will be weaved into all topics. Students will learn the basics of writing a letter of medical necessity and how various policies support AT evaluation and provision. Guest lectures and local field trips will enhance learning.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 5310: Advanced Practice Strategies

Students will learn to synthesize knowledge regarding common conditions seen in children and adults and understand functional implications related to occupational performance. Students will also gain a greater understanding of the role of the occupational therapist across settings when working with children and adults in contemporary society. Learning will culminate with students applying theory and an understanding of cognitive, mental, physical and sensory contributions to occupational performance when developing assessment and intervention plans. Exploration and application of evidence-based practice is an essential component of this course. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5320: Performance, Participation, and Well-Being

Students will explore occupational performance and participation in daily life through the lenses of health promotion and prevention. The factors that contribute to individuals' lifestyle and health choices including culture, diversity, and disability, will be discussed. Topics such as health literacy and self-management will be covered in relation to participation. Contextual factors and the environment, from narrow to broad in scope, are also the focus of this course. Environmental modifications, assistive technologies, compensatory strategies, and advanced strategies for grading and adapting tasks to support occupational performance will be explored in depth beyond introductory coursework. Other non-traditional contexts for participation such as work integration, driving, community mobility and transportation will also be explored. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5330: Functional Cognition

This course provides an overview of theoretical models of cognitive function, an overview of an occupational therapy cognitive assessment framework and assessment tools, and an introduction to models of intervention for working with individuals with cognitive disabilities across the lifespan. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy Majors

OC_THR 5350: Proposal Development

This course exposes students to the process of writing a research proposal. Specific topics include: writing an answerable research question, literature searching, research ethics, study designs, methods for recruitment, data collection, data analysis, and funding for research. Students will complete weekly writing assignments and meet in small groups with a faculty mentor to share feedback and revise their proposals. Writing and communicating with various funding agencies (eg., National Institutes of Health, foundations, hospital administrators, community agencies) will be emphasized. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 5410: Case Based Learning

Integrates clinical reasoning and critical thinking, client-centered practice, and evidence-based decision making into the occupational therapy process across the lifespan in various practice domains. Problem-based methodology emphasizes small group learning and problem solving, self/peer evaluation, and self-directed learning. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5415: Practice Analysis

Students will explore the traditional and innovative ways to evaluate professional services and systems through program evaluation process. Specific topics include strategic planning, grant writing, and measurement of outcomes.

Credit Hours: 3

OC_THR 5420: Populations and Communities

This course provides students with foundational knowledge and background of the broad concept of community and community based practice in occupational therapy. Students will explore community health, wellness, occupational and social justice, and health disparities. Discovering the role and emerging roles of OT in addressing social and community issues will occur through reading, reflection, discussion, and other assignment work. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5425: Population Health

Students will explore concepts of community health, wellness, occupational and social justice, and health disparities. Discovering the role and emerging roles of OT in addressing social and community issues will be addressed.

Credit Hours: 3

OC_THR 5435: Professional Leadership and Development

Effective leadership can serve as a vehicle for organizational and systems change and is an essential component of advanced practice. Understanding the characteristics of effective leaders and leadership style provides opportunities to evaluate self-attributes that support and hinder professional growth of self and those we seek to lead. Students will explore contemporary theories on leadership, including transactional and transformational leadership approaches.

Credit Hours: 3

OC_THR 5440: Contemporary Topics in Occupational Therapy

This course focuses on the integration of clinical skills, professionalism, and current trends and topics in occupational therapy. Students will engage in direct application of knowledge through a variety of experiences and guided assignments. Collaboration with other professionals will be explored in the context of client supports, referrals, and supervision of OTAs. Students will determine appropriate interventions for clients and populations considering reimbursement, in terms of group design, home programming, and appropriate discharge from services.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 5445: Health Data Literacy in Occupational Therapy

This course will help students understand common diagnostic tests, laboratory values, and pharmacology in relation to planning for evaluation and intervention of clients across the lifespan in a variety of occupational therapy practice settings. Students will apply professional reasoning in analyzing a client's health record and making appropriate decisions regarding the client's ability to participate in and benefit from occupational engagement and the overall therapeutic process.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 5450: Occupational Therapy Practicum II

This course is designed to further advance practice skills and an understanding of the occupational therapy process through diverse experiences. Opportunities will be provided to increase professional development through application of evidence based practice in action. An increased emphasis and understanding of the role of families and caregivers, other stakeholders such as providers and service agencies and the greater community as they relate to occupational therapy practice are also addressed. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students only

OC_THR 5455: Professional Practicum

This course is self-directed and designed to provide students in the Post Professional OTD program an opportunity to explore key areas related to the final Capstone experience. Students will develop a specific plan with support from their faculty mentor and another mentor who has expertise in the area of interest.

Credit Hours: 3

OC_THR 5470: Evidence Based Practice Seminar

This course requires students to apply and integrate skills and knowledge acquired through their professional evidence-based practice coursework. Students will design a plan for implementation of evidence-based practice skills as they prepare for transition to Level II Fieldwork. Students will also identify a potential focus for their doctoral capstone project. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 5471: Evidence Based Practice Mentor Hour

This course is the 1-credit mentor hour that is associated with OC_THR 5470: Evidence Based Practice Seminar. The student will meet with the research faculty mentor for 1 hour per week with additional work and meetings as appropriate. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 5480: Capstone I

This course serves as the first of three planning periods for the upcoming Doctoral Capstone Experience. The Doctoral Capstone Project allows students to demonstrate synthesis, application, and dissemination of knowledge learned throughout the OT curriculum in preparation for the experiential learning component of the Doctoral Capstone Experience. Relevant to each student's capstone topic, this course will include but is not limited to the following: literature review, needs assessment, identification of goals and objectives, and development of an evaluation plan in preparation for the upcoming Doctoral Capstone Experience. The individualized Capstone Project must be presented and/or disseminated to an appropriate audience for the project.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 5510: Fieldwork Level II-A

In-depth practicum experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients. Designed to promote clinical reasoning and reflective practice. Settings include traditional and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice. Emphasis on hands-on experiences and translation of theory into practice. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 6
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5520: Fieldwork Level II-B

In-depth practicum experience designed to produce competent, entry-level, generalist occupational therapists. Settings include traditional and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice. Emphasis on hands-on experiences and translation of theory into practice. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 6
Prerequisites: Restricted to occupational therapy students

OC_THR 5610: Theoretical Concepts of OT

Conceptual foundations of occupational therapy practice will be analyzed for the purpose of understanding current standards and models of practice. Concepts of occupation, occupational balance, and occupational justice will be addressed as related to contemporary domestic and global issues.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Professional OT program is required

OC_THR 5620: Evidence Based Practice

In order to be effective practitioners, educators and clinical researchers; occupational therapists must possess a foundational understanding of the research process including the structure of qualitative and quantitative studies, methodologies and an understanding of basic statistical applications. Students will locate and critique various forms of OT literature to inform practice decisions. At the completion of this course, students will be able to locate, evaluate and incorporate evidence into clinical practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites or Corequisites: Acceptance into the Occupational Therapy Program
Prerequisites: Students must be accepted into the professional Occupational Therapy Program in order to take this course

OC_THR 5630: Community Based OT Practice

This course provides students with foundational knowledge and background of the broad concept of community and community-based practice in occupational therapy. Students will explore community health, wellness, occupational and social justice, and health disparities. Discovering the role and emerging roles of OT in addressing social and community issues will occur through reading, reflection, discussion, and other assignments. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Professional Occupational Therapy program

OC_THR 5640: Overview of Current OT Practice

This course will provide an overview of contemporary occupational therapy practice, policy and advocacy issues relevant to the profession, and a review of AOTA Official Documents. Post-professional students will reflect on their work experiences in relation to issues facing the OT profession in current and future practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in the professional program for the Department of Occupational Therapy in order to take this course

OC_THR 5650: Self-directed OT Practicum

Students will work with a faculty mentor on a self-selected project related to a practice area of interest. This course will help students identify options for the doctoral capstone project and experience. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Admission to the professional Occupational Therapy program

OC_THR 5999: Problems in Occupational Therapy

Independent investigation leading to the completion of a project or paper. Repeatable upon consent of department. May be offered on S/U or A-F basis.

Credit Hour: 1-99

OC_THR 6010: Advanced Occupation Based Practice

This course focuses on examination of occupation-based practice across diverse OT settings and throughout the history of the profession. Students will reflect on fieldwork and/or work-related experiences in OT practice settings and compare and contrast those experiences to theory and policy that affect OT practice. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 6015: Complex Adaptive Leadership

This course provides an opportunity for students to develop in-depth knowledge in leadership. Students will explore complexity science theories and apply these ideas to the healthcare field. This course will explore quality improvement with a variety of traditional and other tools that can be applied to complex organizations. This course will contain a variety of instructional methods including online learning, and active learning assignments.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 6020: Instructional Design and Application

The purpose of this course is to prepare students to serve as an educator in a variety of practice settings. The course will review historical and contemporary theories related to teaching and learning and occupational therapy practice. Students will gain exposure to accreditation, instructional and assessment methods, instructional design, patient education, health literacy, and structure and function of higher education system and law. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 6025: Instructional Design Practicum

The purpose of the Instructional Design Practicum experience is to provide students an opportunity to implement teaching and learning principles in professional practice, academic institutions, community organizations, or research activities. This course allows students to demonstrate synthesis and application of knowledge of the teaching and learning process learned in Instructional Design and Application (OC_THR 6020) to a practicum experience. Students will develop their own learning plan which includes learning objectives, learning activities, and evidence to show achievement as part of the prerequisite course (OC_THR 6020). Each student is responsible for developing and implementing a teaching and learning experience of their choice under the supervision of a mentor. Projects include but are not limited to designing and implementing a course module, a continuing education experience at place of employment, or an educational topic to a community organization or support group, collecting and analyzing data related to educational research, completing a project for an educational committee, or providing an educational event for clients, families, healthcare disciplines, etc. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites or Corequisites: OC_THR 6020
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to post-professional OTD program

OC_THR 6035: Management, Policy, and Advocacy

This course will provide an overview of the management and advocacy responsibilities of occupational therapy leaders in varying practice settings. The significance of public and organizational policy will be analyzed as related to service delivery and advocacy of consumer access to occupational therapy services. Content includes the supervisory roles of occupational therapists, professional standards of practice, ethics in practice, quality improvement activities, advocacy for best practices in a variety of settings, and the importance of professional competencies.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 6045: Capstone I - Doctoral Capstone Project

The purpose of the Capstone I Project course is to provide students a process for learning how to conceive and plan new programs, program evaluation plans, pilot studies, leadership initiatives or any other professional activity approved by faculty. Students must accumulate 3 credits but can take a portion of these credits in a semester. The capstone project allows students to demonstrate synthesis and application of knowledge learned throughout the OT curriculum. Relevant to each student's capstone topic, this will include but is not limited to the following: literature review, needs assessment, identification of goals and objectives, and development of an evaluation plan in preparation for the upcoming doctoral capstone experience. This course serves as the planning period for the upcoming Doctoral Capstone Experience [OC_THR 6046 Doctoral Capstone II]. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to post-professional OTD program

OC_THR 6046: Capstone II - Doctoral Capstone Experience

The purpose of the Capstone II Experience course is to provide students a process implementing and evaluating new programs, program evaluation plans, pilot studies, leadership initiatives or any other professional activity approved by faculty. Students must accumulate 3 credits but can take a portion of these credits in a semester. The capstone experience expects students to carry out their plans in an authentic setting, and to evaluate the effectiveness of their plans in real time. The goal of the doctoral capstone experience is to provide in-depth exposure to one or more of the following: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory. Students will have a faculty mentor, and community partners in the agencies who have collaborated as the students planned their project. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1-3
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the post-professional OTD program

OC_THR 6050: Capstone III

This Capstone III is the third of three planning courses and it involves the final preparations prior to the Doctoral Capstone Experience and nearing completion of the Doctoral Capstone Project. As defined by ACOTE standards, the goal of the Doctoral Capstone Experience is to provide an in-depth exposure to one or more of the following: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, and theory development. During this course, students will finalize individualized specific objectives for the capstone experience, with continued enhancements to their individualized Capstone Project which must be presented and/or disseminated to an appropriate audience for the project.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to students admitted to the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree program

OC_THR 6110: Advocacy and Quality Improvement

This course will broadly explore the current US healthcare system and policy with a focus on healthcare regulations, access, and delivery methods, and quality of services provided. Methods of assessing quality of services will be explored including process management, specific quality improvement measurement tools, and clinical quality improvement theory. Students will develop and implement a quality improvement plan in conjunction with OT Practicum IV. Occupational therapy-specific theories and interventions will provide additional frameworks for process implementation. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 6120: Professional Seminar

This course requires students to apply and integrate information that they have learned throughout their professional coursework about the various roles of occupational therapists as practitioners, scholars, educators, and advocates. Students will reflect upon personal and professional competencies as they relate to the stated ability-based outcomes of the MU OT Department's curriculum design and each student's future career goals. To facilitate this process, students will review the AOTA Code of Ethics, AOTA Standards of Practice, AOTA Standards for Continuing Competence, and other AOTA Official Documents that guide occupational therapy practice. Students will also explore various resources for certification exam preparation, entry-level practice, professional development, involvement in professional associations, making ethical decisions, and resolving conflicts. Students will develop a plan for ongoing professional development as future leaders in the occupational therapy profession. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Restricted to Occupational Therapy students

OC_THR 6140: Capstone II - Project Planning B

This course serves as the second of two planning periods for the upcoming Doctoral Capstone Experience. The capstone project allows students to demonstrate synthesis, application, and dissemination of knowledge learned throughout the OT curriculum. Relevant to each student's capstone topic, this will include but is not limited to the following: literature review, needs assessment, identification of goals and objectives, and development of an evaluation plan in preparation for the upcoming doctoral capstone experience. The individualized Capstone Project must be presented and/or disseminated to an appropriate audience for the project. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 6141: Capstone II - Mentor Hour

This course is the 1-credit mentor hour that is associated with OC_THR 6140: Capstone II - Project Planning B. The student will meet with their assigned faculty mentor for 1 hour per week with additional work and meetings as appropriate. The faculty mentor will guide the student and serve as a resource and point-of-contact for the Capstone III onsite mentor. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: Enrollment in OT program

OC_THR 6190: Health Professions Educator

This course provides an opportunity for students to develop in-depth knowledge of college teaching in the health professions. Students will explore educational theories and evidence based practices, and then apply these ideas to health professions teaching practice. Students will have the opportunity to develop an individualized learning plan that includes goals, learning activities, and timelines. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 6191: Community Engagement in Health Professions

This course provides an opportunity for students to experience community engagement through service learning, interprofessional team performance, and organizational analysis of a community entity relevant to a selected health profession or health issue. Students in this course should already have a solid foundation in their respective disciplines and be ready to apply their knowledge and skills to address the unique needs of the community organization and clients selected for this experience. Students will have the opportunity to develop an individualized learning plan that includes goals, learning activities, and timelines. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment in OT program

OC_THR 6192: Research in Occupational Therapy

This course provides an opportunity for students to develop in-depth knowledge in research. Students will develop an individualized learning plan that includes goals, learning activities and timelines relevant to assigned faculty projects. The culminating project can include a manuscript, online materials, presentation or other appropriate product; the assigned faculty will approve the plan and culminating activities. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 6194: Thinking Beyond the Brain

This course will address how individuals can maximize learning and performance in different environments, with their own bodies, and with their relationships with others. Students will analyze these types of learning [contextual, social, and personal] through the lens of occupational performance. The course will also ask students to engage in deep thinking and discussion, as well as experimenting both individually and in groups to determine best practices for learning and performing in dynamic practice environments. Graded on A-F basis only.

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in a doctoral level occupational therapy program, or have previous experience as an occupational therapy practitioner, or have special permission from the course instructor

OC_THR 6210: Capstone III - Doctoral Capstone Experience

This Doctoral Capstone Experience involves a minimum of 14 weeks (560 hours) of experience under the collaborative supervision of a faculty member and a site mentor. As defined by ACOTE standards, the goal of the Doctoral Capstone Experience is to provide an in-depth exposure to one or more of the following: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, and theory development. Students will complete individualized specific objectives during the capstone experience, with culmination of an individualized Capstone Project which must be presented and/or disseminated to an appropriate audience for the project. Graded on S/U basis only.

Credit Hours: 6
Prerequisites: Enrollment in occupational therapy program

OC_THR 7085: Problems in Occupational Therapy

Independent investigation leading to the completion of a project or paper. Repeatable upon consent of department. May be offered on S/U or A-F basis.

Credit Hour: 1-99